-Your P.O.V-
It's been a few weeks since Ace and I kissed.
Ace and I haven't really talked although he's tried. I usually just shut him out.
It's also been a few weeks since Josh and I have talked.
All that we say to each other now is "hi" and "good job". It's odd.
I thought we were becoming friends but now I'm not so sure..
I really like Josh. It sucks we haven't talked in what feels like forever.
I still don't know what's up with him.
"Hey." Karma enters the hotel room, interrupting my thoughts.
"Oh, hi." I respond blandly.
"You okay?" Karma asks, sitting across from me.
"Not really...I'm just confused." I shrug.
"Well, Josh has just barely spoken to me these past few weeks."
Karma's facial expression becomes confused.
"Do you have any idea why?" She asks, sitting forward.
"I can't think of anything." I shrug again.
"Maybe...he saw you with Ace?" Karma mumbles.
"What?" I look up at her.
"Do you think Josh...saw you kiss Ace?" She asks.
"Hey, I didn't kiss Ace, he kissed me." I cross my arms.
"Still. Maybe Josh saw you and got the wrong idea." Karma crosses her arms as well.
It's not unlikely.
Ugh, if this really is what's going on then Josh probably thinks that what he said to me on the tour bus didn't even matter.
I gotta sort this out. I want Josh to be my friend again.
"Yeah...maybe. I'll talk to him tonight."
Later that night, I didn't see Josh at all.
He hasn't shown up to watch me perform in days.
He used to always watch me perform.
After we finished and left the stage, I ran into Tyler.
"Hey Tyler. Have you seen Josh?" I ask, approaching him.
"Uh, yeah. I think he's coming to the stage." Tyler replies, pointing his thumb in the direction behind him.
"Thanks!" I fast-walk towards where Tyler pointed and finally see Josh.
"Josh!" I grab his attention.
"Can't talk. Gotta perform." He says trying to get around me.
"I know." I block his path. "Just promise you'll talk to me afterwards?"
Josh's eyes look at the ground then to the side, avoiding my gaze.
"Maybe." Josh walks past me, leaving me alone.
I sigh and wait for the concert to end.
After the concert, I tried to find Josh.
After about a minute of looking, I see him about to get on his tour bus.
I run over to him.
"Josh, can we talk?" I ask desperately.
"I'm kinda busy right no-"
"Please." I grab onto his wrist before he can try to leave.
He looks down at my hand wrapped around him then sighs.
"Fine." he says, quietly.
Josh follows me over to a quiet location.
I sigh before finally speaking.
"Okay, what's been going on?" I ask, looking into his eyes.
He once again avoids eye contact as he responds.
"What do you mean?"
"Josh, you've barely spoken to me at all these past few weeks. What's going on?"
"I-uh..I.." Josh begins to speak but stutters.
I didn't want to believe it but I think I know where this is going...
"I saw you guys." Josh finally speaks.
I sigh, sadly knowing what he was talking about.
"Ace and I?" I question, already knowing the answer.
Josh inhales.
"Josh, this is all a misunderstanding-"
"Then why did you kiss him?" He interrupts me.
"I didn't!" I raise my voice.
"He kissed me."
Josh finally looks into my eyes.
"Ace was talking to me after your guys' concert and wanted to apologize. I accepted because apparently I'm really stupid then he kissed me. I didn't want it to happen. We're not back together or anything. I totally regret even speaking to him. Ace and I aren't together. We're not even friends." I tell Josh.
Josh is quiet for a moment then sighs.
He wraps his arms around me.
"I'm sorry." He mumbles.
"What are you apologizing for?" I chuckle and wrap my arms around him.
"I shouldn't have ignored you." Josh releases.
"It's okay, you didn't know." I shrug.
"But now you do so...are we okay again?" I ask, grinning.
Josh gets closer to me and places his lips on my forehead gently.
"Does that answer your question?"
A/N: Okay, so I know this chapter has been a bit shorter than the others and I apologize! The next chapter(s) will probably be longer like usual. Thank you so much for reading my story! -b
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