Chapter Six
"Thank you for the dance, Lady Joselyn." The king bowed low to me as the music stopped.
I dipped into a curtsy. "The pleasure was all mine, your majesty."
He stood, turned, and was gone. I stood in the middle of the room with everyone still staring. My cheeks burned yet again as I imagined the crimson color it had turned. I'd been embarrassed one too many times for my liking. My gaze darted around desperately searching for someone I knew; someone who could distract me while also keeping my eye on the king.
I sighed with relief at the sight of Anne Howard. I scurried to my friend, and distant cousin, as the others around me went back to their conversations. Occasionally I would catch a woman glancing in my direction, or a few men in a corner would laugh loudly while their eyes trained on me.
"That is quite the way to come back to court, Joselyn," she mumbled, not looking directly at me.
I nervously bit my lip and looked about for my mother or father. "It most certainly was not my idea."
"You sure do have the king's attention already." Anne smiled and nodded her head in the direction of a well-dressed young man on the other side of the room.
"He was simply being polite. My father is one of the most powerful men in the country. He would be wise to keep him happy."
"Perhaps. Or he may have ulterior motives. Everyone here has been abuzz about when the still very eligible daughter of the Duke of Suffolk would return to court and be accepted by the still very single king."
"Why is everyone so stuck on that? I mean, you're single."
She held up her left hand which showed off a very lovely opal. "Married."
"Since when? And to whom?" I gasped, staring at the ring.
"Three months before you returned. And the lord privy purses son, Lord Henry Howard."
"Henry Howard? That scrawny redhead that used to talk to the sheep?"
She sighed heavily and resisted laughing. "That is him. He's grown up a bit. That's him, nearest the tall, brunette woman."
"That strapping redhead is most certainly not Henry Howard!"
She nodded, looking rather forlorn. "Aye, it is."
"He has strayed?" I asked, watching as the woman touched his arm lightly.
"Don't they all?"
"You don't have to tolerate that behavior."
"Why not? I get what I want and he will leave me alone."
"How have you been otherwise?" I asked.
"I have been well. It has been terribly dull; though with you back it should prove to be more entertaining." A sly smile crossed her perfectly pink lips and she winked a beautiful emerald eye at me.
"No way, Anne. I am keeping as low a profile as I possibly can." I shook my head, refusing to even entertain the thought.
"But Lady Joselyn you are the shiny new toy that has come back for the lords to play with."
"I sincerely hope not."
"You've been back for about six months, correct?" she asked.
I pursed my lips together in a thin line as the king entered the room again. I could feel my heart speed up and my stomach leaped to my throat. "Um, only a few months ago."
"Are you happy being back?"
"Yes, of course." I graciously accepted a goblet of wine from a steward who passed by.
She leaned in close and lowered her voice to just above a whisper. "Were the rumors true?"
"What rumors?" My brows stitched together, and I cocked my head to the side.
"About you and the tutor."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." My heart slammed against my chest as she brought up Jonathan and the king kept glancing in my direction.
"Joselyn, it was all the talk of the court!"
"Anne, I really don't know what you're talking about."
"There was nothing between you and that handsome tutor, Jonathan?"
"No. I would never ruin my family's reputation or honor for a tryst! I cannot believe anyone would think that of me." My lips turned down at the corners and I furrowed my brows.
The very thought! I had to chew the inside of my cheeks to prevent the smile bursting to escape from being seen.
"My apologies. I shall correct anyone I hear speaking of it."
"Please do." I smiled and nodded at my uncle, the Duke of Richmond. My family's branches were far-reaching.
Anne sighed heavily and turned her head toward one of the large, stained glass windows. "The princess is walking our way."
"Oh no," I groaned under my breath.
The princess and I still weren't getting along. I saw her shortly after my return and she was quite cold.
"Lady Joselyn," the delicate, young girl said as she approached. Her dark brown gown swished about her feet. The sleeves were pinned back revealing a darker material. Her black hair curled with a delicate gold and pearl tiara tucked atop her head.
"Princess Mary." I dipped into a low curtsy.
"It is so nice to see you back at court." Her nostrils flared; her lips pursed into a tight, thin line; and she narrowed her eyes at me.
"It is quite nice being back. I have been enjoying myself. The king was quite insistent that I come home."
"Cassius?" Her eyes grew large and she glanced at her brother.
"How long have you been back?"
"Just a few months."
"So when he returned home from his visit? How very interesting. How was the French court?" she inquired.
I watched her closely. Usually, by now, she made some awful thing or insulted me in a terrible way.
"It was lovely."
"Do you miss it terribly?" she asked, her almond-shaped eyes narrowing at me.
"There are moments. I found many friends while there, but nothing will ever be home."
"If I am not interrupting, Lady Joselyn, would you care to dance?" a young man asked bending into a bow.
"Of course." I curtsied in reply. "Ladies, please excuse me. Duty calls and all that."
He escorted me to the center of the room and as the newest song began, we joined the other courtesans in the Saltarello. Glancing to my left, I saw King Cassius as the mass of couples parted. He removed his formal jacket and had a smile on his face. He looked so much like the Cassius from my childhood. For just a moment, I forgot he was the king of England. I also forgot the true reason why I had returned. He was so beautiful when he danced. I could not seem to take my eyes off the man. He caught me staring and our gazes locked. His remarkable eyes were hypnotizing. Somehow, we managed to finish the dance. He smiled and applauded the musicians while walking toward me. New music began. Something I recognized immediately. The volt. We twirled and spun about the room, Cassius holding me in all the places an unmarried woman shouldn't be held in.
"I have to discuss things with you."
"Not the time, your majesty," I whispered.
"It's of great importance."
"I understand that. Such things are not meant for public ears."
I needed a diversion. Something to enable the king and me to have time alone without the whispers of court.
My head felt so heavy as the events of the day and what would be happening for the rest of my life began to pile on so quickly. I took deep breaths as the room began to spin. My legs wobbled and gave out beneath me as I walked away from the king.
"Joselyn? Joselyn, are you quite all right?" Anne ran to me, holding onto my arm as I began to sway back and forth.
"No. I don't think I'm alright."
"Oh! Someone help! Someone! Lady Joselyn!" she shouted, as the earth seemed to pull me toward her.
Things went black. I could hear screams and felt arms around my limp body.
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