Vol 1. Chapter 2: An allied.

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The second day, technically the first, had begun. I made my way to the classroom as I looked around.

Yesterday more of my suspicions were fully resolved. The entrance ceremony took care to clue me in to something else. There is a "Class Hierarchy" in this school. I noticed it much more as I observed the classes from Class A to my class, Class D.

The students in class A behave with a very strict delicacy and order that anyone would say they are "royalty", of the new times. Among the most prominent were a tall, balding boy with a serious look, and a short, lilac-haired girl who used a cane. Her smile was disturbing and refined at the same time.

Class B also had a good order, but there were a few students who chatted, although they were very few. The ones that stood out the most were a boy with purple hair and sharp eyes. And on the other hand, a girl with light pink hair and a body enviable to many girls.

Class C was almost like my class, a mess. But there were a few who did pay attention. The most notable were a boy with magenta hair and a serious, sharp look; a dark-haired boy possibly over six feet and ninety centimeters tall with a muscular body. Lastly, a somewhat short girl with silver hair and a quiet, innocent smile.

And lastly, my class. Most of them, with the exception of a few (four or five), paid no attention to what the speeches between the directors were saying.

If things are the way I think they are, we'll be screwed when the month is over. This could complicate a lot of things, but in the end, the result will be the same.

Before I knew it, I ended up arriving at my classroom. I walked in and made my way to my seat ignoring the stares that were directed my way. Most of those stares are simply curious, but I can't help but notice envious glances.

I could tell by this that my school life is somewhat "lively," but honestly, it's just getting started. Also, I don't know much about the outside, so it's hard for me to tell if this is normal.

Chabashira-sensei entered class a few minutes after me and started her lessons. I spent the whole class analyzing her teaching style. She explained the subjects well, I could safely say that she is an expert at her job. But if only she was less cold and serious....

I decided to also look around to see what was going on with the others. The sight itself, I was disappointed.

Most of the class pretended to pay attention to the subjects. No, that's an understatement. They simply and blatantly ignored sensei's class as if they were at home. I may have learned these subjects at home, but I still bothered to pay some attention. Possibly the same thing was happening to Chiaki.

So the classes continued with each teacher and at the end of the day I could only sigh. I got up from my seat and was about to leave but I heard someone calling me:

- Wait, Ayanokouji-kun.

I turned and saw my seatmate. I never knew her name because I interrupted the introductions to give my notice. But, now that I take a good look at her, she's a cutie. No, a beauty. Serious and refreshing in equal parts.

- Can I get you something...?

- Yes, but could we go somewhere else to talk about it calmly?

- I see...

I thought about it for a moment, but just nodded and we started heading towards a coffee shop. We sat down at one of the tables and ordered a coffee each.

- What's your name?

- Oh, right. I'm Horikita Suzune.

I watched her carefully and nodded my head slightly. I sensed that she was feeling a little uncomfortable, so I simply relaxed so as not to make a bad impression on her.

- Pleasure, Horikita, what's this talk about?

- Well, I was a bit curious about your notice about the school system. Unfortunately, it seems it couldn't be completed.

You were not wrong at all. Due to multiple interruptions, I was unable to finish commenting on my theory.

- You are right. But now, I have even more information than yesterday; this because of the entrance ceremony.

- Well, I would like you to explain your theory a bit more in depth.

It could be a good ally. I decided to tell her my point of view about the whole school and see what she thinks about it.

- Well, as she was saying in the classroom, I think our points are given based on our merit and courage shown during the classes. This could be confirmed by what I saw at the entrance ceremony.

- Anything unusual...?

- Yes. During the ceremony, class A and B, were the ones who showed the best behavior, unlike C and ours. I don't know if you noticed?

- I honestly didn't notice. I was focused on what the directors were saying.

- In that case, let me tell you something and you will respond with what you think? ANHS has a different characteristic than the other schools; which is its 100% acceptance rate to any college and job. What would you think would happen at such a school?

- In my opinion, I would think this school would be very strict in evaluating us. Maybe even a competition.

Hm? It's pretty close. She seems to be at Chiaki's level, maybe a little lower. I still notice potential in her though.

- Well, what if the school decided to hide all this simply to test their students? With that possibility, it wouldn't be impossible that the 100% rate promised by the school was only for the A class.

- Class A... That means that if a competition between classes is possible. Either with tests and grades.

- Exactly. The school could follow a kind of hierarchy. For example, that class A is the best and class D the worst. But, to make it fair, they put more able students in lower classes to level the competition. An example could be you and me.

Though of course, this is just a little assumption I make to keep her calm. Her attitude seems indifferent to others, and she seems to have an aura of superiority. If this is not resolved quickly, it could turn to arrogance.

- In that case, we would have to be forced to move up to A class to fulfill our dreams.

- Exactly, Horikita.

She looked surprised and thoughtful. She must be analyzing everything and making her own guesses.

- Honestly, the only suspicion I had was that I thought it was very strange that simple high school students were given 100,000 yen a month. I thought it was indulgence, but this?

- You are a very capable student, of that I have no doubt, Horikita.

- Thank you very much.

- But, I'll need your help and cooperation if we're going to make this work.

- Gee, I was just about to ask you about that - she said with a slight smile.

For someone who seems cold at first glance, she is quite cooperative.

- Well, I'm glad to know I have another ally in this.

- Another one?

Oh right, I didn't tell you about Chiaki.

- Matsushita Chiaki. She's an acquaintance of mine since before I entered this school. She has full confidence in me and my abilities. She is also someone capable enough.

- I see, I might try to get to know her in the future.

- That makes things easier for me.

She nodded her head and we stood in silence waiting for our orders. She would shoot me glances every now and then and I would just return them. The silence that surrounded us was not uncomfortable, on the contrary, it was a silence that none of us wanted to break.

- Here are your orders.

The waitress arrived suddenly and placed our orders on the table. We thanked her and began to drink our coffees.

- Ayanokouji-kun. Some people in the class didn't believe your theory at all. What do you propose to do?

What am I going to do? I already have an answer for that... One that makes things easier for me and will make me create more elaborate plans.

- Nothing.

- Huh?! Are you kidding me?!

- No. It's the best option I have. Think about it. If one side, which is the majority, believes me and the side that doesn't continues to ignore my warnings, come May 1st they will see that they should have listened to me and they will start listening to me. It will be then that I will reveal everything, and having Chabashira-sensei there, she will be able to confirm it.

- Okay, I will listen to you. Tell me, is Matsushita-san helping you with anything?

- Huh? Why this sudden interest in Chiaki?

- You even call her by name. Well, I've seen her with the other girls in the class, and her way of acting is very carefree.

- I told her that she should have friends inside the school and relax, but on the other hand, I asked her to inform me of all the cameras she could detect in the mall.

- In that case, do you need help with anything else?

- I see you want to cooperate quickly. Well... I need you to inform me of the security cameras in the school building and, if possible, in the dormitories.

- Perfect, I'll keep you posted on that. Here's my contact number.

She pulled out his phone and showed me her number. I nodded and memorized the number before writing it down on my phone. With this, I already have Horikita as a potential ally.

With that, we ended the chat. We drank our coffee quietly and carefree. When we finished, we paid and left the cafeteria.

She headed towards the dorms, while I started walking to clear my head. On the way I could feel three guys following me. I had already noticed their presence for a while, but it seemed they were still following me.

After a few more moments, I decided to confront them.

- Do you offer them anything?

- Oh, it seems you already knew about our presence.

I stared at them, analyzing them. They didn't look like freshmen, so I assumed they were senpais. I looked at them carefully and I could see their smiles, they were planning something.

- Hey, what class are you from? - Said one of them putting his arm around my shoulder.

- ... I'm class D.

I decided to be honest and see what their reaction was and how this would end. As soon as I said class D, their smiles got bigger than before.

- Ha ha ha ha. Okay, kid, we'll do this. Give us some of your points and we'll show you our mercy and mercy.

The guy holding my shoulder put more pressure with the intention of scaring me. I realized there was someone else nearby, but I decided to focus on these three for now. I glanced sideways at a nearby camera, so I pointed it out:

- There's a camera here.

- And? Cameras don't have audio, we can take you like we're friends and take you somewhere without cameras.

- They only had one job to do and they did it wrong.

I grabbed the wrist of the guy hugging my shoulder and held him tight. He groaned in pain and his grip weakened. I pulled his arm away from my shoulder and looked at them seriously.

- Isn't that right, Horikita?

Behind us appeared Horikita with a stern look. She had his phone with her, to be more specific, the handheld recorder app. The three guys looked at the phone with some panic and I could see the nervousness in their eyes.

- You three are in trouble.

She said showing his phone. She stopped recording, and seconds later, I felt a vibration in my pants, where my phone was.

- You...! - Shouted the one closest to Horikita with the intention of attacking.

Horikita pushed the phone away and dodged the guy for a millisecond. I decided to leave the situation in her hands to see what this girl is capable of.

She quickly put her phone away and pinned him down, knocking him to the ground and pinning his arm and shoulder.

I was blown away by her reflexes and fighting ability. She's above average, and could certainly give someone with some experience a fight. But I doubt she'd beat a pro.

If I compare her to Chiaki, Horikita could certainly give her some trouble.

I noticed that the other two senpai were about to come to their friend's rescue but I grabbed them both by the shoulders and applied a lot of force.

- Whew...!

- D-damn it!

- Listen to me well. We'll let you go and we won't tell anyone about this. But in return, you will give us all your points.

It is ironic how I am using your own extortion against you. I certainly don't regret it.

- D-don't think you're a big deal, you bastard!

- I don't believe anything, all I'm reminding you is that she, my partner, has recordings of you trying to blackmail me.

The cameras may show that we are fighting, but at the end of it all, we have a recording from beginning to end. We have more evidence than they do, not to mention we only have them pinned down, we haven't hurt them. Besides, they made the first attack.

- Okay, we'll give them all our points, but please let me go!

shouted one of them with a grimace of pain. I let them go and Horikita did the same seconds later. They quickly grabbed their phones.

- How many points did each of them have?

They just showed their phones quickly.

- I-I have 1,500,000

- I-I have 2,250,000.

- I-I only have 1,000,000.

If we put half of your points together, you would have 2,375,000. That would be more than enough for now.

- Just give me half. That will be enough.

The three of them nodded and transferred the points to my account.

- Now, clear the register and get out.

They did as requested and left without saying anything. What idiots. They didn't even notice that we didn't delete the recording. Maybe I should report this later.

- Those guys are annoying and idiots.

I nodded to what Horikita said.

- Horikita, thank you very much for your help.

- It's nothing. I just saw how those guys approached you.

I guess I'm lucky Horikita saw them. If he hadn't shown up, I would have had to be more forceful or resort to violence to escape that situation.

Anyway, I started checking my phone and transferred half of that money to Horikita.

- Right now a transfer of 1,187,500 points should be arriving in his account.

- A-Ayanokouji-kun, it's not necessary....

- Of course it is. It's my way of showing gratitude. Now, I think we should go back to our dormitories.

She just nodded and started walking beside me.

I wonder if these kinds of senpais are common or they're just that group of idiots who thought they were too much. Likewise, this incident should be a warning for this type of senpai.

When we arrived at the dormitory building, Horikita said goodbye and was about to leave. Then I remembered the announcement that had been made today. "Tomorrow at 16:00 the club fair will take place."

- Horikita.

- Yes?

- Could you accompany me to the club fair tomorrow?

She just looked at me for a few seconds in silence, and nodded slightly.

- I guess there's no harm in going. See you tomorrow, Ayanokouji-kun.

With that, she left. I took my phone and sent a message to Chiaki.

[Will you accompany me to the club fair tomorrow?].

Chiki: [Sure. See you tomorrow. Rest up, Kiyotaka].

Well, tomorrow Horikita and Chiaki can officially meet. Hopefully they'll get along well...


With this we finish another remaster episode. Well, now let's go with some curiosities or changes in the episode.

1. A better demonstration of Horikita's intellectual and, somewhat, physical capabilities.

2. The senpais that appear are the same ones that threatened Sudou. In fact, part of the points they had were Sudou's xd.

Well, those were the only changes. Next episode comes different things and the inclusion of the best senpai and student council president.

I hope you liked the new chapter and, with nothing more to say, I'll say goodbye and see you next time.

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