Raw Sugar?

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

"Alright let me get this straight,you went on a double date with Kiyotaka,Karuizawa and Hirata? At the end of the date you confessed to da- I mean Kiyotaka and he rejected,did I get that right?"

She nodded immediatly.....well this is something I would like to quickly leave this conversation but I can't....ugh why does my luck have to take such a turn? I'm no love advisor.

"Well....that isn't the actually problem...it's the fact that I still have feelings for him." GREAT! Awesome,seems like that's the problem and it's worse than I had initianally thought.I'm going to take my revenge on Kiyotaka on the next special exam.....

"Huh....well there's not much I can do about that now. All you can do is keep at it." She looks confused by my reply,anyone would though. Maybe Satou isn't as defective as I thought? Well that just means she'll be off my expulsion radar....for now at least,if that's the case then she'll be a great pawn for the future.

"Think of it this way,he rejected you because of his own feelings correct? That means you can CHANGE his feelings,after all roman wasn't build in a day as they say." Looks like she didn't understand what I meant,so I need to take a different approuch huh?

"Alright,here think of the dark night sky as your crush,and the shining stars are you." I decided to open the curtains and show her the outside,conviniently the outside has tons of stars so this will work wonders.


"So basically the dark abyss known as space are the spaces you call love,empty spaces to be exact.Those are the spaces you need to fill in to be noticed by your crush,you know how each star is like a sun right? Well the best way to do so is to EXPLODE." Well I get that no one would understand this so far but I'm trying......my best?

"Hahahah! Your face is priceless....anyway the other stars in the sky are your rivals..You've how Airi has been looking at Kiyotaka right? Take that as an example....." As I explained everything,it seems like she noticed something...wait did I- oh shit head.

"U-ummm,Hiro-kun are you alright? Why did you just laugh all the sudden?"

"I-it's nothing,please ignore that...anyway you get my point right? You just need to make him love you by spending more time with him,roman wasn't made in a day and love woill be the same."

"I see...thanks Hiro-kun!" Well my job here is done,I need to go NOW.

"Hahah.....anyway I'll be going,cya Satou."

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