-Your P.O.V-
Josh and I followed after Tyler.
Tyler and Josh headed onto their tour bus after saying "goodnight" and I proceeded to the van our band travelled with.
After arriving at the next hotel in San Diego, Karma, Grayson, and I all went to our room which was a door away from Tyler and Josh.
The door between the duo and our band was the other opening act.
"Hey, who's the other band we're touring with?" Grayson asks.
Now that he mentions it, I was curious too.
We didn't know the other opening band that went on before we did.
"I don't know. I've never heard of them." Karma shrugs.
"Why don't we go over and say hi?" I ask.
"Oh, so now you're so ready to meet members of a band?" Grayson teases me.
I chuckled, thinking of the other day when we met Tyler and Josh.
"Eh." Karma flops down on her bed. "Maybe later." She replies, her face stuffed in her pillow.
I giggle and go over to the bathroom.
After changing into an old t-shirt and some sweatpants, I look into the mirror and notice the bags under my eyes.
It's been a while since I've been well rested.
Time for bed.
Grayson offered to sleep on the couch and he was already passed out after about 5 minutes of watching TV.
Karma was obviously fast asleep.
I yawn and crawl into bed.
After waking up and getting dressed, we all walked down to get some breakfast.
I got some cereal and noticed the other band making their way down to the breakfast buffet.
"Uh, h-hey you guys ready to perform tonight?" Karma asks Grayson and I as she eats her waffles.
"Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Grayson answers for both of us.
I nod my head in agreement to Grayson.
"Oh, I don't know. Just starting a conversation, I guess." Karma shrugs her shoulders.
"So..you and Josh?" Grayson smirks at me.
"Oh my gosh, stop." I blush back at him.
Karma chuckles.
"Have you talked to him anymore?" She asks.
I smile.
"Yes." I quickly respond.
"Aww." Karma and Grayson both say.
"Okay, you two are getting on my nerves." I say as I get up from the table.
K and G laugh as they both follow me.
After arriving at our next venue, Josh walks over to me and starts a conversation.
"Hey." He smiles.
It's weird seeing him actually talk to me. It's unreal.
"Hello." I smile back.
"Uh, a-are you hungry?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck.
My cheeks blush as I respond.
Okay, I seriously need to learn to stop blushing so much.
"Yeah. Why?" I place my hand on my hip.
"Just wanted to know if you wanted to...grab some lunch?" He asks.
Oh my gosh, is Josh asking me out?
Control yourself, (Y/N). It's probably nothing.
"Y-Yeah, sure!" I respond, probably smiling a bit bigger than I should.
"Cool. Let's go." He motions for me to follow him.
We arrive at our destination at around 1:30 pm.
A few people recognized Josh and asked for a picture with him.
They looked over at me confused.
They're probably just wondering who I am.
One of them actually did recognize me though.
"Oh hey! You're (Y/N) from Broken Castle." She smiles.
I look a bit surprised but I smile back.
Wow. I've never been recognized in public before! Cool.
"Yeah! That's me." I respond.
"Can I get a picture with you also?" She asked.
"O-Of course!" She comes over and takes the photo of us.
We say our goodbyes and we head over to a booth.
"So, I know we've only been on tour for a day now but how are you doing?" Josh asks, looking over his menu.
Well, I'm doing pretty fantastic considering I'm having lunch with Josh Dun.
"Pretty good." I respond.
I just wish all this nervous-ness would go away. I'm so scared of looking like a fool or messing up something.
"That's great..have you met with the other opening band yet?"
"Oh, n-no. We haven't had the chance I guess. But we probably will soon." I reply.
"Yeah, they seem pretty cool. So do you guys."
I grin at him.
"Why are you so quiet?" He asks, out of the blue.
I look up at him.
"S-Sorry. I was just wondering." He blushes a bit.
I laugh nervously.
"It's okay...I don't know really." I confess.
"Well, we're friends so you don't have to be nervous." He shrugs.
I'm friends with Josh.
Part of me is glad we're friends, the other part of me wishes we were something more.
But, what can you expect really? I met him two days ago.
After we order our food and converse a little, we eventually finish and head back to the arena we were playing at.
It's about an hour before the first opening act goes on.
I'd like to watch their set.
"Hey, do you wanna watch the band's set with me?" I ask Karma, who was sitting on the stairs to go onto the stage with a Gatorade in her hand.
"The band that goes on before us? Uh, are you sure we'll have time?" She asks before sipping some of her drink.
"Maybe to watch like the first two songs. But still I'd like to see them perform." I shrug.
Karma sighs.
"Okay." She responds.
The first opening band makes their way to the stage.
As they start playing, Karma seems to be blocking most of my view.
"Hey, K? Can ya step out of the way please?" I ask, moving my head around her.
"Oh! Uh, yeah. Sorry." She moves her body a little to the right, still blocking most of my view.
"Okay, Karma. C'mon, move it." I push her a little bit to the side.
"Sorry..I'll be right back." Karma quickly walks away.
"Where you going?" I yell after her.
"RESTROOM." She yells back.
I laugh at Karma's funny personality and finally see the opening band.
-Karma's P.O.V-
I quickly pull out my cellphone and dial Grayson's number.
C'mon, pick up, pick up.
"Yo." Grayson answers the phone.
"G! I need you." I say.
"What?" He asks.
"I need you to get (Y/N) and I away from the stage!" I demand.
"Why?" Grayson asks again.
"Look I'll explain later, just get her out of there!" I hang up the phone and head back over to (Y/N).
-Your P.O.V-
Karma comes back over and stands beside me after about 2 minutes.
"Well, that was quick." I announce, looking confused.
Karma turns her head towards me.
"Hey!" Grayson appears out of no-where.
"Hey." I greet him.
"I lost my drum sticks." He says looking from me to Karma.
"Uuuuggghhh." Karma and I groan.
"Really?" Karma crosses her arms.
"You lose them all the time, G." I complain.
"Look, we can either stand here and complain or we can find my drum sticks which I need!" Grayson snaps.
"Fine. Let's go." Karma shrugs.
I sigh and head to the van.
After about 25 minutes of searching for them, I finally find them stuffed in Grayson's back pocket.
"I know they're around here somewhere."
"I just don't know where I misplaced them-"
"GRAYSON!" I raise my voice.
Grayson's head swings back at me and so does Karma's.
I point at his jeans.
"Back pocket." I sigh.
Grayson gives me a confused look before pulling out his drumsticks from his pocket.
A moment of silence passes as Grayson realizes his stupidity.
He breathes in and out.
"Oh." he mumbles.
"Oh? G, you made me miss the other opening band's set!" I groan.
"Sorry?" He raises his shoulders.
I laugh at him.
"You're unbelievable."
The other band's set is finished and I notice them making their way to their van which is parked fairly close to ours.
"We should go say hi." I suggest before turning my way towards them.
"(Y/N), wait!" Karma yells after me.
"You coming?" I ask.
She stands in front of me.
"Look, we need to get ready-"
"Introducing ourselves will take two seconds, K." I shrug.
"Listen, I really don't think you should go over there-"
"Why? Like you always say 'what's the worst that could happen'?" I get in front of her and start to walk towards the band.
"(Y/N)!" Karma yells again.
I froze in my tracks when I saw him.
My heart starts beating faster as I recognize him.
Oh no.
How could this have happened?
It was Ace.
My ex boyfriend.
A/N: oooh, the EX BOYFRIEND. hahah. thanks for reading chapter 3! please vote and give feedback, i'd really appreciate it. :-) -b
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