Chapter 15

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Word Bank:
•bonne travail (bauhn•trah•vye): good job
•bonne chance (bauhn•shahnce): good luck

"Break a leg. But not literally because that would be bad," Yoongi said.

"Ah, why would you say that? Now you've jinxed it! The piano is probably going to fall on my leg now," I whined.

He chuckled, "Ever the dramatic, aren't you? Why are you so nervous anyway? This is your thing. You practically do this for a living."

"It's not that simple. There are people in the audience who could really make or break me. Talent scouts from the magazine 'Rising Virtuoso' are here. It's a talent scouting magazine that visits music universities across the globe and recommends the best of the best. It would be a real step up for me to get recognized and I could then get closer to my goal of being a concert pianist. If I don't get it, it isn't the end of the world, but it would be such a great opportunity for me," I explained.

Yoongi smiled, "If that's what you're nervous about, then I think you should probably ease your mind. I haven't heard other players, but I have a feeling you'll be the star of the show anyway. You have a unique talent Suji, and I think the scouts will see that."

I gave him a chaste peck on the cheek making him blush.

"Okay, I'm going to go find a seat. You'll do great," he cheered before heading off to find a seat.

I was left with the hundreds of other performers backstage, everyone buzzing about nervously. Lorraine, Giselle, and Clementine stood beside me and a crowd of our other friends came too. We all chattered about our pieces and the talent scouts and whatnot. Due to the school's size with obviously a good number of performers, the number of songs was limited. Singers could only sing one song, and instrumentalists had a five-minute limit.

While everyone chattered amongst themselves, I was warming up my fingers and doing some breathing exercises. Despite my love for the stage and performing and sharing my craft, I always had to calm myself down before a show. Whether it was excitement or nerves, I needed to breathe in and out to know I'd be alright.

Soon enough, the lights went down and the show began with the many different department professors doing their bit at the beginning to introduce the different groups and performers.

Time Skip

"Bon travail," I said to one of the performers coming off the stage. She was a violinist and had wowed the crowd with her skill. For being a freshman, I figured she could use the support.

My friends were on next and they had anxiously been warming up their vocal cords. Since they were all vocal majors, they decided to do a trio act.

"Bonne chance," I mused, squeezing Lorraine's hand.

She smiled smugly, not giving me a response.

Okay? Weird.

But I just shrugged it off, letting them go do their set. I quietly cheered for them backstage, admiring their confidence and the harmonies they created.

They owned the stage. The crowd of students who weren't in a performance major and more of a production major cheered them on. They were a true crowd-pleaser with their charisma.

By the time they were done, they got roaring applause. Even from backstage, everyone hollered for them.

They took their bows and came backstage, basking in the glory of all the applause and praise. I ran over to them and wrapped them in a big hug.

"Bonne travail!" I exclaimed, dancing around them in celebration.

They happily celebrated their stellar performance with me, jumping up and down as we embraced.

A few acts after they went, it was my time. My hands were all clammy and I thought I might get major stage fright for the first time in a while, but seeing everyone backstage cheering for me and idolizing me, I felt I owed it to them to rock the stage.

I only had one song to play, but it was around a five-minute piece that I had been preparing for a long time.

"Bonne chance Suzy!" Giselle beamed.

I grinned, making my way towards the stage. Time to do what I was born to do.

My heels clacked against the slick wooden floor of the stage. I held the edges of my black dress out of habit.

I bowed to the audience before taking my place at the piano. In the crowd, through the bright lights directed at me, I caught a few familiar faces.

My professors looking on at me proudly as well as analytically. Of course, they wanted me to do my best, but they needed to ensure their teachings made it through.

On the right side were the bright faces of my parents and brother. They were my biggest support I'd ever have. Never have they once missed a performance of mine.

And right in the middle was the newly comforting face to see. Min Yoongi. He flashed me his gummy smile while throwing up a semi-unenthusiastic thumbs up. But I knew the thought was in it. He was cheering me on as well.

I turned my attention back to the black and white keys, letting my hands elegantly find their place on the piano.

I inhaled deeply before lighting the match within me that would keep this piece burning until the very last chord.

It was a long piece. It was truly a miracle that I learned it considering how much was going on in each hand. Still, the muscle memory kicked in, and all those hours of practice clearly paid off.

As I usually did, I let myself go, giving into the melodies and harmonies and trusting my fingers to find the rhythm.

I was completely and totally immersed. The audience had faded away completely. It was just me, the piano, and the stage.

My fingers weren't tripping over themselves thankfully and rather hit each note with the precision it needed.

I was telling the story. The story the composer had wanted to tell. Moving along the song with crescendos, decrescendos, fermatas, pedaling, and grace notes.

It was almost as if you could picture the scene just from the oral conviction.

A trance. That's the only way I could describe myself in that state. Entranced by the music. A servant to its boundless creativity.

Eventually the song slowed and came to its final chord, reverberating around the still auditorium hall.

I let the chord strike the hearts of my audience for a little longer before lifting my hands off of the piano to signify the end.

There was a silent moment before the hall erupted in the largest applause I had ever been given. Maybe it was the sizable number of guests we had this time, or maybe I had truly improved my skills significantly, but the teary eyes of my audience was more than enough indication.

People actually stood up for me. Never in my life did I think that would ever happen for me. Yet here we were.

My eyes drifted towards a certain someone who carried a wide grin on his face, gums on full display. He cutely danced from where he was making me smile.

I took a final bow throughout the applause and headed backstage where I finally let out a breath of relief.

But my solitude was short-lived as my peers rushed me in a massive group hug.

Praise erupted from them as they all tried to talk louder than each other to compliment my performance.

All I could do was blush and proudly accept the praise. I had worked hard, and my efforts being recognized was more than I could ask for.

The concert soon ended and the performers were free to meet their parents, mentors, and friends in the audience.

Outside of the hall, my family surprised me from behind, enveloping me in a congratulatory hug.

"That was so great sweetie!" My dad exclaimed.

"You brought tears to my eyes as always honey," my mom grinned.

Jae have me a sweet, brotherly hug, "That was really really awesome sis. You were the talk of the town."

"Was I?"

After more embarrassing kisses and pictures and hugs my family released me from the coddling and talked to me like a normal adult asking how I had been and whatnot.

In the corner of my eye, I caught someone sneaking around though making me giggle.

Looks like someone wasn't exactly ready to meet the parents yet.

But...this wasn't a formal occasion, therefore it wouldn't count.

"Actually, before you guys head out back home, there's someone I'd like you to meet," I hummed.

"Oh dear god," I heard him grumble.

I quickly grabbed his sweater before he could run away and pulled him over.

" my boyfriend Min Yoongi. He's a composition major," I proudly introduced.

My parents and brother looked in shock for an moment.

"I knew you two were a thing!" Jae exclaimed.

"We weren't then dummy," I huffed.

My mother smiled, "Nice to meet you."

Yoongi looked even more relieved to hear more Korean speakers around him.

"The pleasure is all my ma'am."

Yoongi turned towards my father, politely smiling and bowing.

"Nice to meet you, sir."

Oh boy here we go.

My father held his hand out for a handshake. Yoongi foolishly took it, only to instantly wince when my father began squeezing.

It was a common warning my father gave any partner of mine.

"Consider it a warning that if you break her heart, I will surely break every bone in your body."

Yoongi gulped, "Duly noted."

"Oh stop pestering the poor boy. Anyway, we should probably start heading home. Let's leave our girl and her boyfriend alone okay. We'll have a formal dinner soon I hope," my mother quickly stepped in.

"Hopefully ma'am," Yoongi grimaced as he spoke.

I gave one last hug to my family before waving at them as they left.

"Sheesh your dad has a grip," Yoongi groaned.

"Sorry about that. He does that to everyone. He's just overprotective. I'm lucky to have him but sometimes he can be intimidating."

"Sometimes," Yoongi muttered under his breath.

"Anyway, did you enjoy the show?" I asked.

He nodded, "My favorite part was a certain piano player. She was amazing."

"Who was she? Do I know her?" I played along.

"Hmm...I think so. She's really pretty, and recently got a very genius boyfriend," he grinned.

I pecked his lips, "Then it must be me."

"Correct!" He giggled.

His left hand, which had been not so secretly behind his back the whole time had finally unveiled itself, pulling out a bouquet of daisies with it.

"I was going to get roses, but I thought you might like these more happy ones a little more," he scratched his neck awkwardly.

I cooed, "Aww that's so sweet! Thanks babe!"

I kissed his cheek openly, not caring who saw.

He chuckled, "Alright superstar that's enough of that. Now why don't we go get something to eat. My treat."

I entwined my fingers with his, "Lead the way."

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