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POV:Yukishira Hiro

This.....was not what I expected when that message said there was going to be a special exam soon.....and that we should get ready to 'advance' soon.

Every single student in the school was on yet another cruise ship,similar to the one that brought us to the uninhabited island around three months ago.

Although some people were extremely nervous to the point of sweating and not even enjoying their time on the cruise,I was completely calm because of this one message I received from the school a day before boarding the ship.

Apperantly we were being escorted to an island which had a pretty famous hotel along with a sort of small city but the important thing was the hotel as it impressed me that the school decided to give us a break from school,well kind of.

"What do you think of this so far?"

Me and Sakayanagi were playing a game called chess,a game that required you to have a strong sense of strategy to really get a grasp of it.Ironically,both me and Arisu Sakayanagi were exceptionally good at the game as we played it together since childhood.

The match was something else,it wasn't the normal type of chess that was a round between two people.In this situation,it felt more like the game could last forever if it weren't for the limited time we gave ourselves which was around 2 hours.

"What I think about this exam so far? It's giving me some mild PTSD."

"Is it because of the time you had on the uninhabited island?"

"Yes and you weren't on it because of your....you know,you can check me there."

Although I wanted to win the game to some extent,for whatever reason I couldn't help myself from pointing out some moves she didn't notice to her.

"Fufufu,you really give me good laughs sometimes.Also have you been receiving those love letters recently? I've heard that they were very honest with the feelings that they had in them."

The fuck? How does she know about the love letters? There's no way that she sent them unless she's just toying with me,so it had to be someone she knows.

I managed to narrow down the possibility of many people sending the love letter however there was still a solid number of people left.

"Uhm,yeah.Is it perhaps someone you know?"

I felt a pari of eyes spying on me,though I decided not to look in their direction,however I could easily see them because of where they were.

Isn't that Masumi Kamuro? What is she doing here? At this time in the library too,there shouldn't be anyone around at this time.

I maanaged to reserve a time for which me and Sakayanagi could privately meet up,of course the plan didn't go as planned but for the most part it did.

"So you saw her too?"

Sakayanagi said while whispering to me and continuing on with the game as to not alert Kamuro.Being the dense ass I was,I still didn't know how others felt so the sight of someone I barely knew spying on me,it gave me a bunch of mixed feelings.

"Please keep your thoughts on the game next time,thank you."

I finally came back to reality and noticed that Sakayanagi had beaten me after an hour of playing the game known as chess.

Knowing the situation we were in,this actually might have been the best move and would have been the one I played if she didn't beat me to it first.

Thank god,if Kamuro saw me and Sakayanagi doing this any further,she might spread rumors around saying that we know each other or we're matched in terms of intelligence.That would have been the worst case that can happen,still there's no telling how long she's been spying fo- Why is Sakayanagi having that shitty grin? The love letter has literally no relations to her....does it?

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