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Jimin turned and looked up at the dark ceiling. His body was damped from the ongoing sweat. The argument with Yoongi hadn't set well with him.

He hadn't been able to sleep for three days. Neither of them spoke to each other. Well, Yoongi attempted to and Jimin just cut him off by ignoring him.

All he wanted was an I'm sorry. Was that so hard to say? It wouldn't fix anything, but it would be progress. Yoongi wasn't exactly the empathetic type.

After turning around some more he got out of bed. The clock read three fifteen. A crazy idea circled his mind as he reached to open up the drawer where his phone was at.

Yoongi wasn't guarding him at the moment. In fact, Jimin didn't really even know where he was at. He tiptoed to the bathroom quietly closing the door in hopes that his current guard didn't have super hearing.

As he turned on the light his fingers sweated. He gulped down nervously and opened up an internet tab. If Yoongi wasn't asleep he'd rush over here because the notification would go to his phone.

And yet he couldn't stop himself from this reckless behavior. He went on a social media site he knew Yuta still used. When he was in he looked up his name.

His heart kept racing faster and faster as the page loaded. The adrenaline from having Yoongi bust in the door or seeing something hurtful from Yuta was overflowing him.

Yuta didn't use social media very often. His profile picture was still an old picture that he had taken of him years ago. He clicked on the tagged pictures and for a second his heart stopped.

There he was in the arms of another. The man who uploaded the picture was Vernon Chwe. This had to be his new lover and  it fucking stung.

The pictures kept getting worse as he clicked next. Of course he was happy that Yuta was happy. The thing was he looked so much happier without him.

Had he really been draining him of happiness the whole time? Had he been holding him back? Had he been the devil dragging him to hell all along?

He quickly closed the application and took a deep breath. It was obvious that Yoongi was asleep. Otherwise he would've been there.

Jimin had another abrupt adrenaline moment and he went to his number keypad. He slowly dialed the number he had memorized long ago.

He could deal with the consequences later. What else could he lose? That argument with Yoongi had shook him to the core.

Jimin's breath hitched when the phone stopped ringing and he heard breathing on the other side. The sweat dripped from his forehead anxiously.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice said.


Jimin woke up in an abrupt manner. Yoongi was violently shaking him. When he saw his facial expression he immediately knew what was going on. The room was still dark so it was probably around five in the morning.

"Where is it?" He snapped furiously. When he woke up and saw the notifications on his phone he lost his shit. He should've known better than to take a quick nap.

"What?" He asked quietly trying to play innocent.

"Where's the damn phone?"

"I don't know what—"

"Don't fucking lie. I got the notifications.  You were on social media and on the phone. Who did you call?" He questioned as he pulled him closer.

After he found out he didn't even have time to listen to the recording. The only thing that was on his mind was getting answers and taking out his anger.

"Get off me stupid dog!" He screamed pushing him away.

Yoongi huffed and took a deep breath. "I'm not asking again, where's your phone?"

Jimin kept quiet until he reached under his pillow and took it out. He handed it to him defeatedly. "Are you going to kill me?" He wondered.

Yoongi snatched the phone away and looked directly at him. His reflection was seen with the clock light. The thing that was terrifying was the fact that Jimin didn't look scared.

In fact, he looked very calm. Yoongi knew a violation like this was paid by death. It was written in the contract and an incident like this had to be punished.

Yet, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Every time he looked at his face it's like that anger and rage faded. All he saw was a naive boy with empty eyes.

Yoongi didn't say another word and turned around to leave. He stood outside his door overthinking why he had hesitated to hurt him so much. He should been able to pull out his gun right then and there.

Over the years he had learned to be heartless. The remorse and guilt was something he had adapted to. The reason he was Taehyung's right hand was because he had devoted his life to this. Meaning he never hesitated. Whatever it was he did it.

Only this time he couldn't go through with it.


Jimin kept staring at his now cold food unable to eat anything. The whole fight, getting caught, and not sleeping was too much.

Yoongi was standing by the dinning door staring ahead. He hadn't spoke to Jimin since earlier that morning when he woke him up questioning who he was speaking to.

In reality he thought he'd he punished. Maybe not killed, but at least get a beating. Yoongi didn't do none of that and that confused Jimin.

If he was so cold hearted why had he let this huge deal slide?

Just when he was about to finally attempt to eat, Chan walked in. He had panic spread all over his face. Jimin kept a close eye as he leaned over and whispered something in his ear. Yoongi's face never changed despite Chan's apprehensive attitude.

Yoongi quietly said something to Chan who quickly nodded. Seconds later, he walked out. Jimin decided to get up from the table and walk over to his substitute guard.

"What's going on?" He asked. Was Taehyung back? Was Yoongi running to tell him about the call? Would everything go to shit all of the sudden?

If that was the case he needed to know. It was only right to prepare himself for the apocalypse that would fall upon him.

Chan didn't answer and Jimin exhaled a little scared. "Fine. I guess I have to find out myself." He started walking, but stopped once he spoke up.

"Don't—if you leave I have to shoot."

He turned back to look at him. Chan wasn't even pointing nothing at him. He looked scared and nervous. Maybe he had never physically hurt a person again.

Jimin took a step back and waited for him to do something. He never did, so he kept walking. Chan cursed himself under his breath and ran behind him.

By the time he caught up Jimin was by the glass door. He was staring outside with a confused expression. Yoongi was out there with another man.

"What's he doing?" Jimin asked. No other guard was around aside from Chan. Where had everyone gone? The man was on his knees and was saying something.

Jimin's eyes widen when he saw Yoongi pull out his gun. His heart began racing to unreadable speeds. The man had fear in his eyes. Immediately, he reached for the door. It was locked and his hands were sweaty.

He managed to open it before Chan had time to react.
Yoongi heard the door open and he froze for a split second.

"Yoongi! What's—what's happening?"

He took a deep breath not turning around. "Go back inside Jimin."

"Are you going to—what—?"

Chan grabbed him from behind and started pulling him back. Yoongi kept direct eye contact with the man who finally had the courage to speak up.

"I—I'm sorry. I know I messed up. I—I can be better. I swear—"

"You cost us a lot of money. You had one job. We don't hire useless men and you knew you'd pay for this."

"I know but—"

"Yoongi don't!" Jimin screamed.

For a second, he felt himself doubt. If Jimin hadn't come out he would've done this without overthinking it. He kept screaming in the background as Chan dragged him inside.

The door closed, but his screams were still echoing in his mind. . Yoongi clenched his fist as fired. The man yelled while grabbing his arm. The blood poured from his wound and his breathing was heavy.

Yoongi approached him slowly and looked down at him. "I guess it's your lucky day. I never miss where I aim. Don't think I didn't know where I was shooting. Don't make me regret saving your life."

The man nodded quickly while looking down at the grass. The excruciating pain was horrible. However, it was better than dying so we wouldn't complain.

Yoongi walked back inside and scanned the surroundings. Chan must've taken him back to the room. He made his way upstairs with his mind still circling.

When he got there, he could hear Chan trying to calm him down. He opened up the door and Jimin froze with tears in his eyes. Earlier that morning he hadn't been scared, but right now he looked petrified.

"Chan you can leave."

He immediately excused himself and Jimin wanted to hold him back. Being in the same room with Yoongi was terrifying.

As the door close, Yoongi slowly approached him. He flinched instantly holding his hand up. "Leave." He quietly said.

"Jimin listen to—"

"I said leave!"

"It was necessary to do that, okay?"

"Necessary? You—you shot him. I heard you. I saw you. His arm—you—you could've killed him!"

"This is my job. I'm in charge of the rest of the men. If something goes wrong I have to take care of it. Taehyung put me in charge for a reason. What did you think? That we have all this luxury and money from sweeping dust bunnies on the furniture? There's crime and violence involved if you haven't noticed."

Jimin felt the tears spill through his eyes. Yoongi stepped closer and he pushed him away harshly. He didn't fight it and let him do it.

Yoongi's back hit the wall and Jimin kept pushing with anger and disgust. Until he wrists and arms hurt he stopped. He looked down at the floor and wept quietly.

The realization of what he was involved in was oppressive. What was he thinking? Why did he sign that contract? Why did he think it would all be okay? He could've been that guy. He could've actually died.

"You're going to be okay." Yoongi said.

Jimin shook his head no and went to sit on the bed. His knees were trembling and the knot in his throat kept getting bigger. Taehyung said he wouldn't hurt his loved ones, but had he really meant it?

Yoongi watched him fall apart to pieces in a matter of seconds. All signs of blood had left his face leaving him pale as a ghost. He laid back and turned his back on him unable to look him in the eye.

He curled himself into a ball and hugged himself tighter. The harsh reality was that he was alone in this. There was no way out of it.

Yoongi slowly walked to him and reached over to touch his back. In the end he didn't because he knew he was still scared.

"You'll be fine." He quietly whispered.

Jimin flinched and hid his face away even though it was a soft whisper. Yoongi decided to give him space walking out and standing outside his door.

Never had he hesitated so much and specially because of man.

Today he had hesitated three times.

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