1: Limo

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Hey! Thanks so much for clicking on this story! So, this is a story about a ship inspired by two characters in the anime: My Hero Academia. BakuDeku! If you don't like Gay ships, then this story is not for you. Hope you enjoy, even if this story is different than the others I've ever writen. 

-Sucky Author


The blonde boy looked up to his mother, who seemed mad. 

"Were you listening to anything I said?" She asked, crossing her arms. 

Katsuki Bakugou looked down, shrugging. His mother sighed, before pushing back a strand of her blonde hair. 

"I said- Listen now- I was supposed to show a new boy around today, but your father asked me to help him with the field check-ups. Will you please show him around for me?" The woman asked. 

Katsuki rolled his eyes. He hated doing his parents' jobs for them. 

"Where's he from?" He asked, picking at his breakfast; Bacon and Eggs.

"New York. Now, you be nice to him. His mother was a good friend of mine, before she moved to the city." His mother said, standing up straight. 

"You mean that Midoriya person?" Bakugou asked, chewing on a piece of bacon. 

His mother nodded. "Yeah. She's sending her son over, since apparently, he's too focused on his phone." Mitsuki Bakugou claimed. 

"Well, he won't be happy to know there's no internet at all here." Katsuki snickered. "I bet he'll die within a week." He finished.

Mistuki stared at him. "Don't say shit like that, brat!" She yelled, slapping the back of his head, making him choke his food. 

His mother walked out, walking down the road to the barn.

Bakugou's village was small. Just 10 houses. Tiny, actually. All the people in the village know each other, and are nice to each other. Although Katsuki's the only 19 year old there, he's good on his own. He's been working with the horses since he was 5. There are up to 13 horses in the barn down the road. He's trained them all, and even helped a mare give birth to her fawn not too long ago. A real hard working kid. 

The blonde boy stood up, putting his plate in the sink. 

He then walked out, down to the barn. All of the horses were gone, since they're all in the fields, along with his parents who went up to check if the land was clean. Making sure there's no dead animals, or stuff the horses can trip in. Stuff like that.

The blonde boy grabbed a pitch-fork and started cleaning the stalls. It's his morning routine. He rolled up his blouse's sleeves, and started cleaning.

Soon, within 10 to 20 minutes, a limousine was driving into the small village. 

"Tch, damn. He's the real deal, huh? Damned City people." Katsuki mumbled, walking out the barn, clapping his hands together to get rid of some dust and dirt. 

The blonde walked out, and stood in front of the barn, watching as the long black car came to a stop. The door opened, with the sound of someone trash-talking the driver. 

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her! And I hate you too!" A young green haired boy said, slamming the limo's door shut. He was wearing jeans, with a black jacket, and a white T-Shirt underneath it. 

Not what Bakugou was really expecting, but it's fine.

The car drove away, leaving the boy to sigh and look around, until he made eye contact with Katsuki. The blonde smiled at his guest, but the boy just frowned in return. 

"You look lost, city boy." Bakugou snickered, walking to the boy. 

"I'm not lost. I know where I am. And who are you? Your outfit sucks." The greenette said, crossing his arms. 

Bakugou smirked. "I don't care what you think about me. Let me show you where you're staying." He stated, staring to walk. 

"U-Uh, what about my bags?" The boy asked.

Katsuki smiled as he turned around again. "Bring 'em." He said, earning a pout from the smaller male. He could hear the guest curse and whine as he followed him, dragging his bags. 

He was going to have lots of fun with this guy. 


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