thank yøu.

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hi, i'm just updating this because
1. this book has now reached three hundred thousand reads and i'm actually so heartwarmed.
2. it's vessel's 5th birthday and i've got some things to say about this album.
so firstly, when i started writing this book i had no idea that i would even get anywhere near this amount of reads, tho i think if anyone thinks that i feel they'd be somewhat delusional.
i just wanted to thank all of you that have stuck around this far from chapter 1 to the latest chapter of book three, thank you from the bottom of my heart, it truly means so much you're giving me a chance to put something out there and i really appreciate the fact that you enjoy reading my work.
i feel like i've grown so much as a writer, before this i had wrote maybe a few other amateur stories that didn't mean a lot to me but this book has helped me flourish and grow so much and for that i'm forever grateful. the fact that me and people who also like twenty one pilots can connect over something as simple as fanfiction is so interesting and neat to me. this clique is certainly a strong one.
thank you for the overwhelming, amazing support for a story by a girl that just has a huge love for two columbus boys.
now for vessel:
the song screen and vessel mean so much more than i could ever put into words but i'll try my best.
vessel's entirety consists of tracks i and im sure many others can relate to and go to to feel less alone and maybe even in some cases appreciated. i know that when i listen to screen and just vessel as a whole, i felt a sort of light in me. the fact that tyler and josh could make something that pulls on the heartstrings of fans from across the globe proves how much they care about the clique to put these messages out there that we are not alone despite everything telling us we practically should be. tyler's lyrics on this album proves that he can know what it's like to feel so isolated and broken but that we should take this energy and create something magical and powerful with it and that at the end of the days these feelings are okay to feel.
and for that i cannot thank him and this album enough. from ode to sleep to trees. we are broken people, we are the few, the proud and the emotional. |-/

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