Chosen - chapter twenty-one

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Chapter Twenty-one

I awoke with a start to some person pounding on the door. Sitting up, my mind couldn't grasp that I was awake just yet.

"Lady Joselyn?"


"Madame, are you there?"

"Yes. Who is it?"

"A letter arrived for you a short while ago," the voice on the other side of the door responded.

"A letter?"

"Would you like me to retrieve it, Joselyn?"

I screamed and turned to see Angeline standing next to the bed. "Oh my God, Angeline."


"When did you get in here?"

"A while ago, someone has to ensure you still look like a presentable lady. Because I know you would still wear that pink monstrosity that you had me pack out where others can see you."

I rubbed my eyes a bit and tried to steady my racing heart. "Get the letter."

She cracked the door enough to grab the paper from the man. They muttered a few greetings and he was gone. She stared at the seal on the back and pursed her lips.

"Who is it from?" I asked.

She said nothing, simply walked to me and handed it over. Her expressionless face was disconcerting to say the least. I sat up and reached for the paper. It seemed innocent enough. Albeit a bit odd that I would receive a letter here. Glancing at the seal on the back, all breath left my body. I could feel the color draining from my face.

"How did they know you were here?" Angeline asked.

I shook my head, staring at the red seal of the Guild. Shaking hands grasped the paper tightly nervous to open it.

What do they want? In all this time, I've never received a letter from them. Do they know of my feelings for Cassius?

I sucked in a deep break and broke the seal.


I hope this letter finds you well. I sincerely apologize for leaving on such short notice and without warning to you. Angeline was kind enough to step in for me in my absence. Do trust her. I was called away on a separate mission than the one you are doing at this time. Despite promising to always be there for you, I had to leave. The Guild needed my presence with another. Please forgive me.

Angeline has informed me of the predicament you are in. Remember your training and you will find the missing jewel that you seek.


"When did you send a letter to Jonathan?" I turned to look at Angeline. "And why? God, that man."

"Only this morning. He must be closer than I expected." She returned to sorting through gowns. "Despite how much you hate him, he is still your trainer."

"Why did he leave? He gave me no information besides he had to help another."

"I am unsure. The Guild does not share mission details. You know that, Joselyn."

"Do not lie to me, Angeline. Where is he?"

"I honestly do not know. I did not expect him to be within the country though," she mumbled, holding her hand out for the letter.

I sighed heavily and sank into the feather pillows behind me. My mind reeled at the revelation where my mentor vanished.

"What shall I do?"

"Continue what you are doing. Protect your king while investigating where Belle disappeared to."

"I know she's in Constantinople."

"Alright. Then you must find a reason to go there," I said.

"How will a simple noble woman find an excuse to travel across the seas without her parents?" I arched my brows at her.

"The same way you came here without your mother. The king. You'll be able to protect him while searching for the young lady."

"I don't know if he'll go for it though," I said.

"If he's as desperate to find her as you are, he'll schedule a visit."

"I'll tell him of this idea when I see him."

Angeline left my side and dug through the bureau. She emerged from the never-ending satins, silks, and damask with a dark blue day dress; the bodice was embroidered with rubies and sapphires; and she pulled out a pair of red, satin slippers. I ran my hand over the soft fabric, waiting for her to return with a pitcher of warm water and a basin so I may wash up.

"What oils for your hair?"

"I don't care," I mumbled, staring at the letter beside my bed.

"What are you to do with that?" She motioned to the same paper I watched.

"Burn it I suppose. I don't know what else to do with it."

She nodded her head and continued heating my wash water. Handing me a towel, Angeline took hold of the paper and strode across the room. The fire died down to nothing but embers, but it should have burned the paper. The edges browed as a line of red erupted. Flames grew from the increasingly hot paper and it curled in on itself. I watched as the letter turned to nothing but a pile of ashes.

"It's ready," she said standing at the basin prepared to wash my locks.

I nodded my head and sulked to the basin near the window. I tilted my head, keeping my eyes on the gloomy day outside, as she poured the warm, sweet smelling water over my head. Rain pelted against the window, trailing down in slated lines.

"The weather is dreadful. I hoped to go for a walk with Cassius today."

"Perhaps you can stroll about the castle," she said, rubbing the oil she picked into my hair. Vanilla and honey.

"Lady Joselyn?" a voice called from the other side of the door.

"She's washing," Angeline responded.

"The king and Duke request your presence at breakfast."

"She shall be down once she is dressed."

"Thank you, ma'am."

My stomach churned and twisted at the thought of sitting anywhere near the Duke. I didn't want to be in the same vicinity as the man let alone at the same dining table. Angeline rubbed my hair gently with a towel, drying it so she may make me look like a presentable lady.

I dipped a smaller towel in the water and wiped at my porcelain skin as she twisted and pulled at my hair. The undergarments placed on my body and the corset tightened. I stepped into the skirt of the gown as Angeline pulled it up to my waist, tightening it to the point I could hardly breathe.

"I do hate these gowns and corsets."

"Why?" she inquired. "They are most beautiful and the latest that ladies in the city wear."

"Obviously they do not care much for breathing or comfort," I complained.

"You look lovely."

"Thank you."

Angeline stood back, observing her handy work. She squinted and readjusted before finally nodding her approval.

"I'll be back shortly."

"Do learn as much as you can," she called after me.

"I will."

The dining room glowed with the morning light. Everything appeared to be gold as the rays shining through the windows.

"Joselyn." Cassius stood, bowing slightly to me.

"Your majesty." I curtsied to him before taking my seat.

"How did you sleep last night, Lady Joselyn?" the Duke asked.

"Very well except one of the guards awoke me for some reason."

"Yes, I'm sorry about that there was an intruder in the house last evening."

"Oh dear! I do hope the scoundrel was captured."

"Unfortunately, he managed to elude capture."

"How dreadful." My brows stitched together, and I shook my head. "Did he take anything of value?" I asked, hoping the Duke would reveal more information.

He avoided my gaze and shook his head. "No. He threatened me but took nothing."

"Threatened you? What a monster!" I feigned horror, placing my hand to my mouth.

"I'm just glad nobody was injured. Especially with such illustrious company here."

"Yes, it is a good thing King Cassius was unharmed."

"Yes," Cassius mumbled, glancing my way.

"Are there going to be added security measures now?" I asked, cracking the egg that placed in front of me.

"Of course. I would not be able to live with myself if anything happened to my lord or to you dear, sweet lady."

"I thank you kindly for the added protection. I will sleep better tonight knowing you will take care of us." I smiled and took a bite of the boiled egg.

I could feel Cassius's eyes boring into me. He knew. I knew he knew.

Don't say anything, Cassius. Please, don't say anything.


"Yes, your majesty."

"Will you join me after breakfast for a stroll about?"

"The weather is awful dreadful, my lord."

"We can stroll through the halls," he said not looking up at me.

"Of course."

We continued eating in silence. My heart slammed against my chest with each passing moment. What would he say? What would he do?

As the last plate was removed, we all stood. Cassius held out his arm for me. I graciously took it and bid farewell to the Duke. The only sound heard was our shoes echoing off the walls.

"I believe I told you not to do anything."

"The Duke said a man broke into the house not a woman."

"He's also too proud to admit when a woman has taken advantage. Especially in his own home."

I nodded my head. I had to maintain the peace with him. No arguing. Accept what he said.

"Forgive me, Cassius."

He remained silent as we continued walking through the halls. "What did you learn?"

"He sold her to a Turkish prince in Constantinople."

"I see."

"I will do what you say from now on. If you wish me to stop searching I shall."

He pursed his lips, heavily hooded eyes lost in thought. "No. We've already found out so much. I shall make notice of my intentions to go on a peaceful visit to my brother the Turkish prince."

"Alright. Shall I join you?" I asked.


I turned to walk back toward my chambers when Cassius grabbed my arm. "What?"

"Don't disobey my orders again," he whispered so low that I could barely hear him.

"Of course. I am sorry."

He nodded his head, wrapped his hands around my waist, and pulled me close. Leaning his head down, he covered my mouth with his. My heart skipped a beat as for the briefest of moments I was lost in him. I forgot everything. I was no longer Joselyn assassin to the king. I was simply Joselyn, the king's favorite.

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