Chapter 3- A fight and new company

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I walked away from the house... my house, not once looking back at it.

I walked for hours not knowing where to go, what to do... the prisoner life seemed to be better than the one I had been living since past few hours.

The sky darkened least affecting me as I already felt everything being blacked out.

I was hungry but my growling stomach didn't bother me as much as all the thoughts.

I was pulled back into the real world as I heard suddenly, many voices nearby. It seemed that people were cheering someone.

I looked up in the direction.

Trucks lined up... and over them stood many people with bottles of alcohol and looking down at something.

The place seemed to be brightly lit.

I walked in the direction and made way through the cheering crowd.

A wrestling match was going on... between a huge man who seemed to be a terrific wrestler by profession and in front stood another man ( though didn't seem much older than me) who looked tiny in front on the giant. It was something like in movies. The tiny one was being beaten up until he was no longer in a state to get up. Though I must say he did put up a good match.

The giant triuphantly got up and roared " Anyone dares to fight?"

Seriously I still don't know why and what was it that caused  me to walk up to the podium. Wierd...

I looked like an ant in front of an elephant... not to forget, an angry crazy elephant.

I heard people screaming out advising me to back off and some actually cheering me. What were they thinking... seriously! What was I thinking!!

Honestly I was thinking nothing...

I froze at my place, hundreds of eyes staring at me and a gigantic monster laughing at me ready to pounce any moment.

All I knew the next moment was that I was high up in the air flying and decending heavily, crashing on the wrestling ground.

"Aah" I groaned getting up. Memory of me being thrown across the room flashed and I felt my fists tightening and could feel my knuckles going white.

Heat started erupting in my body and I could feel my eyes burning.

I saw the monsterous creature laughing and waving hands to the cheering crowd.

I ran towards him and pouncing on him I placed a neat punch right on his stomach and saw the huge man crash to the ground a little distance away.

I breathed heavily as my nose started to bleed. I ran and jumped on him before he could regain himself and kept thrashing, punching and fighting him ( obviously in the most unprofessional way)  until he accepted defeat.

He got up and placed a palm on my shoulder, his palm so big that it actually covered my whole shoulder, and said," I was never defeated, but I liked your spirits. Would love to teach you some day."

I nodded and bowed my head to show respect, turned around and started walking.

The whole audiance was now hooting as I walked up to the tiny man ( who actually is not tiny except in front of the gigantic one) and gave him a hand as support to stand.

He grinned amused at the fight and before he could say anything, I walked away.

The whole thing seemed to be like some movie... seemingly unrealistic but sometimes it does happen, right?

I walked away with all eyes on me and again met with the lonely lanes.

Some time later I heard some whizzing sounds from the back but didn't bother to turn.

Soon I was surrounded by four men who had their helmet on and unmounting from their bikes they walked towards

OK! This is like the typical shit in movies.

I stood there like a statue overloaded with thoughts to give a damn to them.

They neared me and took out their helmets... Oh! It was the tiny wrestler.

"You were amazing" he appreciated and stretched his hand for me to shake, "How about joining us?"

"So you won't hurt me, right?" Uph, what a question, duh!!

He chuckled and shook his head "No" he said grinning," neither would we, nor we let anyone else. You'd be safe". He had warmth in his eyes and for some reason I believed him.

"Yeah", I nodded

I didn't know where we were going until we stood in front of an abandoned building, not fully constructed.

"Where are we?" I asked scanning the whole place. "You'll see"

We got into a small lift ( if you can call it so) and went up.

The door opened to a huge room covering up the whole floor with no walls other than four boundary walls, brightly lit in yellow with some tables and chairs scattered around and a small podium.

The four men ,by my side, lead me into the room.

"New chick huh?" A medium heighted young man with blue eyes and thick black hair called out coming in front.

To my surprise, the tiny wrestler came and stood in front of me protectivelyand the other three surrounded me. "No one touches her." he announced and there was silence in the room.

The blue eyed guy seemed confused... "You'll know it Abhay" he was replied.

Abhay... blue eyed guy.

I was protectively escorted ahead to the podium as the tiny wrestler climbed up and clearing his throat he began to announce, " She is our new member. I expect you to respect all her decisions and follow her orders as she would be next to me at every point of time." Murmers spread around the room as I watched everything confused and oblivious of the thoughts ruuning in the mind of the tiny wrestler.

"Jake, she is a girl".. "inexperienced" " how can she decide" many voices from the group questioned.

Jake...the tiny wrestler

Jake narrated the fight and finally said, "My instincts can't go wrong guys... she is a new member just like all of us." His words were like lines made on stones for all and they nodded to agree.

Taking my hand he took me to the podium, "happy?" he asked and I gave him a small grin, "Name?"


Jake looked back to the group and called out, "Cheers for Kaira"

I was amazed how fast they accepted me.

It was all unknown to me when I agreed to join them and now I was accepted into a big gang.

This was a turn to a new life.


(Hi readers, I know the was stupid... could've probably been better but sorry I am presently short of ideas for this part.

Hope you enjoyed.

Please leave comments so that I know how you feel about this book.

Lots of love


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