Chapter Seventeen
I sneaked back through the passage toward my own chambers. I had packing to do. Creeping through the passage door, I was startled by clicking heels on the stone around the corner. Walking away quickly, I hoped they wouldn't see me before I could get back inside.
"Joselyn?" Too late.
I turned and curtsied low to Princess Mary. "My lady?"
"Where are you coming from?" she asked.
"I was strolling about the courtyard for some fresh air before having breakfast."
"I didn't see you a short while ago when I walked through." She crossed her arms in front of her chest and cocked her head to the side.
My heart thumped hard against my rib cage, I could hear it in my ears. "Oh. Well, I suppose we missed each other when I was coming outside. I haven't been here for long. In fact, I was heading inside to eat now."
"Are the rumors that my brother is taking you along with him to visit the Duke de le Mare true?"
"Yes. He has asked me to join him on the journey as well as my father and I believe hundreds of others." I chewed the inside of my lip, thinking of a way to slowly inch my way away from the princess.
"I see." She turned on her heels and strode away. Her hair flowed behind her as she waved for her servants and guards to follow.
I breathed heavily trying to slow my heart.
"Lady?" a voice called from beside me.
"We need to pack, Angeline." I closed my eyes slowly and took a few deep breaths. Time away from the Princess Mary and Mother would be a much-needed reprise.
"When do we leave?"
"Cassius said the morning"
"Will I be packing everything?" she inquired.
I crossed into the room and looked at my unsuspecting trunk in the corner. "Not everything. The essentials. I don't want to draw too much attention to myself. Besides, it should be fast and simple."
"Of course, Lady."
I lay on the bed as Angeline went about arranging our belongings for the trip.
"I need your advice," I said, clasping my hands under my chin.
"Anything for you, my lady."
"How long have we known each other?"
"Quite some time. I believe twelve years." She dug through a large chest of drawers, pulling out gowns and sadly shaking her head. "I believe it is time to have new gowns made, Lady Joselyn."
"Why? I like my gowns."
She twisted up her nose and frowned at the pink gown in her hand. "Uh, you need something more updated."
I shook my head at her, pulling the piece of jewelry out that Cassius had given me.
"I trust you more than anyone else."
"Of course. Are you quite all right?"
"Angeline? Do you think I'm making a mistake?"
She paused in her packing and looked up at me from one of the trunks. She bit her bottom lip and furrowed her brows. "I think you are allowing your emotions to control your actions. Which as you know, can be dangerous if not life-threatening for you and your king."
She was right.
I nodded my head and rolled onto my back. "I've known Cassius for a very long time."
"Yes. I know this. That is why you were assigned to him." She looked over and saw the jewel. "I see he's taken notice of you as well."
"Before I was sent away to France he was my best friend."
"Yes," she replied.
I rolled back over and stared at her. She looked so much older than her twenty years. She was most certainly wiser. "Should I pursue the relationship he wants?"
Shaking her head at me, she sighed heavily. "You know the consequences of an Assassin disobeying the rules set forth by the Guild. A time before you or I were around there was one who decided not to heed the warnings. She married her king, produced an heir, and became complacent to those around her. It resulted in not only his death but hers as well. The child had to be placed in hiding with an aunt and uncle who left the royal life. He never became king. Everything ended with them. A dynasty was over because of disobeying the rules."
"The Guild killed both, right?
"Correct. Burned. Alive."
"Yeesh." I arched my brows and stared at her.
Angeline took a deep breath and sat down on a bench upholstered in fine velvet across from me. She gripped the damask gown in her hands as a sorrowful looked crossed her face.
"Joselyn, the path you are going down is dangerous. Very. If it is found out the Guild will kill you and Cassius. If there are children produced in this marriage they will also be eliminated. You are no more than property to the Guild. You gave up your identity when you were recruited, just as I did. If you go through with this, yes, the Guild will use fire to eliminate you. They will do to you what they did to her. They will burn you alive, Joselyn."
My head thumped as she described the tale of the fated lovers. I could never allow anything bad to happen to Cassius. Perhaps my duty as an assassin made me want to protect him or the fact he had been the best thing in my life prior to leaving the kingdom.
Moreover, I did love him.
Angeline stood and returned to her packing. "Hidden blades, Lady Joselyn?"
"Hmm?" I looked up through heavily lidded eyes.
"Weapons, Lady."
"Oh. Yes. The hidden blades will do well. As well as a small dagger."
"Will you be wearing a gown, or shall I pack your assassin garb?" she asked.
"I'm not sure what to expect, best pack the assassin garb as well."
Nodding her head, she placed the black clothing and my blades at the bottom. Carefully placing the gowns, she deemed agreeable on top along with various satin slippers and other shoes she felt I would need.
"Pack for yourself," I instructed.
"Yes, Madame.
I rolled back over, staring at the ceiling, contemplating how I would acquire information on the whereabouts of my dear friend when the door flew open. The swishing skirts and huffing that came from across the room announced who dare disturb my privacy.
"Joselyn! What is going on here?" she demanded to know.
"Angeline is packing," I muttered still looking at the ceiling. "We leave in the morning."
Mother sucked in a sharp breath and became irritatingly silent.
"What, Mother?"
"The king still plans to take you with him? Alone?"
"Yes, and there are hundreds of people going on this trip including father. We're not alone."
I glanced at her as she shook her head. "This will ruin you."
"What will, mother? Spending time away from here?" I asked.
Angeline cleared her throat and kept her eyes on me. Slowly closing my eyes, I took a deep breath.
Relax, Joselyn.
"When the other nobility finds out you spent time alone with the king, they're going to know what you have been doing."
"What exactly have I been doing, mother?" I rolled onto my stomach, crossed my ankles, and placed my chin on my hands.
"I don't even want to think about it." She put her hand over her face and began to weep.
"Quit being so dramatic. My honor is intact, Mother. The king and I have done nothing more than talked and had meals together. He's taking me with him to introduce me to more lords and ladies. I thought that would make you happy. He's showing interest."
"That does not explain why he refuses to allow me to go along with you."
I opened my mouth to answer, but the door flew open once again.
"Is there no privacy around here?" I asked myself.
"You are not joining us because I do not want you to, Madam." Cassius stood there in black Venetians, a dark purple doublet adorned with sapphires and diamonds.
"Your majesty." Mother dipped into a low curtsy. "You must understand I simply worry for my daughter's well-being."
"I know very well what you are concerned for, Madame. Lady Joselyn shall join me while you remain here." He looked over at me. "Are you finished packing?"
"Angeline is finishing up."
"I'll send the coachmen up for your things. We leave within the hour. Is everything ready?"
I nodded my head stealing a glance at Angeline who stood stone-faced. It was always so difficult to read the girl. Most of the time she acted aloof to everything; however, she always managed to know absolutely everything. Even things I didn't know yet myself.
He nodded and took his leave of us.
"I still don't like it," Mother hissed.
"I understand, Mother. Angeline will be with me, I am sure she will be keeping a close eye on me during the entire trip."
She glanced at Angeline who continued to stand there staring straight ahead. She was anything if not dedicated to acting like a proper handmaiden.
"I suppose I have no say in what happens and my arguing will make no difference. Enjoy your trip." She glared at Angeline. "I trust you to be sure Joselyn's virtue remains intact. I do not want her chances with any of the lords or even the king ruined due to poor decisions by a child."
I clenched my teeth and let her rant about my virtue and how irresponsible I am with it despite the fact I had done nothing to put it in jeopardy.
If only she knew. I am not a simple lady like you. I am so much more, Mother. If only you could see and understand that.
The woman turned on her heels and stormed out of the room. I shook my head and flopped in a poof of fabric in the nearest chair.
"Are you quite all right, Joselyn?"
"I'm fine, Angeline. Mother knows how to make me feel as small as an insect sometimes."
"She doesn't understand or know what you do. Ignore her."
"Yes. I do try. Let's finish preparing so we may leave. I'll have a mission shortly."
"What if you need to kill the man?" she asked.
I did a most unladylike thing and shrugged my shoulders. "I am not sure. I suppose if it is needed, I will eliminate him. As much as that will cause a stir about the kingdom, finding Belle is what is important. He matters not."
She nodded and closed her trunk. "Your things are locked, Madame."
I held out my hand for the key. It was on a long, gold chain that I placed around my neck.
You can never be too careful with a lady's trunk. I can't trust anyone. If they find my weapons, Cassius will have no choice but to place me in prison.
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