Chapter 16: more sad

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Tw: slurs, suicidal thoughts/mentions of suicide, mentions of self harm


Jack was sitting on Daniël's bed and Daniël and Sam were there as well.

Sam was helping Daniël put make up on the slightly more visible scars.

"Sam could you hurry up?" Daniël whined.

"could you shut up?" Sam asked.

"no..." Daniël said.

Sam rolled his eyes and continued, Jack was just kinda sitting on the bed waiting for them to be done. They had been hanging out more often since their last sleep over even though Jack was still pissed that they had gotten him drunk.

Jack guessed that his friends waited for his and Dave's friendship to fall apart or something.

Sam had started acting weird and Jsck wasn't a fan of it, he started talking about Dave to Jack and Jack wasn't sure why so he just assumed it was because he wanted Jack to feel bad.

"So Daniël how has Olivia been?" Jack asked.

"she's been alright..."

"So... have you convinced her to... y'know..." Jack asked.

"no... not yet... she wants to wait..." Daniël sighed.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah... I bet she's getting railed by one of her other boyfriends though..." Daniël shrugged.

"other boyfriends?" Jack asked.


"how do you know she's cheating on you?" Jack asked.

"I don't..." Daniël sighed.

"then why are you saying she's having sex with someone else..?"

"I dunno... I just have a feeling she is..." Daniël shrugged.

"of course... just like you had that feeling with Rosemary?" Jack asked.

"don't talk about her..." Daniël said.

"whatever..." Jack sighed.

"Rosemary and Olivia are completely different..." Daniël mumbled.

"no they really aren't... Rosemary was a good person too..." Jack said.

"Don't talk about her!" Daniël yelled.

"sorry..." Jack mumbled.

it was quiet for a moment until Sam was done.

"I'm done with the make up..." Sam said.

"Finally..." Daniël sighed.

"let's just go..." Sam got up, so did Jack and Daniël. They left the house and started walking towards the shops.

"How much money do you guys have with you?" Daniël asked.

"Well Peter was in a good mood today so he gave me like 25 dollars..." Jack said.

"Well my mom have me like 500 dollars..." Daniël sighed.

"that's a lot..." Jack said.

"it really isn't..."

"whatever... Sam how much do you have with you?" Jack asked. Sam shrugged.


"I dunno... 5 dollars..." Sam said, he seemed embarrassed.

"Oh..." Jack said.

"I tried to convince my parents to give me more but they got kinda pissed at me... calling me ungrateful and stuff..." Sam shrugged.

"Well I can buy something for you if you want..." Jack suggested.

"it's fine..." Sam said.

"alright..." Jack sighed.

They went around the stores for a bit and Jack and Sam didn't buy that much but Daniël had a bag full of stuff, some of it was questionable and when Sam and Jack asked him about it Daniël would just say it was for hooking up yet Jack doubted that.

"Hey Jack..." Daniël started.

"So... did you stop being friends with that Miller?" he asked.

"why do you care?" Jack asked.

"Just curious..." Daniël asked.

"We didn't stop being friends... we just don't really talk anymore... ever..." Jack shrugged.

"so you're not friends with him anymore... that's good... he was turning you gay..." Daniël said.

"what do you mean 'he was turning me gay?'" Jack asked.

"Well... he was just turning you gay... like just by being around you..." Daniël said.

"that's not how it works..." Jack mumbled.

"whatever..." Daniël rolled his eyes.

"We could always go to that diner to mess with Dave..." Sam suggested.

"we can't... the diner is temporarily closed..." Daniël said.

"why?" Sam asked.

"because of the missing children there..." Daniël explained.

"Of course... they had it coming..." Sam sighed.

"Yeah... I honestly hope they close the place permanently... if not I'm just gonna see if I can get my mom or dad to buy the place and close it... I just want it to be gone..." Daniël shrugged.

"You sure like ruining people's lives don't you?" Jack asked.

"Yeah." Daniël said.

"you're such an asshole..." Jack said.

"don't talk to me like that!" Daniël yelled.

"Well you aren't only trying to ruin Dave's live but you sure ruin everyone's life, remember what you did to Rosemary?" Jack asked.

"Shut up about Rosemary!" Daniël yelled.

"Why? because you're such a goddamn loser and you're too scared to accept the fact you ruined her life?" Jack asked.

"Jack what the hell has gotten into you?" Daniël asked.

"nothing... I've always been like this... just not towards you... or Sam... or anyone..." Jack shrugged.

"whatever... you're being annoying!" Daniël yelled.

"I honestly don't care!" Jack yelled back.

"fuck you!" Daniël yelled, he pushed Jack put of the way and stormed off.

"Jack are you alright?" Sam asked.

"I'm fine..." Jack mumbled.

"you sure..?" Sam asked.

"I dunno... I'm frustrated..." Jack sighed.

"what's wrong?" Sam asked.

"I don't know... I miss Dave... he doesn't want to see me anymore..." Jack sighed.

"Did you two get into an argument?" Sam asked.

"no... not really..." Jack said.

"then what happened?" Sam asked.

"I'd rather not tell you..." Jack sighed.

"You can tell me... I won't tell anyone else..." Sam said.

"Dave kissed me..." Jack said hesitantly. Jack had expected Sam to look disgusted like always but instead it seemed like that hurt him.

"Oh really..?" Sam asked.

"Yeah... I didn't expect it... and then he ran away... I've tried to talk to him but he's just trying to avoid me.." Jack explained.

"Do you feel anything towards him..?" Sam asked him.

"no... we're just friends..." Jack lied.

"alright..." Sam sighed.

"You alright?" Jack asked.

"I'm fine..." Sam said.


"So you wanna do something then?" Sam asked.

"sure... like what..?" Jack asked.

"I dunno we could get something to eat..." Sam suggested.

"sure..." Jack said.

"I don't have any money though..." Sam said.

"I'll pay..." Jack said.

"alright thanks..." Sam said.

"no problem..." Jack said.

"let's go then..." Sam said.

They started walking to a food place to eat something.

"Are you gonna apologise to Daniël?" Sam asked.

"why would I?" Jack asked.

"I dunno... you made him feel bad, you know he doesn't like it when you mention Rose..." Sam explained.

"I don't like the fact he thinks I'm gay..." Jack shrugged.

"Oh come on... it's such a small thing... are you really getting mad over that?" Sam asked.

"yes... he mentions it all the time..." Jack said.

"then just get a girlfriend... it doesn't matter if you don't love her..." Sam suggested.

"it wouldn't feel right..." Jack said.

"You could find a girl that's in the same position as you and needs a boyfriend to prove she's no like a lesbian..." Sam said.

"You have enough of those living near Daniël's house... his neighbourhood is pretty homophobic..."

"I guess..." Jack shrugged.

"come on... let's go see if you can find a girlfriend..." Sam said, he got up.

"Alright fine..." Jack sighed.

Jack got up as well.


Dave was laying in a bathtub, he was kinda dirty mostly because he fell in mud. Dave had continued thinking about how Jack kissed him when he was drunk, it was nice.

'does he like me back..? probably not...'

Dave wasn't sure what to think anymore, then again Jack had stayed with him for such a long time. No matter what happened Jack stayed friends with him, and honestly their friendship was kinda gay anyway.

'maybe he likes me back... I should talk to him besides even if he doesn't like me back we can always stay friends... right..?'

Dave just sat up and looked around.

'great... I forgot to grab a towel...'

Dave sighed and got up and went to grab a towel, he dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist and went back to his room to grab clothes.

Dave went downstairs and noticed Henry sitting at the table reading something.

"Oh hey Henry..." Dave said. Dave looked over at Dave.

"Do you need something?" Henry asked.

"No not really.. I just wanted to say hello..." Dave said.

"Alright..." Henry said.

"So... how much longer do we have to wait until Fredbears can finally open again..?" Dave asked.

"Not sure... there's no proof we killed any kids... I got rid of the evidence..." Henry explained.

"Alright..." Dave said.

"Well... I'm gonna go then..."

Henry stayed quiet.

"bye..." Dave said. Henry didn't answer and Dave just awkwardly walked away, he went outside and started walking away from the house. Dave was thinking about visiting Jack since he just wanted to talk to him.

He eventually got to Jack's house and knocked on the door.

No one answered.

"Jack..?" Dave asked.

'maybe he's not home... or he just doesn't want to see me...'

Dave knocked again.

still no answer.

Dave sighed and just walked away from the door, he started walking to the park since he thought Jack would he there but couldn't find him.

'where is he...?'

After a while Dave just gave up and he sat down somewhere. Was Jack avoiding him? why?

Dave started feeling worse, this was all his fault. Jack hates him because of what he did, he was such a goddamn faggot. Dave realised he was pretty much crying at this point and people were staring at him, he quickly wiped the tears away and he got up.

'stop being such a pussy...'

Dave walked away trying to find a different spot to sit. He felt horrible and he just wanted to cry his eyes out.

'I'm so goddamn stupid... I'm such a loser...'

He kept thinking about what had happened, his head started to hurt and he just sat against a tree and held his head in his hands.

"I'm so goddamn stupid..!" He yelled, he teared up again.

Jack hated him, like everyone else. He always fucks everything up. he deserved everything that had happened to him, he deserved to die.
it's not like anyone would miss him, there was no one. Dave had thought about ending his live multiple times, yet there was something stopping him, was it because he secretly didn't want to die or was it because of Jack? was it both?

no... Dave wanted to die, he was sure of that. So it was because of Jack?

Why these emotions so confusing? he wasn't sure anymore. it was so easy for Dave to kill himself, he could put a sprinlock suit on and set it off.

maybe Dave was just too scared to die.

yes, that was the reason.
he was scared.


Jack was sitting on the ground, he was talking to a girl Sam had just forced him to talk to. Jack was gonna lie, she was cute but she wasn't really his type.

"So... are you looking for a boyfriend?" Sam asked.

"I guess..." the shrugged.

"You know... Jack thinks you're cute... you two seem like you could get along pretty well." Sam said.

"Yeah..." Jack sighed.

"Well... I feel like I should wait a bit before dating... I'd like to get to know you a bit before I can start calling you my boyfriend..." The girl explained.

"that's understandable." Jack said.

"Alright... well do you have like a phone?" the girl asked.

"No... my brother isn't a bug fan of them... maybe you could give me your address..?" Jack asked awkwardly.

"sure..." the girl said. She told Jack her address and got up and left.

"that was easy..." Jack sighed.

"the girls in this neighbourhood are just really easy to get... Daniël told me that..." Sam explained.

"Oh..." Jack mumbled.

"Well it doesn't matter, you can get to know her now." Sam said.

"I guess..."

"Hey do you wanna see if Daniël's doing any better?" Sam asked.

"sure..." Jack started walking to Daniël's house and Sam followed him.

They went got to Daniël's house and knocked on the door, Carter Daniël's dad opened the door.

"what do you two want?" he asked.

"we're here for Daniël..." Jack said.

"of course... come in..." Carter moved out of the way and Jack and Sam went inside, they went upstairs and into Daniël's room. The room was really messy, multiple things were thrown onto the ground and Daniël was just laying on his bed looking at his phone.

"Daniël?" Jack asked. Daniël looked over at them.

"what?" Daniël sighed.

"what happened? why did your room get this messy? wasn't it cleaned this morning?" Jack asked.

"Yeah... but after you were being a bitch to me I went home and I went to my room... then my dad came in and I pissed him off..." Daniël explained.

"Holy shit did your dad do this?" Jack asked. Daniël nodded.

"Did he hurt you?" Sam asked.

"Nah..." Daniël said.

"alright... if he does hurt you just tell me..." Sam sighed.

"why? to protect me? I can protect myself..." Daniël said.

"Well you're not very good at it seeing all those scars you have... because you said you never hurt yourself right?" Jack asked.

"because I don't hurt myself..." Daniël said.

"whatever..." Jack sighed.

"Can you two go? I was gonna hook up with someone..." Daniël said.

"I'm sure that can wait..." Sam said, he walked over to Daniël's bed and sat down.

"Well the hook up is gonna be here in like 5 minutes... well she's supposed to get here in 5 minutes... knowing her she's just gonna be late again..." Daniël complained.

"Again?" Jack asked.

"Yeah... I hook up with her pretty often..." Daniël said.

There was a knock on the door and a girl walked into the room.

"Hey Daniël..." She said.

"Hey Savannah..." Daniël sighed.

"you're early..."

"yep... I decided why not get here early?" the girl said.

"Well unfortunately we can't hook up because my friends don't wanna leave..." Daniël said.

"they can join." she giggled.

"no they can't." Daniël said.

"I was joking..." She said.

"Yeah sure..." Daniël sighed.

The woman sat down on the bed next Daniël and just hugged him and Daniël just looked uncomfortable.

"Well this awkward..." Jack said.
Jack looked over at Sam and Sam seemed to be glaring at the girl.

"Well... Savannah... maybe you should let go of Daniël... he's obviously uncomfortable with it..." Sam said.

"Nah, he loves me." Savannah giggled.

"Savannah fuck off..." Daniël said, he seemed to be blushing.

'does Daniël like her?'

Savannah didn't move.

"Savannah leave me alone! we aren't gonna hook up right now do you better fuck off!" Daniël yelled.

"or else? you gonna sue me like you threaten to sue everyone else?" she asked obviously not taking it seriously.

"Well I would win anyway... I have a lot of money and my mom is a lawyer!" Daniël yelled. Savannah rolled her eyes and let go of Daniël.

"whatever..." she just looked away from him.

"now you gotta pay me extra because you made me think we were gonna hook up..." Savannah mumbled.

"fuck off Savannah, I'm not paying you anything!" Daniël said.

"whatever... then I'll just continue hugging you..." Savannah said and she continued hugging Daniël again.

Jack was feeling incredibly awkward and uncomfortable (me too man).

Daniël didn't fight back this time and just accepted it.

They just talked for a bit until Savannah had to go and Jack, Sam and Daniël were alone.

"So... Daniël... do you like her?" Jack asked.

"what? no!" Daniël denied.

" Well... if you do like her that's fine... you know you can like multiple people right? just because... y'know left you doesn't mean you have to be alone for the rest of your life..." Jack said.

"Stop talking about Rosemary!" Daniël hit Jack and Jack just flinched.

"Rosemary was a goddamn slut! she ruined my goddamn life and then she tells me I'm the one that was manipulative, I'm the one at fault right? I'm the reason she's dead now right? she killed herself because of me right? because apparently I was heartless and disgusting!" Daniël yelled.

"Well... Daniël you gotta admit... you were a little too possessive over her..." Jack shrugged.

"No I wasn't!" Daniël yelled.

"Well you did make her cut contact with every guy she knew... even her brothers..." Jack said.

"Yeah and how did I know they were actually her brothers? that bitch was cheating on me!" Daniël said.

"Well you never had any proof of her cheating on you... you just assumed it..." Jack said.

"Oh fuck off! I fucking hate you!" Daniël looked away from Jack.

"sorry..." Jack mumbled.

"Jack, leave!" Daniël yelled.

"alright..." Jack got up and just left, he hated it whenever Daniël acted like that.


pp this is the end of the chapter
yes sæd

anyway have a backstory chapter for Sam.

tw: mentions of abuse



am sat in his room, his parents were arguing. they were loud, he didn't like that. Whenever his parents were arguing Sam made sure to lock himself in his bedroom since he didn't want his parents to end up hurting him.

Sam held his knees to his chest and waited for the yelling to stop. After an hour it was quiet, until he heard someone kick against the door. Sam flinched.

"Kacie let me in!" his dad yelled.

Sam ignored him.

"Kacie let me in!" his dad kicked the door again.

Sam hesitantly got up and walked over to the door and opened it.

his dad pushed Sam aside and walked into the room and slammed the door shut. His dad walked over to the bed and sat down, he was mumbling things to himself.

"Dad..?" Sam said, his dad didn't answer.

"what's wrong..?" Sam asked.

"your mother... she's a fucking whore... she's kicking me out again..." his dad sighed.

"oh... will you be coming back..?" Sam asked.

"of course... your mom will probably come back crying to me... telling me how much she needs me.." He explained.

"alright..." Sam said.

"So... how was your day..?" his dad asked.

"I hung out with Daniël and Jack..." Sam said.

"that's nice..." His dad said.

"mom hit me today..." Sam said.

"really..?" his dad asked.

"Yeah... she got mad at me because I didn't wanna go to the store with her..." Sam said.

"Of course... I'm sorry Sam..." his dad sighed.

"it's fine..." Sam reassured.

there was a silence and his dad got up.

"I guess I gotta go now..." his dad sighed.

"I'll see you later Kacie..."
his dad left the room.


Yes ik this backstory chapter wad short but shush I didn't feel like writing it
I also don't feel like

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