🌟 Chapter 32 🌟

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After nine hours and one sitting my tattoos were finished. They were beautiful and a bit stylized in terms of design but I liked them. Even with the soreness and weeks ahead of creative showering I was happy I'd done it.

Andromeda was a chained princess. Her father had decided to sacrifice her to the kraken for the sake of the kingdom. Her hair blowing in the salty wind and face defiant she looks into the eyes of her fate. At least until Perseus appears bearing the head of Medusa to turn the monster to stone and saves her. In my tattoo Perseus stood in front of Andromeda, the famous snake haired head aloft. We'd even added a monstrous kraken mid-transformation to stone.

Hercules and the Hydra were facing each other about to go into combat. Hercules was pretty standard, a strongman with a club. The Hydra was the most changed of all the constellations. It was also known as the water serpent because it was just a long line of stars with a squarish head on the end. We had given it a body, tail, and a few extra heads to make it more like the traditional Greek Hydra. The four constellations and kraken took up my entire back so I was pretty sore. Jasper's cool fingers applying the A&D to keep them from drying out felt heavenly.

"They are very beautiful Theo." Rosalie had stopped by our room since Shirley and Sean were fast asleep.

"Thanks. I just wish this cold front wasn't blowing through. I could spend the next few weeks walking around in a bikini."

"I would happily arrange for us to go to a spa in Fiji, Hawaii, Mexico, just say the word darlin'."

"Try not to sound so enthusiastic, brother, one might question whether your intentions are entirely honorable." Rosalie joked. "Alice has not exactly got the makeup perfect for you to be in such sunny locations anyway."

"What?" I asked. I was having trouble keeping my eyes open as the day had been a long one.

"She is creating a solution from scratch because even the palest human alternatives are not pale enough or conceal the sparkle of our skin. Do not worry, with the advancement of beauty products over the last century she is getting closer to success. And I do not have to tell you how much Emmett loves being her model," Jasper smirked.

"A little suffering will not kill him," Rosalie huffed.


"Do you want me to be there when you tell your parents?" Shirley, Sean, and I were getting foot massages. Well Shirley and I were getting massages anyway, Sean had fallen asleep and I asked his attendant to leave him that way. Rosalie and Jasper had taken the day to hunt and wouldn't be back until tomorrow.

"No. Jasper and I should be able to handle it. I know dad won't be enthusiastic but it's mom that I'm really worried about."

We sat in silence for awhile as our massages were finished. Next we were getting our toe nails painted so there was no need for us to move. I noticed Shirley staring at the ring on my finger.

"Don't you like it?"

"Yeah. It's a bit old fashioned for my tastes but still very pretty." Silence fell again. Our toe nails were finished and the attendants left us alone so they could dry. I caught Shirley staring at my ring again her expression hard and thoughtful.

"Okay. Something's wrong. What are you thinking, Shirl?"

My friend swallowed and picked at the leather of her chair with a still somewhat wet finger nail. When her response came it was slow. "I don't want to hurt you, Theo, but I think you're making a big mistake rushing into this marriage."Β 

"Why? I thought you liked Jasper."

"I do, honey. It's not about that."

"...What then?" I tried not to let the hurt into my voice but from Shirley's flinch I knew I failed.

"It's too soon. You're not even eighteen yet. And to get married the day after you are? We've barely lived. You're not ready. What if he wants kids? What does this do for your college plans?"

"Jasper can't have children." I somewhat lied. "But even if he could he wouldn't force me to have them."

"Oh. Well I still think you're too young. Do you really think you'll love him in ten years? You've only been dating for what, eight months? You don't think that's a little fast?"

"It is fast," I admitted. "But not every relationship is the same. I wouldn't advise every woman to be married right out of high school but this is right for me, Shirley. For Jasper and I. I will love him even more ten, twenty, or however long we have with each other. He's not pressuring me into this. If I asked he would postpone our wedding for however long I wanted. He'd do it gladly."

Shirley furrowed her brow. "If you say so."


Our return from the spa went well until my parents saw the ring. I wish I could say I was right, that my parents would have had a brief period of outrage followed by acceptance. In truth they were both very unhappy and it didn't look like that was going to change. Jasper was with me and tried to ask their permission properly, but my parents quickly sent him away.

"Sean go to your room please," dad said. The boy grumbled but eventually complied.

"What are you thinking Theodora Vaslissa? Your father and I will not support this."

"Mom, I love him. I won't apologize for that."

"Honey." Dad's voice was soft and from experience I knew that meant he was trying not to lose his temper. "Seventeen is too young to know what love's about. Marriage takes more than love. It needs trust, respect, commitment, patience and understanding. Even if two people love each other, that love won't endure unless it's built on a strong foundation of other qualities."

"Jasper and I have that–"

"Theo," Mom interrupted. "I'm not anxious for you to wed a young man that thinks inheritance is more important than finishing his schooling. Deciding to chase money abroad for months while he just ignores his future speaks to a major flaw in his character. What if he adopts that attitude toward other parts of his life? What if he treats you like that?"

"It was important to him and if you had listened, Jasper would have told you he plans on summer school to get a degree," I said trying to keep my tone level.

But they wouldn't be swayed. When I told them that I would be marrying him regardless of their protesting they were stony faced and walked away. I went to bed sullen and tearful that night.

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