[ chapter 08 ]

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I was sitting in the school parking lot waiting for Shelly to get there. The varsity boys basketball game would be starting shortly, but I didn't want to walk in alone in front of all those people. The parking lot alone tonight was packed just for this game. I had to get a parking spot in the furthest parking lot available.

A silver Mazda 3 pulled in beside me with Shelly inside. She got out of her car and waved at me, smiling. I followed and couldn't help but cringe at the squeaking sound my door made as I closed it. My truck next to her, including everyone else's car in the parking lot, looked out of place.

Shelly's bare hands were stuffed into her jacket as she looked at my truck, studying it.

"It was my uncle's truck in high school," I explained to her. "It's the only thing he had for me to drive when I moved in with him."

She gave me a tight smile, probably thinking about the awkward conversation we had a few days ago. Pity was written on her face as her smile slowly turned into a frown the more she watched me. She shivered as the wind picked up.

I nodded towards the doors that would lead to the gymnasium, adjusting the black beanie I was wearing. "Let's head inside."

"Here you go, sweet peas." The tiny, frail lady behind the table handed Shelly and me each a ticket after we paid to get in.

We could hear drums and people cheering as we walked towards the main gym where everyone was located. The sounds got louder as soon as Shelly opened the door for me and waved me through.

"Wow," I yelled, watching everything happen in front of me. "This school goes all out."

Shelly, nodded her head and laughed. "They really do," she yelled back so I could hear what she said over the loud noises.

She led the way through the packed gym and finally found us some seats. After the players from the opposing team were introduced, the announcer started on our team.

Our point guard was announced first and Cole followed as the announcer yelled into the microphone, "Senior, six foot three shooting guard, Cole Fulton!"

The crowd erupted as he got up from the bench, high-fived all his teammates, and ran out onto the floor where the point guard was waiting.

Beside me, Shelly was standing as she clapped and cheered, her eyes glued to Cole as the rest of the team was announced. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy but pushed it away before I could think about it for too long.

The game progressed quickly and before I knew it, it was half time already. The score was close with our team,Yukon, only leading by five points.

I couldn't help but be amazed at the way Cole played. I knew he was athletic from his build the first day I saw him, but watching him play was another thing. He stole the ball whenever the person he was guarding had it and could shoot outside the three point line easily.

Shelly's eyes trailed Cole as he followed the team into the locker room for half time. She stood up as soon as he left the gym. "I'm going to use the restroom and get a snack. You want anything," she asked me.

"I'm good, thanks though."

She nodded her head and walked down the bleachers and towards the hallway outside of the gym where the bathrooms and concession stand were located.

I pulled out my phone to use it as a distraction, but wasn't surprised when I saw zero notifications. I couldn't help but wonder how my uncle's date with Gracie was going. She seemed like a nice enough lady, but some people could be good at hiding who they truly are.

My dad was one of them. I knew he had a past life before me, but he never talked about it. I'm not even sure my uncle knew about it. My father was a man of many secrets.

I was pulled from my thoughts when a warm body sat down next me. Mark. He gave me a sheepish smile. "Hey," he said quietly.

"Hi." We hadn't talked since that day in our science class, the day he found out about my dad. He'd avoided me since, even when he saw that Cole and Shelly were back to talking to me. So it was a surprise to find him sitting next to me.

He rubbed the back oh his head, ruffling his dark hair. "I'm sorry I've been avoiding you these last couple of days. I just-" He paused, searching for the right words. "I didn't know how to approach you after you told us about your dad," he whispered.

I nodded my head, encouraging him to go on since the look on his face told me he wasn't sure if he should continue or not.

"I know you and Cole fixed things, and you and Shelly are good too, but there's a reason I struggled to even look at you after you told us that day." The pained look on his face told me he must've experienced something like I had. Only people who know loss knew that look.

"What is it?" I asked, since it seemed like he wanted me to ask him something.

"My dad died from cancer when I was in middle school. I know it happened a while ago," he rushed out, "but-"

"Mark," I interrupted him, feeling sympathy for him. "A loss is a loss. Doesn't matter when it happened. Your feelings now are just as valid as they were when it happened."

He gave me a tight smile. "Thanks Nina, I really appreciate that. And again, I'm sorry for avoiding you."

I nudged his elbow with mine. "Please don't be sorry. There's nothing to apologize for."

"Thanks," he said again. "Please don't tell Shelly though, she doesn't know and I'd like to tell her when I'm ready."

"Oh course." I completely understood wanting to tell people on your own time, but I did wonder if another certain person knew. "Does Cole know?"

Mark nodded his head. "Yeah, Cole helped me through it when it happened. We've been friends for a long time now. That's why he made that parent joke in front of me, he knew he could, but neither of us were expecting you to say what you did."

I chuckled at his honesty, glad that Cole and Mark had each other. I wondered what kind of friendship that was like since I'd never really had any friends. "I don't think anyone would expect it."

He laughed too. "So, where is Shelly? I saw her sitting with you earlier."

I lifted my head and scanned the doors she had walked out through earlier. Half time was almost up and both teams were now on the court, ready to start the second half. "She should be back soon," I said.

Just as I did, she walked through the door holding a gatorade and some nachos.

"Here I am!" she yelled as she walked up the steps. "That bathroom line was incredibly long," she drawled out.

I laughed as she plopped down next to Mark. He smiled at her and they started a conversation as soon as the second half started.

Throughout the game I caught glances at the way Mark looked at Shelly when she talked. His face lit up every time she got excited about something that happened in the game. It was obvious he had a crush on her. Though, I wasn't sure Shelly reciprocated his feelings. Her eyes were on Cole and only Cole.

A part of me felt bad for Mark and another part of me resented Shelly for the way she looked at Cole, but I couldn't blame her. Cole was easy on the eyes, an actually good guy, and he cared for people. What wasn't there to like about him? But as far as I could tell, Mark was all those things too.

The second half went by quicker than the first and the game was over. Yukon won by ten points and I couldn't even keep track of how many points Cole had.

Shelly groaned at something she saw on her phone before standing up. "I have to go guys. My mom wants me home. Curfew. I'll see y'all Monday!"

She waved at Cole before heading out and I noticed Mark's eyes track her every move. His eyes were on me next.

"Are you leaving too?"

We stood up together as I answered him. "Yeah. It's been a long week."

He laughed. "That it has."

Shelly was lucky to leave at the time she did. Mark and I were stuck in people traffic for about ten minutes before I was even able to make it to the parking lot my truck was in. I waved bye to him when we passed his car and he offered to walk me to my truck, but I told him I'd be fine.

And I was, until my truck wouldn't start. The parking lots were basically deserted by now and the only person's number I had was Thomas' and he wasn't answering. He'd probably silenced it for his dinner with Gracie, I couldn't blame him.

I tried once more by turning my key in the ignition, but nothing happened. Again. My head slammed against the steering wheel, causing the horn to sound. It startled me and I sat straight up in my seat.

There was a sudden knock on my window that startled me again, making my heart beat even faster as I jumped in my seat.

A smiling and sweaty Cole stood just outside my truck, waving his hand at me. "Need some help?"

A/N: Next chapter is about to get interesting and the pace of the story is about to pick up. Seatbelts, everyone! ;)

P.S. You're a real one if you know where that's from.

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