Chapter 3

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It had been a couple of days since I'd met the handsome stranger in my bakery. He hadn't come back yet and I was surprised at how much I was aware of his absence. I'd only met the man once and I didn't even know his name!

It was Sunday and the bakery was closed. I had come in to the store to do prep work for the week and to assess inventory.

"Cindy!" Came my step-sister Kylie's voice from the front of the store. "Can you come out here for a second?" Kylie was here too, taking pictures of the store to promote it.

Putting down the knife I was using to prep strawberries for tomorrow's bake, I slipped out to the front to see what she wanted. 

"That table needs moving." She said, barely looking at me and pointing at two tables that had been pushed together by a customer the previous day. 

"Can't you do it?" I asked, frustration rising. I pushed it down, knowing that it would do me no good. 

"I just got my nails done, I don't want to break one moving a stupid table." She snapped at me. "Just move it already."

I wasn't proud of how I always caved to my step-sister's demands. I felt spine-less. But I knew that it would be so much worse if they went to Matilda and told her that I was being insolent or rude. So, with a sigh, I went over and moved the table for her. 

Back in the kitchen, I finished with the strawberries and opened the pantry door to start taking inventory. 

A little while later, I had compiled a list of everything we needed for the week. I slipped out to the front of the bakery. Kylie was still there, playing with the camera. 

"I'm going to the market." I told her. 

"Whatever." She responded. 

It was important to Matilda to play the part of a benevolent shop owner, and in this case, it was actually a good thing. She insisted that our inventory remain local and in the community. So every week on Sunday, I would go to the town square market to place orders with all of the local shop owners for ingredients for the week, instead of outsourcing them to other towns that might have been cheaper. This was a practice that my father had started and it was really important to him and Matilda that we remain an integral part of the community. Good reputation = more sales. 

It was a beautiful day so that walk to the market was pleasant. I had always enjoyed the outdoors but I spent most of my days inside the kitchen. It was nice to be able to enjoy my time outside. I crossed the street and was just rounding the corner of the block that would take me directly into the town square when someone ran into me a full speed. 

I fell backwards, arms windmilling and trying to catch my balance but it was no use. Whoever and ran into me was also falling right on top of me. I landed hard and my breath rushed out of me. 

"Oh shit!" The person said and raised his head to look down at me. "I am so sorry, I didn't see you there!". 

It was the second time I felt an instant connection with someone. It was odd, I'd never felt this way before and here it was again, first with the handsome stranger at the bakery and now with this angelic looking man who was lying on top of me. 

"It's alright." I said, pushing at his shoulders so that he would roll off of me. He did so and practically bounced to his feet. I sat up slowly, wincing at a deep ache in my shoulder from the fall. The man offered his hand and helped me get to my feet. He stood several inches taller than me, his hair a windblown mess that somehow looked artful and on purpose, and eyes that sparkled at me, filled with laughter and mischief. 

"I really am sorry Miss." He said, "You're not hurt are you."

I rolled my shoulders experimentally. "I'm okay." I reassured him. 

His wide grin split his face, "Good, because I would hate to have hurt the prettiest girl in town with my carelessness."

"Oh! No!" I sputtered, my cheeks warming. "Why were you even running like that?" I asked, to divert his attention.

You are the worst. I thought to myself. If only I had any boy skills I might have tried to flirt back at him. 

"Why not?" He asked. "Also, I was trying to lose my bodyguards. They're such buzzkills!"

"Bodyguards?" I asked, "Are you famous or something?"

He regarded me with clear amusement. "Yeah." He said, "Something like that."

"Well," I cleared my throat, "I need to get on with my shopping." 

Nice, now you're running away from this hot guy too. 

"Oh you must let me join you. I'll carry your bags! It's the least I can do for knocking you over like that." He exclaimed.

"You don't have to do that." I said, "It was an accident."

"I know, but what kind of gentleman would I be if I let a lady carry her own bags when I am there and able to do it for her? No. It's out of the question. You must allow me to keep my man-card." 

I couldn't help but laugh at his dramatics. His grin grew even wider when he saw he was amusing me. 

"Come." He said, looping his arm with mine. "Tell me your name gorgeous."

"It's Cindy." I said, tucking my hair behind my ear shyly. "And you are?"

"Sean." He answered. "Now Cindy, lead the way!"

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