Mysterious Sender

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

On the way to class,I switched my glanve between multiple people from every year just to find out the sender of this love letter.Of course I brought it with me to ask people but I didn't think that was a good idea,it was plan B for all I know.

To be honest,I've never been confessed to in my entire life,nor did I ever have someone send me a love letter.It was most likely my aura of LMA which means 'Leave Me Alone'.So this was exiciting to me in a way but how would Sakayanagi react was my question.

She would probrably kill them....better notblet her know for the time being,if she knows then she might text me right? Actually knowing her,she might want to enjoy it as long as she could.I can see her shit eating grin from here,it's honestly kind of cute.

I sighed while sitting at my seat,being as smart as I was,I couldn't help but be nervous so today people were looking at me with weird expressions.I couldn't see my own face but I had an idea of what I looked like.


I looked up at Haruka who had a disgusted look on her face,I knew that look was only a joke but it attracted unwanted attention.The absolute worst people to gain attention from,Kei Karuizawa and Satou Maya.

"Oh sorry,I wasn't aware of what I looked like on the outside.Anyways what do you need?"

The three stared at me for a long time which obviously made me uncomfortable in a way.

I suppose talking to them so confidently isn't something they're used to.

Usually I would just look at them in silence to let them talk instead,however because of the confidence I gained from talking to Horikita,I decided to show my own self for every now and then.

"Uhm...well it's nothing but we just rarely ever see you smile? I don't know but it looks good on you!"

Complimenting me already? Not going to work,though judging their movements,I don't think anyone of them sent me this letter....thank god because that would cause drama

The three girls caught my sign of relief as they suddenly snatched the love letter away from me.

"Ara~ who knew you already have someone who's interested in you~"

"I'm honestly surprised!"

Why me? At least I regained thier trust but why does one thing always lead to another? Luck isn't on my side today huh?

I looked to my left and saw Horikita glaring at me with her death glare again while holding a stapler.I was guessing that if I wasn't able to solve this problem quickly then she might do something with that.

"Actually a friend of mine gave me that to figure out who sent it.For your knowledge it isn't for me,does it look like I'd catch the attention of girls?"

"Oh I get it! You're the smartest in our class so your friend decided to let you figure it out!"

Thank fuck you're all so dumb to believe that,Horikita doesn't look pleased still...

"Alright everyone class is about to start."

Chabashira suddenly came in which caused Haruka and place the letter back into my hands as the three went back to their seats.

Whoever sent this letter has good hand writing,they're also strangely honest.I wonder what kind of person this sender is?

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