-Your P.O.V-
Josh walks onto the tour bus.
"I swear, you haven't left this tour bus in days unless it was to perform." He says, grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge and sitting down beside me.
"Well, I've just been busy. I'm working really hard on this album. It means a lot to me that my sister got me the opportunity and I don't wanna let her down." I shrug, placing my pencil down.
"So how many songs have you written so far?"
"Only three." I sigh. "I've got some major writer's block."
Josh grabs my hand.
"It's okay. I'm sure the songs will be amazing."
He pecks the tip of my nose and I smile at him as a shade of red floats onto my cheeks.
"Thanks, Josh."
"So, let me hear one!"
"Wait, what?" I laugh.
"I wanna hear one of your songs!" He crosses his arms.
"Eh, I don't knooow."
"C'mon, pleeease, sunshine." His pupils start to enhance in size as he makes a pouty face.
I sigh.
"Well, how can I say no to you." I pick up one of the song lyric sheets.
I pick up a song I wrote yesterday, titled"Before".
I gave it that title because the song is about how I was before I met Josh.
I was lost and confused and didn't really know what I was doing with myself.
Josh helped me become a better person and for that I'm really thankful.
"I-uh..." I look at him, embarrassed.
"What?" He smiles.
"I-I wrote this song about you.." I look down, trying to hide my pink face.
Josh scoots closer to me.
"R-Really?" He grins.
I look up at him and sigh.
"Yeesss." I roll my eyes.
"AW, (Y/N)." He engulfs me in a big bear hug.
I laugh and pat his arms.
"Okay, Okay. It's not a big deal." I shrug.
"Not a big deal? (Y/N), you wrote a song for me. That's so incredible." He claps his hands together happily.
I chuckle at him.
He takes his hand and places it on my chin, lifting up my head to look into his brown eyes.
"You're so incredible." He smiles.
I blush even more.
"Oh, stooop." I smile. "Do you wanna hear it or not?"
Josh laughs, his eyes glowing.
"Let me hear it."
-Time Skip-
About an hour later, Josh was still in the tour bus.
He told me he was gonna hang out with me for the rest of the day since we hadn't been spending that much time together recently.
"Hey, what's that?" Josh wonders as he points to something hidden under all of my song writing sheets and notes.
I follow his direction and notice he was pointing towards the letter my dad wrote me.
I look to the side.
I sigh and pick up the letter.
"M-My dad wrote me this. At least, that's what Victoria said."
Josh looks down.
"Oh...you haven't opened it yet?"
"Nah, I don't know when I should." I say as I fiddle with the envelope in my shaky hands.
"Well..you should open it when you're ready." Josh places his arm around my shoulders and looks at my hands.
When will I ever be ready to open it though?
What if that time never comes?
Ah, what the hell?
I tear open a little bit of the envelope.
Josh looks over at me, his arms now back to his side.
"Can you hold my hand?" I ask, placing my hand out for him to grasp.
He takes my hand and squeezes it firmly.
"You can do this."
I open up the rest of the envelope and take out a piece of paper that was placed inside.
I inhale and exhale before opening up the folded paper.
Josh pecks my cheek before I begin to read.
I'm writing this about 4 years after I left your mother. Victoria is placed beside me, sleeping on the couch. If you are to receive this, it means you have come in contact with Victoria again and/or I have passed away. I know it may seem depressing for me to write this to you but if I never see you again before it's too late, there are some things I want you to know.
I am so very sorry your mother and I separated. You were too young to understand but it was for the best. Sometimes, things just don't work out with the person you thought was your soulmate. But let me tell you, none of it was your fault or Victoria's fault either. It was your mother and I that led us to this decision and for that my deepest apologies. I hope you don't think that I do not love or care about you. I do so much although it may not seem as if. Taking Victoria with me was something I had to do. You were younger and you needed better care than I could provide you. Victoria being older, I could take care of her better than I could take care of you. Not that I loved you less than her or I loved her more than you. You both equally meant the world to me. Plus, your mother was under great stress from Victoria lashing out so much as a child. She wasn't sure how to handle it.
I'm sorry I never got a hold of you, I was sure you hated me for what I did and honestly, I don't blame you. I just didn't want to try and see you again and you not understand or get upset with me. I guess those would've been minor consequences though considering the guilt I feel for never seeing you. I'm sorry, (Y/N).
Like I said, since you are reading this it could mean that I have passed away. If we never got to see each other before then, just know. I love you very very much. I want what is best for you. And I wish you nothing but happiness in the future.
Yours truly,
A/N: hey! so my new rant book is out if you wanna read it lol but this story has almost ten thousand reads and... wow. it truly means a lot to me that you are enjoying my stupid lil story. <3 thank u very very much. |-/ -b
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