-Josh's P.O.V-
After waiting about 15 minutes in the hospital waiting room, a doctor finally came out with information on (Y/N).
Tyler, Grayson, Karma, and I all stood up.
"(Y/N) should be fine." She announces.
We all sigh in relief.
"She had pieces of broken glass on her forehead but it wasn't anything we couldn't manage. She can check out anytime."
"Can we see her?" I ask, eager to speak with her.
"Yes. She's in room 501." The doctor smiles and walks away.
We all walk down the room and see (Y/N) sitting with an ice pack on her face.
Everyone immediately wraps (Y/N) in a tight squeeze.
"Ugh, okay guys, it's getting difficult to breathe." (Y/N) laughs as we let go.
"I'm so glad you're okay." I begin.
"We were all worried about you." Grayson continues.
"Thanks guys." (Y/N) responds, a small smile on her bruised face.
"I'll go check you out at the front desk." Tyler offers.
"We'll go too." Karma grabs Grayson as the trio heads out of the room.
-Your P.O.V-
I sigh.
"So, uh...did you guys still play tonight?" I ask Josh as he sits down beside me on the hospital bed.
"Yeah, it was tough though. There weren't any opening acts and everyone was worried about you."
Josh grabs my hand and intertwines his fingers with mine.
Josh is holding my hand.
I try not to blush as I continue speaking with Josh.
"Sorry." I apologize.
"Why? It's not your fault at all." Josh shrugs.
"Also, you don't have to worry about Ace anymore. The police took him away and the opening band isn't performing with us from now on."
I sigh in relief.
"Thank you." I thank him.
"Do you think you'll be able to perform tomorrow?" Josh tilts his head towards me.
I raise my free hand towards my neck.
"Yeah, I think that-"
My eyes widen.
"What?" Josh asks, concerned.
I stand up, releasing my hand from Josh's.
Oh no.
Oh no no no no no no.
I start breathing heavily as I begin searching my pockets and everywhere around me.
"What? What's wrong?" Josh stands up in concern.
"It's gone...It's missing! Where is it!?" I talk fast between heavy breaths.
"What's gone? What's missing?" Josh grabs my shoulders.
"My necklace. The necklace my mom gave me! I never perform without it." I say, panicking.
"Okay, don't worry. I'm sure we'll find it!" Josh tries to help me search.
"I can't find it!" I start to tear up at the thought of not having it.
Josh notices and starts to hug me.
I hug Josh back and cry into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm a total mess right now.." I wipe my tears.
"It's okay, (Y/N). It's understandable. I'll help you find it. Don't worry." Josh kisses my forehead and grabs my hand.
"C'mon, let's go back to the stadium. Maybe it'll be there." Josh suggests.
I follow him and start to feel a bit better.
As soon as we arrive at the stadium in Vegas, I jump out of the tour bus and sprint towards the van.
We search for about 5 minutes before Josh suggests we look in my dressing room.
"Okay, yeah, good call!" I start running towards the room and open the door.
Josh looks on the dresser and I search around the room.
I step on something and hear a clinking sound.
I look down and see my necklace...
Shattered into pieces.
I fall to my knees and pick up the broken pieces and silver chain.
I start to weep as Josh is still looking around the room.
"Okay (Y/N), maybe-" Josh notices me on the floor and walks over to me.
"(Y/N)?" Josh leans down to me.
At this point, I start to bawl.
It's broken.
The only thing that helped me stay comfortable.
Is gone.
Josh pulls me in close and starts stroking my (h/c) hair.
(A/N: (h/c) means hair color if you didn't know!)
"It's gone." I start to whisper into his arms.
I can't believe this.
I wrap my arms around his as we lay on the floor of the dressing room.
My hands still holding onto the damaged necklace, refusing to let go.
Later on, it's Karma, Grayson, Josh and I all talking to one another.
"Maybe...uh, maybe you can super glue it back together!" Karma suggests.
"No..." I whisper, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"There's too many broken pieces." Josh speaks for me.
Thank you, Josh.
"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." Karma apologizes and hugs me.
I hug her back as Grayson hugs both of us.
"I might as well join." Josh shrugs as he also hugs me.
Tyler walks over.
"Group hug? I'm in." Tyler joins.
After about 7 seconds, everyone lets go.
"Thanks guys. I don't know what I would do without you."
Before the performance, I spoke up to Josh.
"Josh, I'm scared."
It was almost time for Broken Castle to open up for the second concert in Vegas.
"You'll do amazing, even without the necklace." Josh responds standing beside me.
He hasn't left my side at all today.
It feels nice having him around though.
I look at my feet, not believing Josh.
Josh tilts my chin up so I could face him.
"Hey. I've seen you perform and I know how good of a singer you are. You shouldn't have something holding you back."
I breathe in and breathe out.
"Hey kid, we gotta go on." Karma and Grayson walk past me onto the stage with their instruments.
"Good luck. You're gonna do great." Josh hugs me one more time before I go on stage.
I don't believe him. Or myself for that matter.
Performing with mom's necklace was all that I had known.
Without it I just felt...empty.
I take a deep inhale and exhale.
I walk onto the stage.
Well, that went horribly wrong.
First, I start singing the wrong lyrics then one of the lights practically explodes, then I totally forgot when to begin singing on our last song.
Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.
I slam my forehead against the van in shame.
"Hey. You did great." Grayson pats me on the back.
"Yeah (Y/N). It wasn't that bad." Karma joins Grayson.
"Not that bad? K, I sang the wrong lyrics, a light busts, then I forget when to sing!" I reply back to them.
"Face it. I'm a failure without that stupid necklace." I sit on the ground.
"Can you guys leave me alone for a few minutes? No offense, I just need some time to think..." I ask.
Karma and Grayson look at each other with worried facial expressions before slowly walking away.
Ugh...why did I have to screw up tonight?
Why did I have to depend on something like a stupid necklace for me to perform well?
That necklace left me just like everyone else.
I'm so stupid.
After a little while, I hear footsteps coming my way.
I look up and see Josh, all sweaty and shirtless.
Oh, hey there.
"Hey." He says.
"Hi." I look back down at my knees.
Josh sits beside me and puts his knees up.
"How are you?" He asks, making conversation.
"What do you think?" I sassily reply.
"Sassy." He smirks.
"I'm sorry. I'm just upset." I reply.
"I know." Josh wraps his arm around my shoulders.
I move closer to Josh.
"Hey...uh, I hope this doesn't sound to weird but..."
I look up at Josh.
"Would you, uh...stay with me for tonight?" He looks at me.
Is Josh asking me to stay on his tour bus?
"You mean like on the tour bus?" I ask.
Josh nods his head.
"Uh, s-sure." I reply.
"I mean you don't have to-"
"No...I'd like that." I assure him.
I yawn as I step onto the bus.
"Where do you want me to sleep?" I ask, stretching my arms.
"Oh! Uh, I was kind of hoping you would stay in my bed..with me." Josh says.
I feel my cheeks turn a shade of red as I respond.
"Oh, okay." I smile.
I'm going to stay in Josh's bed?
Well, my night has gotten better.
Josh and I got into his bed.
"So, I know tonight didn't really go as well as you and I hoped..."
"Definitely not." I chuckle.
"So..." Josh turns over on his side to face me.
"Can I ask why that necklace is so important to you?"
I explain to Josh how it was the necklace my mom gave me and how my mom made me happier as a child without a dad.
I felt...okay.
I mean, I felt okay with telling Josh all this.
I don't know why but something about him made me feel safer and comfortable.
I liked him.
A lot.
"Oh..I'm so sorry (Y/N)." Josh says.
"It's okay. Now I have you." I respond.
Oh my god, did I say that out loud?
I blush hardcore and start to think of anything that can excuse what I just accidently said.
I sigh.
I got nothing.
"Can I tell you something?" I ask.
"Yes." Josh grins.
"I don't know why but...when I'm around you I just...feel comfortable. I feel like I've known you forever." I confess.
Josh starts to blush.
Josh is blushing at what I just said! Aw, he's so adorable.
"I feel the same way, (Y/N). Hey, maybe I can be your new 'necklace'." Josh laughs.
I laugh back.
"Josh Dun, are you calling yourself a gift?" I smirk, playfully.
"Uh...maybe." Josh chuckles.
I smile.
"Well, you are one. To me." I blush.
"You're special to me too." Josh admits.
I'm special to Josh Dun.
"That means a lot. Thank you." I yawn.
"Tired?" Josh asks.
"Well then, maybe we can continue talking over dinner tomorrow?"
My eyes widen at Josh's question.
Oh my god, did he just ask me out?
Like...like on a DATE?
"I-I'd like that." I respond.
Josh smiles back at me and pulls me close.
And for the first time tonight, I felt safe.
"Can I say something else?" I ask in Josh's arms.
"Mhm." Josh says.
"I can't wait to get out of Vegas."
A/N: Hey, you know what they say, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas." Hahaha. i'mlamesorry. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed reading! -b
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