Chapter 2

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A few days later:

Sunstreak was out picking flowers while Clearsight stayed in her temple answering dragon's questions about pyrrhia.
But after a few minuets, she was all by herself.

"now is my chance" she thought, she had wrote all she could see for the possible futures for the tribes in the Book of Clearsight, So she had plenty of time on her claws.

she grabed the paper out of a small hole in the wall, she then lit a small candle so that she could see.

"where is it?" Clearsight whispered to herself, then she saw it. The moonstone earring. it was small, but it held big memories. "it still reminds me of him." Clearsight thought after starring at it for a moment. Eye's glistening with tears, barley lit by the candle light,she picked it up, dipped her other claw in white ink, and wrote:

Enchant this earring so that when Clearsight dies, she will wake up in 2000 years, in the same spot she burried Darkstalker.

It was done, Clearsight cliped on the earring, now, all she had to do was wait...and wait... and wait...


                                                      10 years later, She died of old age.

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