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february mornings are unforgiving, to say the least.

billie hates waking up early, not that she really slept, or some mornings she ends up oversleeping, and can't seem to find the right balance. she hates walking outside in the freezing cold. who wouldn't?

the one highlight of her morning is stepping on to the (thankfully) overheated bus, and taking her seat not in the middle, but not at the very back of the bus beside joli, the lavender scent that always seemed to surround the girl instantly relaxing her. it was natural for them to sit together now, which was nice.

joli would ask her if she needed any homework for the day, and if she did, she'd copy it down, but if she didn't, they mostly just sit in a comfortable silence. its easier that way, preferable to making useless conversation. they'd talk if there was something to talk about.

"i heard your conversation. with mr carson, a while back," spoke joli after a good ten minutes of silence that particular morning.

"you did?" she shouldn't be surprised. the girl noticed almost anything, but still. embarrassing.

"mhm. i was wondering if you'd want me to help? i could help with other things too."

"i already asked kai," she mumbled.

"yeah. and how's that working?"

it wasn't.

"i guess," she muttered, turning to face the brunette. "i promise i'm not stupid."

"and i promise you i'm fully aware," she answered, with the slightest air of sass, the glint in her green eyes and slight tug of her lips assuring billie she was joking.

returning the smile, she gave in. "fine. what night?"

"give me your number. we'll figure it out."

handing her her phone, billie saved her contact and handed it back.

another moment of silence.

"did i ever tell you i like your hair? i think the silver really suits you."

billie loved compliments from joli. you could always tell she was being genuine because her compliments were so rare.

she'd rather rare, genuine compliments than the overused everyday ones that everyone says because they want to be nice, or make conversation, or whatever. she wasn't saying she didn't like compliments, she'd just rather they actually meant something.

"stop it. thank you."


and she put her headphones back in.


kind of a filler sorry

kinda calm.

what's that saying again?

calm before the...

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