POV:Yukishira Hiro
The grass touching my skin,although I was just out to cathc the stalker a day ago I felt like it was a while since I've been in the outdoors.
The stalker who's name is Mirihana Tatsumaki was someone I never knew existed in this school.Mainly because of social circle was small but sincee she is someone I didn't know I had the impression that she was from class-A.
The reasoning behind that was because despite Sakayanagi being in that class,I wanted to keep my distance from class-A as much as I can as I thought they may be dangerous to interact with but with this my assumption was dropped into the drain.
I hope no one followed me all the way here,I doubt I wouldn't be able to sense or hear anything if anyone did follow me.
The trouble I was having at the time was the fact that I had no idea where my stalker was.Although I could assume that they were nearby,if they were in class-A then there was a slight chance that they knew what I was going to do.
The noise that sound like rattling came out of the silence and forced me to close my thoughts.
So she's here,not surprised but it's a bit more sudden than I though.Maybe she wants to approuch me personally.
I looked around my surroundings,left right then left again but nothing seemed out of the ordinary.Whoever this Tatsumaki was they were a good hider,no tracks were left behind after the rattling.
Instead of mindlessly looking around,I decided to concentrate on sound.My ability to concentrate on a single thing was unpresidented,even they most quite of sounds would be heard however I didn't think that I was the only person that had this special concentration.
Sounds like she's on a tree,the sound of a branch moving is pretty obvious on where she is.
If I were to turn around,then there was a chance that Tatsumaki would retreat and come back another day.This was a chance that I couldn't just back down from,the choice was about heaven or hell but it appeared as if I never had the key to both from the beginning the more I thought about it.
Still this situation,nothing's special about it at all,this situation is not new to me in the slightess.
I kicked up a nearby broken branch up to my head and picked it up,after that I threw said branch right next to the girl at great speed which knocked her down from the tree.
If I aimed for her instead that may have resulted in an injury,I'm not here to hurt anyone,not going to be expelled by something like that.
"Ow...I didn't think you would cut me off like that..."
"You saw through that? Never that question but are you Mirihana Tatsumaki?"
"Correct,I am Mirihana Tatsumaki of class-1A.It is a pleasure to meet you Yukishira Hiro-kun."
"Don't be so formal,just call me Hiro."
She nodded in advance,I mever knew what this girl looked like but now that I looked at her.Her long blue hair was beautiful and not to say her figure was incredible just like Horikita.
However despite that I concluded that this girl was dangerous no matter what she said,her eyes had bloodlust in them but it wasn't enoygh for it to be visible.
"So,did you want me for something?"
"I'm sure Ibuki already told you everything,but there was something that Ryuen didn't want to tell you."
At that moment,my distrust in her was comepletely obliterated in an instanced.
"You see,Ryuen never expected you to follow his plan.After all you don't look like the kind to easily follow someone's instructions."
"Alright,but why tell me this now?"
"It's because those two are now aiming to take you down after they find the class leader."
I knew exactly who those two were,and I had recently discovered that most if not all of class-C had left the island but that was something that I would never believe.After all Ryuen did tell me part of his plan,however there was something that never went according to plan.
"He came up with a fake plan didn't he?"
"Exactly,I'm glad you caught on.It is true that he gave you false information about a crucial part of the plam but I'm afraid that I cannot give out anymore information after that."
That guy tricked me,I'm surprised he chose to do that but why,what was the reason for doing that?
"You gave me enough things to think about."
"Ok,but what are you going to do about Ryuen?"
"What am I going to do?"
That question was foolish of her to ask,of course I was frustrated at Ryuen but there was no actual hate.There was only one thing I could do to take care of Ryuen in this situation.
"Easy,I'll give him the hell he deserves by crushing his class down to zero points."
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