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This is a rewrite of my previous Class 1-C fic with some new OCs, some new storylines, and some new Quirks! Enjoy!

If you asked the average person what superpower they would pick, a good portion might very well say: Flight; Super Strength; Teleportation, if not Super Speed; and the list goes on and on. But near the very top of the list, there is one power that is never forgotten, always resting in the shadows: Invisibility. In a world of Quirks, it was a quaint power, but to Class 1-C, it was equivalent to their own spotlight of darkness.


"I can't believe they moved Shinso to 1-B..." Kenichi Kotostu bemoaned, growing a sharp bony protrusion from his finger and scribbling on his desk with it.

"Hey knock that off!" Okami Takeo demanded from the front of the class, wolf ears sprouting from his head to prick up at the offense. "Defacing school property is-"

"Come on Class President, let's not kid ourselves here," Kenichi responded. "They really don't care about us. They let Shinso compete in the Sports Festival but forbade us from doing so. We're just failures to them."

"I know right!" Daidoji Kuroda's voice screeched, causing most to lean away from the 6'3" tan behemoth of a girl. And screeched wasn't an exaggeration. Thanks to the spider-like mandibles on either side of her mouth, her speech could end up garbled.

"If they had just let me fight in the tournament I totally would've kicked that loudmouth's ass!"

"Look who's talking," said a frail boy at the front of the room. Never once looking up from his textbook, his face was devoid of emotion, even as he attempted his form of a "joke."

Kazumi Miyako scoffed, her dark-blue hair swaying behind her like a mesmeric waterfall. "He's right, ya know," she spat at Daidoji. "Not even the son of Number Two could beat that blonde brat. What chance do you have?"

Dai stood from her desk, towering over the girl, "I'll show you."

Okami, Kenichi, and a few others in the class stood, making sure to get between the two girls. They knew Kazumi's Quirk didn't exactly work in a school setting, but the girl was ice-cold, she'd figure out a way to snap Dai's neck even if she was little more than a normal human.

"Woah woah woah," the class's one chinese student, Li Kanata, joined the others. "My Quirk's acting up, so let's all just take a deep breath and-"

"Shut it, Bruce Lee!"

Li raised an eyebrow, "Really? Kinda racist, but okay." He could feel his body temperature raise as his Quirk grew in power, sensing the danger he was about to be in.

At the same time, a small... girl? guy? No one knew, but Waka Konoki was cute and a little frail. That was why the normally passive Endo reached out to grab their wrist, stopping them before they could stand to join the confrontation.

Behind him, a beauty to rival Kazumi gasped, happily patting Endo on the shoulder. "That was great!"

The girl, Shizuku Kiryu, didn't give a crap about the fight to break out, but she was proud as her adopted brother did his best to show the same emotion as others.

As for Endo, well he spun around, confusion on his face for receiving such praise. "It is the natural law of human nature to protect the weak, is it not?"

Shizuku cringed seeing Waka's frown, "Ugh... you almost had something beautiful there."

Of course, somehow, in all of the chaos, many students remained at their desks, rolling their eyes at the drama or just ignoring it altogether.

"Ya wanna go?!" Dai was trying to struggle past Okami and Kenichi, with very little success.

"Please, I wouldn't even waste my time on you," Kazumi bluntly replied.

"G-Guys!" Okami shouted. "The teacher will be here soon!"

"Just enough time for me to teach this bit-"

Daidoji wasn't given the chance to finish the sentence, as the classroom's sliding door opened to reveal a very amused boy in a UA uniform that was almost bulging at the seams.

"Jesus... this is Class 1-C?" The boy looked off to his left, into the hallway.


"Well, this'll be fun... just as long as you can get me a new uniform, I feel like I can barely breathe in this."

"Sorry, you came on such short notice we had very few-"

"Who the hell are you?!" Daidoji shouted, peeved at the interruption.

The boy just smiled as a small bipedal animal, and a man that made everyone's eyes widen, walked into the room, closing the door behind them.

"Class 1-C, please take your seat!" Principal Nezu, the furry little... something, asked, a fair bit of bloodlust behind his eyes.

It took no time at all for the room to once again be silent as they stared in horror, not at Nezu, but at the man standing beside him.

"Number 5..." Someone in the class whispered as the calm, cool, and collected Ninja Hero: Edgeshot, leaned up against the holoboard of the class. He didn't seem all that concerned by the state the class had just been in and was instead waiting patiently for Nezu.

"Well, today's class has been canceled!" Nezu announced, but the usual grins that would come from such an announcement were absent. "Mostly because we have something very important to discuss!"

"First and foremost," Edgeshot said beneath his face mask, eyes closed, "this is your new classmate, Kaito Otachi, he'll be replacing the seat Shinso left empty on my own personal recommendation."

"And why is that?" Rhea Renard asked, her own face mask obscuring her lips as the tan skin wrinkled around her narrowing eyes. "We were forbidden from participating in the Sports Festival, what's the point of bringing in a recommended student if you're not gonna use him? Or is he gonna be another Shinso and pass us during next year's Sports Festival?"

"On the contrary!" Nezu exclaimed. "We forbade you from participating so that you could have an opportunity no other UA student has ever had!" As Nezu continued on, Kaito confidently took his seat near the back of the class.

"After all, if you had participated, you might have been one of the top competitors and then your faces would be known all across Japan, possibly even the world!"

The room became noticeably warmer as its resident radioactive student, Will Harris, the only other student there on recommendation, scowled. "So that's it? You took away our chance because you didn't want the world to see our faces?"

"You came here to become a Hero right?" Edgeshot asked.

"Of course," Will responded.

"Then why does the spotlight matter so much? If you're here to be a Hero, then money and fame shouldn't matter all that much." Will shut his mouth, though not without a bitter stare down.

"Why doesn't everyone just  shut up and let me explain the situation?" Nezu said cheerfully, the warmth of the room dropping back down to a normal degree.

Nezu cleared his throat. "Thank you. To answer your question Mister Harris, we did not forbid you from the Sports Festival to hide our 'failures.' Rather, we hid you so that you could take upon the task of being a secretive Hero Team for UA!"

"Pfft..." A cute puff of air escaped from Sen Yosei, a literal glittering fairy girl in the middle of the class. But as soon as she realized she was being stared at, she muttered, "Oh... sorry..."

"We've re-evaluated your student files, and we believe that this class has more potential than being mere competitors for classes A and B."

"This is... serious?" Kenichi stammered. "We're joining the Hero Course?"

"No," Edgeshot responded. "Should you choose to accept this offer, you'll officially remain as nothing more than a General Studies class. You'll stay out of public events that involve the use of your Quirk, and you'll tell no one of this arrangement."

"I don't get it," Okami said, "If we're not gonna be a Hero Course, or a General Studies class, what are we?"

Edgeshot finally opened his eyes to address the class. "You'll be a shadow, an invisible force working for the sake of the public and your fellow classmates, without being known," he stressed, glancing at Will. "You'll be... an Enigma."


"A salary, our own headquarters, living spaces, specialized training, and specialized equipment..." Kenichi hadn't stopped smiling since the class had been handed the contracts by Nezu and Edgeshot. The two had left the class to deliberate on the choice. "This is everything we wanted and more... Even Class A won't be getting this stuff!"

"Everything?" Will asked. "They want us to be 'shadows.' Do you know what that means?"

"Black ops shit!" A girl known as Mai-Mai cried out.

"Yeah... I'm sure we'll last as a stealth team," Kazumi remarked.

"It means they want us to do some dirty work," Will clarified. "Espionage, assassinations-"

"If you read the contract," Okami began, lifting the holographic tablet, "it says that all of our activities will be within the lawful duties assigned to Pro-Heroes. So basically, we'll be underground Heroes like Eraserhead, just more secretive."

"To what end?" Rhea asked. "If underground Heroes already exist, why do they need us?"

"Because," Edgeshot's voice echoed from all around the room, "invisibility is invincibility."

The Hero suddenly reformed at the front of the class, his Quirk allowing him to be little more than a string trailing around the room.

"Villains get smarter each and every day, know why?"

"Because Hero society has become a public affair," Endo answered.

"Exactly. It's become too easy to track and predict our movements. We need something new, something truly... unpredictable." He gestured to the twenty seats. "I won't deny it, this is a dirty task in the shadows. But you are still Heroes-in-training. I won't ask, nor will I allow you to take someone's life unless your own life is on the line. Classes A and B will be at the forefront of Hero society, but if you take this offer, you'll become the true backbone of our society. You'll save those who never even knew they were in-danger, infiltrate Villain hideouts and make it safe for officers and Heroes to take them down, and though your faces will never be known, you will become the world's greatest heroes. You'll make more of a difference in the world than 99% of this school's alumni."

At the back of the room, Kaito scoffed. "Man you guys are wishy-washy. Just say yes already."

Silence elapsed, but even Will threw out a tentative:


Edgeshot's mouth was not visible, but the class could see him smiling from his eyes. "Then, let's get to work, and by the end of the next two weeks, not only will I have given you the best crash course on Hero-to-Villain combat, stealth, and Quirk Utilization ever, but you'll all have some new fancy threads to wear on your first mission. All Might and Endeavor will wish they had the tech you guys will have."

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