Chapter 4

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I woke up this morning to my head slightly rising up and down, I looked up and saw I was laying on Bens chest and his arm around my waist. Moving slowly not trying to wake him I grabbed my phone and turned it on, I had about 40 missed calls from my daddy and mama my sister and Jasmine texted me about 100 times I popped up.

"Ben" I said, he didn't move

"Ben.... wake up.....Ben" I shook him

"What, what I'm up...I'm up" he jumped up

"You gotta take me to get my car, so I can go home"

"Okay, give me a minute" he yawned

I got up and put my clothes back on walking out the bathroom he had on a shirt and slides with his keys.

"Ready" he asked


"Okay I don't know if anyone is sleep or awake so we have to be quiet"

I nodded and walked out behind him. Going down the stairs we heard movement in the kitchen slowly getting close to the door we froze and looked at each other when someone said

"It's no point in sneaking out, get in here and speak boy you know better" a voice said sounding like a older lady

"Damn" he mumbled

Walking to the kitchen I stopped so no one could see me

"Morning Auntie, morning Nana" he said

"Morning baby, who's your guest" I heard and my heart dropped

"What guest"he played dumb

"Don't play dumb, I heard y'all in there last night laughing and talking"

I walked in so they could see me and the lady's eyes got wide.

"Ben, is this the pastor's daughter" she asked

"Yes ma'am" he said

"Young lady, does your father know you're over here"

"Yes ma'am" I said with the quickness of my heart

"Don't lie to me"

"No ma'am" I put my head down

" lawd" was all she said

"Imma deal with you, when you come back" she said pointing at Ben

We walked out the house in complete silence.

Ben's p.o.v

Pulling up to the church we sat in the car for a minute

"Well that was embarrassing" Miranda broke the silence and we laughed

"Sorry about that Miranda" I turned to look at her

"It's cool" she laughed

"Let me take you out on a date" I said

"Okay, where are you taking me" she smiled

"You'll have to wait till Saturday to find out" I smirked

"How you don't know I'm busy Saturday" she raised an eyebrow

"Are you busy Saturday?"


I smacked my teeth and she laughed, really love her laugh

"Okay, I'll see you Saturday" I smiled

"Yes" she leaned close to me and kissed my cheek, I wanted to jump for joy her lips were so soft but I played it cool.

"Bye" she smiled and opened the door

"Bye, call me when you get home" I smiled back


I waited until she got in her car and drove off then I left heading back to my Auntie's house. Pray for me y'all, because I know this lady gone go overboard with this, it's time for me to move.

Miranda's p.o.v

Parking my car in the driveway I saw that my mama and daddy were still home. Getting out the car the front door flew open, here we go.

"Miranda Bailey where has you been, why haven't you been answering your phone have you lost your mind" my daddy yelled

"Answer me!"

"I would if you'll let me" I rolled my eyes

"Girl you better watch yourself" my mom jumped in

"Listen to me, and heard me good when I say I don't want you around that boy I don't care how old you are, you live in my house under my roof you'll follow my rules!"he fussed

"Do you understand me"

I just stood there looking at him with my arms crossed

"Do you understand me" he said between his teeth

"Yeah, I understand"

"Yeah?....girl....get out of my face Miranda now" he said getting more mad

"What has gotten into you Miranda" I heard

I walked away into the house and to my room slamming the door. Yeah it's time for me to move because I can't live by his "rules".

A few hours past and I got a text

Ben: Hey, you made it home?

Damn, I forgot to call him. Thinking about what my dad said I just left him on read I know it's wrong but I really didn't want to disappoint my dad more than I already have, I'm the pastors daughter do you know how that would look if I just go around disobeying my father.

I really like Ben, like really like him but I can't be with him not yet anyways.

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