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"JUST LET me carry your books."

"I have my own arms. I can carry them myself."

"Well at least let me walk you then so you're not alone."

"Alone?! Who are they? My imaginary friends?" Ophelia questioned, pointing to Lily, Alice and Mary as the girls walked to Astronomy Tower for their lesson.

James' eyes suddenly widened as his head snapped to the three girls, his eyes widening ever so slightly, "Oh, I didn't see them," He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, "We're going the same way anyways, I can walk with you girls," He announced, puffing his chest out proudly, "It's like destiny, isn't it?"

"Or it's the fact that we have the same lesson you dimwit," Ophelia grumbled as she hugged her books closer to her body. 

"They're just like an old married couple, aren't they," Lily commented, the three girls had decided to slow down their pace were now much further behind Ophelia and James; who clearly didn't notice. 

"I'm beginning to agree with Marlene," Mary confessed, her chocolate coloured eyes focused on the backs of the pair, smiling softly to herself when she noticed James trying to casually throw his arm over the blonde's shoulder, only to get it shrugged off almost immediately, "They do look really cute together."

"They'd be the hottest couple at Hogwarts," Alice added, as the other two girls nodded and hummed in agreement. 

"What do you think of the name Harry?" James pondered as he kept close to Ophelia's side, the pair of them walking up the winding stairs.

"It's alright, I suppose," Ophelia answered, clearly bored of their conversation already. She wasn't trying to be a dick to him, it's just the boy was overbearing at times and seemed to have far too much energy for so early in the morning. 

"Well, what do you say about that being the name of our child?" James grinned, his smile stretching from one ear to the other as his hazel eyes sparkled at the blonde.

Ophelia almost choked on her saliva, "In your dreams, Potter," She muttered, shaking her head at the boy. 

James' smile never faltered as he threw his arm around the girl's shoulder yet again, "You're not wrong there, love."

The blonde shook her head, however, the faintest smile seemed to tug at her lips but before it could even turn into half of a smile, she turned her face stone cold and pushed James' arm off of her.

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