sequel preview #2

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-Josh's P.O.V-

One more show.

One more show until we fly back to America.

It's been fun.

I'm excited to be continuing the tour.

I look over at Tyler.

"So, you excited to go back to America tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm excited. You?" Tyler shrugs, staring at his phone screen.

"Yeah.." I shrug.


Well, that was exciting.

I sigh before running my hands threw my hair multiple times.

Tyler breathes in, placing his phone into his back pocket.

"What's up?"

"I need a distraction." I admit to Ty, my eyes scanning the room for something to focus on.

I try to find something, anything to focus on but I can't.

I needed something else to focus on besides


I've been keeping her name stored in the back of my head for days now.

I broke up with her.

Why is she still the only thing I can hear and see right now?

I see her everywhere. In everything.

It's been ironically cloudy this past week.

There's no sunshine.

It's gone.

She's gone.

I'm empty.

I close my eyes, squeezing them tightly.

"She's not here yanno." Tyler scoots closer to me.

"What?" I reply, opening my eyelids.

"I mean, she's not here. You can talk about her. It's not like she'll hear you. Just let it out. You'll feel better when you say what's going on." Tyler suggests.

I think about it for a second.

Maybe I will feel better if I tell Tyler what's going on.

"Why do I still think about her? I mean I-I'm the one that broke up with her, w-Why is she still all I think about?" I stutter as I tell Tyler my thoughts.

Tyler pats his knee for a second before speaking up.

"Love is a weird thing, my friend."

A/N: EH i don't know how i feel about this preview i don't know if i really like it all that much BUT i wanted to give u another preview as a christmas/whatever holiday u celebrate present!!! and if u don't celebrate anything i hope this still gives u some joy :-) have a lovely day my friends and THANK U SO MUCH for reading Close! P.S. it looks like "Distance" is currently winning as the sequel title so i'll give it a few more days before telling u all what the sequel will be called. THANK U MY LOVES!


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