Fun Time

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

The meeting between the group ended worst than expected and I mean way worst,things went downhill the moment Amasawa called iut my name.

The spaghetti I was trying to eat was instead fed to me by Amasawa while Horikita kept TRYING to spit out her plan to me,key word was TRYING since I couldn't even hear anything as I was being suffocated in some soft pillows that weren't even meant to be there.

Eventually we got bored after the 2 hours of talking and now I just gave up on escaping Amasawa's grasp.Sakayanagi used this oppertunity to lean on my back,at least she was comfortable but this position was going to give me cramps all day and guys what,it did.

"Ah~ Senpai I'm bored...."

"Why not we play some sort of game? Our job is to satisfy you after all,Amasawa." Said Ichinose.

"But what game should we play...? Why do you say Hiro-senpai~?"

"Mmp! Mh......" I tried my best to speak but it ended up being completely in vain since this girl's chest was the only thing I was smelling,also if I were to open my mouth then her breasts or even nipples in a worst case scenerio would end up in my mouth.

Shit,when did she become so good at seducing people?

"No proper response~? Oh well~ What do you say Ayanokouji-senpai~?"

"Huh? Me?" Ayanokouji said while pointing a finger at himself,the entire time during this meeting,he was staring at his phone,texting someone I suppose.

"Obviously you,I mean there's only one person that has the name Kiyotaka Ayanokouji in this shit school." Kakeru Ryuen was sitting right next to Ayanokouji so there was a possibility that he saw who he was texting,though I had the strange feeling of whatever he was going to say next would be a horrible joke.

"And who is that?" Ibuki said.

"Your ass,obviously." Ryuen immediatly brusted into laughter upon saying that joke.Truthfully I,myself almost cracked up upon hearing that horrible excuse of a joke.


"Hmmm,what about two truths and a lie? I haven't played it before so I want to try it."

Good suggestion is what I would have said Ayanokouji,I would have said truth or dare in order to get this fucking bitch off me.

"You haven't played that before,Ayanokouji-kun?" Asked Horikita as she looked at Ayanokouji with a curious expression.

"No,I never had time to play games to be honest."

"Hmm.....yeah that's a great idea~! Alright so who has a bottle?"

I doubt anyone would bring a random bottle,especially since this one of the special rooms set for a year meeting.

"I do." Hirata.....for whatever fucking reason brought an empty plastic bottle with him,seemingly already drank it before I could see.

"Perfect then,spin it!" Exclaimed Ryuen,it seems like he was really excited to play for some reason.I just assumed that he thought he could get some useful information from this.

The person that spun the bottle was Kohei Katsuragi,who was sitting directly next to Kamuro,who also sat next to the so callled 'princess'.

Coincedently,the bottle landed on Sakayanagi on the first one,apperantly the first person that the bottle points at would tell the truths and lies and the second who turned out to be Kei Karuizawa ended being the guesser.

I would have been excited if it weren't for this fucking bitc-

Suddenly,Amasawa shoved my head down towards her unprotected tighs.At the sight of this,Ryuen laughed so madly that people could assume that he came from an asylum or something.

"Fufufu,well let's get the game started."

"Uh,sure." Said Karuizawa.

"1.I've slept with Hiro-kun.
2.Hiro-kun likes the lay on my lap.
3.I can kill someone if I wanted to."

Ok are you trying to get me killed? Saying you've slept with me can cause a shit loud of problems....

"Kukuku,what's wrong shit-ass? Why is your face short of red?" Ryuen said towards me.

"Oh I'm sorry horse-crap."

Some people in the room laughed at the sudden sentences me and Ryuen said.To be honest I just wanted to talk and that was the first thing that came to mind,it appeared like I pissed him off a bit.

"U-uhm....number 3?"

"What on earth made you think that I've slept with Sakayanagi?"

"I-I dont know!"

"Fufufu,wrong.It was number 1."


Can that man stop laughing? I'm starting to think he has a mental problem....

"Wait Hiro-kunlikes laying on your lap?" Asked Kamuro.

"Wait he does? I didn't know that." Hirata were you trying to kill me in some way? Cause it'll work if you don't shut up.

"Fufufu,indeed he does.In fact he can only sleep like an infant if my tighs are on the line~"

"Oh really now~? No wonder Hiro-senpai is acting so comfortable on my lap~ Thank you Sakayanagi-senpai~"

Why? Just why.....

"Alright moving on." I felt like in this room,the only ones I could trust were Horikita,Katsuragi,Ayanokouji,Hirata kinda and Ibuki.

The next round landed on Horikita and me,surprising to say the least since I had not idea why or how the bottle landed on me.If anything it could have landed on Amasawa.

"Alright let's get this over with."

"Have mercy please,I don't want to be reaped away."

"If you don't want your life o be reaped away then try not attracting so much attention among girls." Siad Kamuro,I was fully aware of how many girls I've attracted after the martial arts exam,even to the point where I never go near class-A fir the longest time.

"1.I know how much Masumi Kamuro likes you.
2.I always bribe people with food.
3.I wish I could pierce Kiyotaka Ayanokouji with this compass."

She's trying to kill both of us.

"This is hard...."

Turthfully I could have just winged it but seeing the situation I was in right now,there was Amasawa who looked at me with her grin and Sakayanagi who had a grin that said 'Answer it truthtfully.'.

"Uhh...number 1?"

"Correct,looks like you know me well."

No shit,there's absolutely no way you would know how much Kamuro likes me.I doubt she liked a guy like ma anyway.

"Fufufu...actually,Kamuro stalks you everyday in order to know what you like.Perhaps she wants to go on a date with yo-"

"Shut up!"

There's no way.I mean look at her.

Hirata smiled at this and signaled Katsuragi to spin the bottle again.For whatever reason,it landed on Amsawa and finally Ichinose.

"Yeah daddy~ Finally it's my turn~~"

Almost everyone looked at her with a face of disgust,even I did because of what she just said.What made it worst is that she licked her finger while saying that.

"U-um,Amasawa-san,please try not to act so-"

"Naughty~? Don't worry Ichinose-senpai.I know Hiro-senpai loves hearing it~"

Like hell I do.

"O-ok..." Ichinose looked at me with a concerned face.I'm sure she was even embarrased a bit.

1.I used to wake up Hiro-senpai by sucking his excalibur.
2.I did 'it' once with Hiro-senpai before.
3.Little Hiro-senpai here confessed his love to me~"

I hate this,there's no reason to put sentences about me and ME only.This is going to look bad on me....I don't even remember any of those things happening....

Everyone in the room looked,actually no,they glared at me intently.Even if one of the indicent ones were fake,that only meant the other was true and I didn't remember them ever happening.

"U-umm.....number 2!"

I have to give my respect to Ichinose for choosing that.

"Correct~ You almost got it wrong though~"

Thank god number 2 was a lie but I don't remember....

"Disgusting....." Ibuki said as she glared at me with murderous intent.

"G-guys,I'm sure H-Hiro-kun can explain!" Thank god Hirata was there,or else I might have died from Ibuki,though that wouldn't be a bad death if I die from her tighs....

"That's right,care to explain Hiro-kun?"

I was suddenly showered with questions and fpr the first time in forever,I was relieved that Amasawa was there to speak up for me.

"Actually I can explain for senpai~ I really just sucked his 'you know' to wake him up back in the day~"

"Disgusting....pervert....." Those two words came out of almost everyone's mouths,it seemed like my life was going to end when suddenly...

"Yeah I ate a banana every tine I woke him up~! He's a heavy sleeper so it always took after my breakfast to wake him up~!"

. . . . . . .

"W H A T ?????"

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