POV: Yukishira Hiro?
What makes a leader 'a leader'? Is it their strength? Their intelligence? Perhaps their leadership....the answer may seem obvious but is it really? I doubt it,some people know the answer to the question and due to my low socializing skill it's hard for me to tell,other leaders would tell you entirely different answers anyway.
"Eh? Oi Hiro-kun! I don't understand this question!" Oh yeah,I used up a few points to print some test papers. I'm confident these questions will be on the test but I included a few....tricky ones. Those tricky ones could prove challenging to the likes of Hirata or even Horikita,which is exactly why I included them.
"Hang on a second,Haruka! I'm still teaching Matsushita here." Well not really,I'm just filling her in on the plan.
A total of 15,000 private points were used in themaking of these test sheets,printing paper is wuite expensive especially if you print so much but I don't care about the price.
It's only a means to an end really,if you were to eat bacon from a pig would you think of the pig? That's exactly what I meant,though there are some pigs in this class I need to expel.....I would like to expel a certain someone.
"U-um,sensei! I don't understand any of these!" Yamauchi......he's one of the students I need to expel to in order to raise to class-A. His defect is that he can't do shit,none of his abilities have a real use despite being a useless sacrificial pawn.
Pawns do have their uses,however is there was something lower than a pawn then he would be it. To me he has no other use than to set the path for the future,after him Shinohara would have to be it.
"Umm...is Hiro-kun here?"
"Hmm? Yeah,who is it?" Huh...that voice,Kamuro?
After I was done teaching Yamauchi I told Horikita to take care of the others and leave the harder questions to me later,I immediaty went to Kamuro. Why is she even looking for me in the first place?
"What's up?"
"Loli grandma is asking for your presense." Loli grandma? Pfft where did she get that from? Also what's with that weird way of speaking?
"Alright let's go the- What are you doing here Ryuen?" This man....he's been hiding next to me this whole time. How did I not notice him?
"Kukuku,I came here with this lady to talk to you."
"Fine....what is it dragon-boy?" The whole class laughed behind me,seems like the other classes are staying late because of the special exam.
"What a long dong second!" Ichinose? Where the fuck and why the fuck would you ever say that......wait no let me guess,it was a dare.
"H-how did you know?!" Eh? Can women read minds? Scary...also because you're right next to Amikura,basically Karuizawa with black hair.
Upon seeing Ichinose I was almost sure 50% of everyone were jelous,40% were confused and the last 10% couldn't care less.
"Wait what's going on....did I become famous or something? If that's the case I don't want fuck all of it."
"You sure about that Enki-kun?" Bitch,I didn't know that loli would come here herself! She even exposed me....thank god everyone here besides a few are dumb as fuck....
"Eh? So what's loli grandma doing here? To cry to his prince?"
"Fufufu,of course not. I'm here to initiate war upon your classes." What?
"Kukuku,what a coincidence." No,no wait this is a bit much. I mean I can win but this is a bit much,in front of MY class too? Jeez.....
"U-umm...we're here to help,Class-D!" Ichinose,thank you for having a brain. Still come creeps of the class were having a party after hearing that.
"Alright alright...let's dicuss this somewhere else please. I hate having to talk in front of my class like this." I whispered to all of them,they understood but still that smug.....no their smugs....Ryuen,Sakayanagi what are you thinking?.
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