"If I had the chance,I would challenge Kiyotaka Ayanokouji to anything.Whether it'd something about physcial ability or academic ability,I'm not afraid to go head to head against him."
–Enki Teriyama
POV:Yukishira Hiro
Well I have all the time in the world to wait for him,even if it takes all day I' do it to execute this plan.I looked at the direction of where Ichinose walked off and there's no traces of her going anywhere else,it's impressive how much she's grown being at this school.Another reason is because of Kiyotaka,speaking of Kiyotaka he should be openning the door....now.
"Hmm? Yuuki what are you doing here? You didn't even call me abiut coming here." I excused myself in after confirming that there weren't anyone else.It's likely that I may have backed out if there was someone inside so it was a bit of a gamble but it paid off anyway.
"My phone died awhile ago,can't call you without a phone can I?" I should with a normal conversation first before asking for his help.
"Well I guess you can't,so what do you want? Putting on THAT persona in the open like this....it isn't like you." He really makes me want to laugh,he caught on that easily huh? Perhaps I should stretch it out a bit more....no he might kick me out later if the conversation is too long.
"Haha! You're funny you know that? Anyway I want your help with something,if you don't mind of course.Oh you don't? Thanks!"
"But I didn't say anything ye-" I interrupted him before he could say anything else,I did this so that he wouldn't be able to decline my need for help.It's definately a cheat move but twhy put cheats if they're not meant to be used?
"Shhhh,it's ok I just want your opinion on the matter.Also while you're at it I want to make a deal with you." I suppose he found this approuch a bit forceful,I mean it is but come on I need help on this matter.Besides I have some gifts for him since it's winter after all.
"Fine,also I'll hear out your deal after my opinion."
""Of course you would agree! Now I want your opinion on this....." I whispered my whole plan into Kiyotaka's ear about using Ichinose against the acting director,at least in a way,not directly of course.
"It's not bad.....but won't you get caught by other classes? This could destroy the facade you put on normally."
"Which is exactly why in the next special exam I won't be holding back."
My goal for the next special exam is to hit the iron while it's hot as they say,THAT MAN can't attack me directly which is a good sign.I can freely show off my abilities to their fullest extent thanks to that but there's one thing that worries me....
"You don't want to hold back huh? So what's this deal about?"
"Go all out in the next special exam...." We stared at each other for a few seconds,blinking at one another before he tilted his head.
"The acting director wants to target me,it'll be easy for him to do so if I'm the only danger in the next special exam.If you showed off all your abilities,even if it's only 70%,it'll be more than enough for him to spread his focus onto the both of us.That way the chances of my expulsion would be lowered,pf course that means there will have to be a bet."
"If I win you do something for me and if you win I'll do something or you,right?" HAHA! He actually got it before I said it! Man this guy is seriously good at reading thoughts.
"Exactly,if you don't accept I'll tell the whole school about you.That's what you're afraid of me doing correct?" I knew this based on how he approuches me,normally he's always cautious with his words when around me,almost overly cautious.
"I- alright....also what's that in your pocket?"
"Oh this? Well it's a Christmas present for you and Karuizawa! I want you to give her mine since I'm sure she's still mad with me,nothing big just an armband." He looks curious on what his is,he openned it and found what looked like a sweatshirt along with multiple......condoms? Huh what was I thinking when I put those in? Hahaha! He looks so confused!
"A sweatshirt! Along with some condoms because....y'know?" I want to point out the amount of women he's attracted but I think that would cost me my life.....
"Ok....well Kushida did let me touch her breast....." Huh? Seriously?
"Dude you got to touch her tits?" Obviously I would be amazed by this,how come she didn't tell me? Perhaps it was a treat she did to him....I may need to disiplin her.
"Tits? What does that word mean?"
"A word that has the same meaning as beautiful.You might want to use that on Karuizawa." How innocent of you Kiyotaka.
"Well I'll be leaving,tell Karuizawa I said hi." As I said that I immediatly bolted out of the room.
Hopefully he'll find a good use for those condoms....why are there if they aren't for sale right? Sorry dad but you need to learn how to use those before putting that T-rex to use.
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