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Kath ran outside and unlocked her car she got in and drives to tannars the pain in her stomach getting worse. As she pulled up outside tannars, tannar opened the door and kath collapsed into her...........


"So let me get this straight kath just ran out didn't say why or where she was going she just ran out." Eliot said 

"What happened before ?" Lannan questioned baz 

"I I arnt sure she sounded like she was in a bit of pain but never said anything."baz said 

They where all extremely worried about kath and they where all very confused and worried about kath. Eliot looked around and thought a wrecked house, Kaths gone missing can this day get any worse ? 

They decided to go and look for her Marcus and baz in the car and lannan and Eliot on foot as all four of them stepped outside, they saw about 4 police cars pull up. 

"Marcus James put your hands where we can see them and get on the ground" a police man called out as 3 police people ran forward grabbing his arms and placing them in hand cuffs 

"You are placed under arrest on account of Nathan Rayans death and thing you say can and will be used against you. You are entitled too a district lawyer. You will be given a fair trail and given a fair sentenced accordingly." The officer shouted as that put him in the back of the car. One of the officers then walked over to the others and told them that he would be placed under police custody until further notice. The officer then walked off to go and talk too a fellow colleague about the group. 


I picked up my phone it was lannan ringing

"Lannan I'm at the hospital with kath she came to the house and passed out "

" what we where really worried but Marcus had been arseted he killed cray which hospital are you at "

I told lannan the hospital and he said him and the others would be there soon I turned around and saw a doctor coming to me 

"Are you tannar Eacott Kathleen's freind?" The doctor asked

"Yes I am" I replied 

" I've got some news about your freind .................

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