Sweet Deduction

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I love Poe sm🥺 also thanks for 600 reads. Tbh I didn't expect anyone to find this😀👍


Ranpo and I sat at the cafe awaiting our sweets. Ranpo insisted to take me out for sweets because of my recovery,though I knew it was only because he wanted sweets. "Oh that reminds me!" He pulls out a letter and slides it across the table"what is it?" I hum taking it and opening it as my eyes scan it. "A letter for a deduction game?" Ranpo nods"yep. Do you wanna come with me? Yosano already said she'd go." I put the paper back into the envelope"then why invite me?" Ranpo crosses his arms"because you're my partner,duh." I smirk"I thought the greatest detective in the world didn't need a partner though?" He nods"you're right I don't. But I know you have nothing better to do anyway." I sweat drop"you're not wrong..."

Ranpo smiles"I'm never wrong." He then leans on his palm and looks out to the rest of the cafe. "Can the waitress just hurry up? I'm hungry." He complains"Ranpo you practically ordered every desert available." He looks to me"did not!" I roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink. "That reminds-"I start setting down my drink"we're you actually worried for me?" A faint pink tint comes to his cheeks"of course I-I was. I can't have my best friend suddenly dying on me."

"Wait I'm your best friend?" He nods"sure you are." He says taking a sip of his drink"who'd you think it was?" I shake my head"no no! I meant like...I just thought we were friends was all. I didn't think we were something closer." Ranpo huffs"that's stupid. You're stupid." He says as the waitress walks towards us,sweets on the tray. "Here you go." She says placing the sweets on the table. "Is there anything else I can get for you two?" I shake my head"no thanks,I'm fine." Ranpo nods in agreement as she nods and walks away.

I had *insert desert* in front of me,my mouth practically watered. While Ranpo on the other hand had a strawberry shortcake,a lava cake,chocolate mousse and Angel food cake. "Ranpo are you sure you can eat all that? It seems like a lot." He nods"of course I can! Do you doubt me?" I shake my head"n-no,I would never. I-It just seems like a lot. I'm scared you'll get a sugar rush." He picks up his fork and stabs it into the lava cake"like I would get such a thing. Only fools gets those." I nod"r-right." I sheepishly say picking up my fork/spoon.(Idk what type of desert you placed there)

Time skip

Ranpo laughs as Yosano and I follow behind him. "Who would've thought the guild would send us a challenging letter?! Now I can finally have some fun!" The black haired boy exclaims"an invitation to a game of deduction...it's probably a trap." Yosano offers"no." Ranpo shoots down as we stop once we see the door at the end of the hall with a fill in the blank note. Smirking Ranpo whips out his glasses"Yosano,lend me a pen." Yosano hands the male a pen and he quickly writes the answers,once done he rips the paper off the door and we enter.

On the other side sat a male with shaggy black hair that covered his eyes. Soft scribbles were heard as he wrote in his notebook. "Is it you? Are you the awesome guy who wishes to challenge me?!" Ranpo excitedly hums as the man laughs"it's been a while Ranpo. Have you solved the question at the door?" He smiles lifting his head as a raccoon appears on his shoulder. Ranpo flips around the paper revealing the answers. "As excepted of Ranpo. My archenemy that I must defeat."

Yosano and I kinda just stood there off to the side watching. "Now it's my turn to ask a question!" Ranpo says taking off his glasses. "Who are you?" I sweat dropped at Ranpo's behavior. "Y-You don't remember me...?" The man sulks as he mutters to himself. "Hey! SPEAK UP!"

"G-Got it!" He says as he takes a deep breath.

"My name is Poe. I am a detective as well as a great writer in America. I was the one who lost to you in a detective contest 6 years ago. The humiliation of that day has been plaguing me ever since!" Poe explains as Ranpo begins to shuffle through things on Poe's desk. "So where's the game?" My eyes widen as I go over to Ranpo"hey now,stop it." I warn as I grab Ranpo's hand. "But our fate depends on the outcome of this game!"

"Like I care!" Ranpo argues as Poe turns to his raccoon and pets him in a weary manner. "The deduction game is to read this mystery novel and find out the truth behind the serial killer." Poe states,picking up the book he was writing in.

"Minus one point."


"Mystery novel? Like fictional stuff would be enough for a detective!"

Poe smirks"I knew you'd say that. But if you win the game,I'll divulge the Guild's weakness. How about it? The blind spots and the best way to attack Moby Dick,the invincible airborne fortress of the Guild. Aren't they all information you're dying to know?" Ranpo places a hand on his chin"plus one point. But why something as silly as a game?"

"The Guild's fight is all about money and violence. They're boring me to death. The only things worthy of awe and admiration in this world is your ability,'Ultra Deduction'. Right?" Ranpo swipes the book from him"plus five points. Let's get started!" Ranpo walks over and sits down in the chair across from the desk. "Is this a good idea? Isn't it a trap?" Yosano questions"you two are also apart of the Detective Agency,right? Care to join in? There are no conditions to how many participants." Yosano and I walk over to Ranpo.

"The story starts like this: one night, in a certain era,a couple of guests were trapped inside a mansion because of a blizzard. The main character,a private detective forced to stay the night there was roused from sleep by a strange noise coming from the room next door."

The pages then glowed as wind erupted from the pages. "This is my ability! The ability to transport readers into the scene of a story."

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