Chapter Twenty-Eight
I remained incapacitated for another week and a half before I could travel about the castle. Angeline made sure to pick gowns that completely covered my back and arms until the wounds healed. No matter where I walked people stopped, stared, and whispered.
Did they know about the attack? Is it because I've been confined with the king? Is it because of Mary?
One of the reasons I hated court life so much was because of the pettiness. The whispers and rumors were nauseating.
"Lady Joselyn, it has been some time since anyone has seen you."
"I know. I took ill shortly after returning with the king and have been confined to my chambers," I said to a courtier who stopped me as I walked through the main hall.
"How dreadful. I do hope it wasn't awful," she said, gasping and putting her hand to her mouth.
"No, it wasn't so bad. Just a bit under the weather. Angeline, my handmaiden, did a marvelous job ensuring my wellness."
"How lovely. It is so hard to find good help." She shook her head sadly.
If only you knew how much of a help she is, you snotty prude.
"Yes, I suppose it is difficult finding decent people to surround yourself with."
She nodded her head in solemn agreement not realizing I meant her.
"Where is your dress from? I haven't seen anything of its making before."
"Oh, yes, well with my being sick Angeline decided one of the high backed, long-sleeved French gowns would be most suitable until I am well."
"You will have to tell me who designed it!"
"I'll have to ask Angeline. She is the one who did the ordering. She's rather particular," I mumbled, glancing around the room for anyone who I could use as an excuse to retreat from the discussion. "Oh, I believe I see the Duke of Norfolk. I should say hello."
"Of course. It was nice seeing you, Lady Joselyn."
"It was a pleasure seeing you as well, Duchess." I crossed the room and exchanged pleasantries with the Duke.
Thankfully for me, he was a man of few words.
Almost to the king.
I hurried away from the rest of the court and headed for the king's study. I hoped he would be alone. I was in no mood for any more conversations.
"Yes, ma'am?" a guard at the door asked.
"Lady Joselyn here to see his majesty, King Cassius."
"Just a moment." He bowed and cracked the door. I heard multiple voices mumbling before he withdrew his head. "He will see you."
I strode past the guard into Cassius's study. I bit my tongue when I saw the cardinal Walsh standing near the fireplace.
"Lady Joselyn? What are you doing here?" he asked.
"To see the king."
"Why on earth would the king want to see you?" he asked.
I clenched my teeth and looked away from the boorish cardinal.
"I requested her to come," Cassius replied behind him.
"Of course, my lord."
"You are dismissed, Walsh."
The cardinal dipped into a low bow and left us alone. I always wondered how he was able to do that without his little red cap falling off. I grimaced as he shut the door.
"I don't think he likes me," I grumbled.
"He doesn't like anyone who may take my time." Cassius shook his head and walked toward me. "I like you."
He wrapped his arms around my tightly cinched waist and yanked me close to his body.
"I like you too." I smiled.
"I have something for you." He released his grip on my waist and turned to the desk near a window. He picked up a blue, velvet bag.
"What is it?"
"Open it."
The fabric was so soft and lovely. I carefully lifted the flap and gasped. Resting inside were silver leafed flowers, linked together by pearls, the pendant was a large silver flower with a large topaz jewel surrounded by pearls. I gasped while running my fingers over the delicate finery.
"This is too much," I whispered.
"Nothing is too much for you, my love."
"Allow me to help you." He picked up the necklace and placed it around my neck. It was much heavier than I imagined.
"This isn't why I came here."
"I know. I just wanted to give you something."
"When do we leave?" I asked.
"We'll leave in the morning," he said, kissing my cheek.
"Very good."
"Joselyn, will you join me for supper tonight?"
"Of course."
"We'll be dining with one of the other Lords."
"The Earl of Nottingham."
"Yes. He has a brilliant military mind and can help us with Constantinople."
"Do you think it will be difficult finding Belle?"
"I'm not sure. Which is why I want him to join us."
"You don't feel it will seem suspicious?" I asked.
He shook his head and ran his fingers through the shoulder-length, curly locks atop his head. "It shouldn't be. A king always travels with a large entourage."
I stitched my brows together and chewed my bottom lip. This had turned from a simple recovery mission to a full-blown war. Well to me it was war. This was personal for me. I still wanted the Duke de la Mar to pay for his arrogance in selling off dear, sweet Belle.
Perhaps the Earl of Nottingham will offer to help with that as well.
"I'll think of something to tell my mother when I see her again."
"Just inform her that you are going on another visit with the king. She should be happy, she wants us married does she not?"
"More than you think," I mumbled.
"I got you something else," Cassius said, stepping to the other side of the desk. He pulled out another velvet back. This one longer and elaborately decorated.
"What is this?" I asked, undoing the gold button on the front. Inside was a beautifully decorated dagger. "Oh my."
"I thought you'd like it."
I placed my slippered foot on his desk, pulling my gown, slowly, up my leg. I paused at my thigh just above the leather sheath. Removing the dagger, I'd had for years, I slid the new one it. The gold and black hilt glistened in the sunlight and the steel much cooler on my skin. Cassius rubbed my ankle and moved his hands up my legs to the weapon. He traced his finger along the outline through the leather. My breath hitched in my throat as the heat in my body rose. He understood me better than anyone ever good.
I loved jewelry, but I adored weaponry. I had a passion for it. Nothing made me happier or hotter than a new dagger strapped to my body.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and quickly closed the gap between us. It was becoming easier to be intimate with him, even if only kisses when we were alone.
Soon enough, Joselyn. You can be together soon enough. There are only a few more obstacles standing in your way.
"I'm going to have Angeline pack. I shall see you at supper."
He kissed me once more and released his grip on me again. "I'll count the hours till we're together again."
"I look forward to talking with the Earl."
"I'm sure he's more than happy to help find Belle. I believe he may be in love with her."
"He is? How? Has he met her?" I queried.
"He has. Before you came home, and Belle went missing she was at court quite a bit. I could tell she was as dreadfully unhappy, but what could I do? I may be the king, but I cannot end a marriage. They danced, drank wine, and talked long into the night. I also believe she loved him."
My heart broke all over again.
"You must promise me something, Cassius."
"Anything, love."
"When we bring her back, you will not send her back to that man. Allow her to be with whomever she chooses."
"Of course. I've already sent word to the Pope of her great matter. I believe he will grant her a divorce."
I nodded my head, sighing in relief. I kissed his cheek before he kissed my hand and retreated from the room.
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