Chosen - Chapter nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

I sat in a chair near the fire Angeline had roaring for me, polishing and sharpening my blades. The sun set beyond the window behind me, casting dark shadows across the room like assassins creeping up on me. The soft snores from Angeline drifted in from her side room.

My heart leaped to my throat at the sound of knocking on my door. Almost dropping my knives, I quickly tucked them away in a trunk before cracking the door open.

"The king and duke request your presence in the dining hall," a footman wearing green and black clothing said.

"Thank you. Please let them know I'll be down shortly. I have to change first." I sighed heavily and untied the bodice of my gown. "Angeline!"

"Madame?" she asked between yawns.

"I've been beckoned to the dining hall. Help me dress." I dropped the bodice and loosened the skirt, stepping out of it once the fabric hit the ground.

"Of course." She dug through the closet and pulled out a brown dining gown. Together we were able to fasten and tie everything in only a few short minutes. "Your hair?"

"It will simply have to stay like this."

She grimaced at what she deemed unsuitable hair for any occasion. Even waking up.

"Would you like me to attend you while there?" Angeline inquired, ignoring my direction about the hair. She fussed with pins and the few remaining curls, pinning them here and there.

"I believe all will be well while I'm with the king." I didn't fight her; I learned long ago it was useless fighting her. She always got her way.

"You don't think anyone would make any attempts on his life this evening?"

"I'm not sure. I am only a woman as the rest of them see me. If whoever is attempting to kill the king now came with us it is always possible."

Angeline handed me a leather strap and sheath for my thigh. I fastened it securely and tucked a long, sharp blade in. The steel was cool against my hot skin. The tip of the blade dug into my leg with each step I took. When I first started wearing it that was one thing that always bothered me. Now it was reassuring. I was safe with the knife there.

"Would you like another?"

"No. The one should be fine. I don't foresee too much trouble from anyone here."

She nodded and retreated to her room. I headed down to the dining hall. A fire roared off to the side and candles were lit all about. Shadows danced across the walls and on the faces of the servants who stood about waiting for us to eat.

"Lady Joselyn, thank you for joining us," The duke said, standing and bowing to me.

"Thank you, my lord. I am surprised that I got an invitation to join you and the king this evening. I thought you would enjoy an evening of discussions."

"We would never leave you out, my dear," Cassius replied, pulling out a chair nearest him for me to sit at.

I took my seat and accepted a goblet of wine from a steward who held the golden pitcher. "What are we discussing this evening?"

"The growing discontent amongst people of the north."

"Oh? What are their concerns?" I asked, glancing at the two men.

"It's nothing for you to worry about, Lady Joselyn," the duke muttered, before sipping at his soup.

I nodded and side-eyed Cassius. He shook his head slightly, sipping at his wine. I chewed the sides of my cheeks, how dare this disgusting man treat me in such a way?

"I was hoping to see your wife. Will she be joining us tonight?" I asked, feeling the heat in my body rising.

"No. She is not here at the moment."

"That's a shame. You know we grew up together in France. She is one of my dearest friends. I have missed her dearly and hoped to spend time with her."

He grumbled something inaudible under his breath and motioned for the next course to be served.

Ignoring my comments completely? What is he hiding?

"I am feeling unwell; you will excuse me if I don't finish eating?" I asked.

"Are things well, Lady?"

"I believe it was the journey. The carriage bumped along so much my delicate stomach simply could not handle it. Unlike you men, we women seem to be so fragile."

Cassius nodded, and the duke waved me away. I curtsied to the men and went on my way. While they were occupied, I had the perfect opportunity to search the manor for information on Belle.

Creeping past the guards on the second floor, I made my way to the third. Lights were sparse; the area remained dark and desolate. I wondered if the section of the home was even used. Opening the second door from the left, a large desk sat in the center of the room. A cold fireplace was empty and clean. The room didn't smell as old and musty as it appeared. I crossed the room silently and pulled open drawers. Parchment papers stacked to the top popped up. Yanking out the top one, I read. Someone thanked the duke for taking care of his personal issue and sent a large some of funds. Turning the paper over the dark red seal of a Turkish prince sat there.

"Interesting," I muttered to myself.

I dug through a few more sheets to confirm my suspicions. The last paper held all the answers. Tears sprung to my eyes as I read. Belle sold to that very same Turkish prince. She was gone. He knew where she was now it was my turn to find out.

I shoved everything back and calmed myself before leaving the room.

"Joselyn? What's wrong?" Cassius asked as I passed him in the hall.

"He sold Belle. He sold her to some Turkish prince."


"I don't know. I didn't recognize the name."

"What are you going to do about it?" he asked.

"I'm going to his room later tonight and I'm going to demanded to know where he sent her."

Cassius grabbed my hand and led me to his room. It was large and warm. Much larger than my own. His fireplace covered nearly half a wall in front of his bed. Had the room been in any other home, it would have been welcoming. Here, though, it felt cold and like a prison.

"Sit," Cassius ordered.

Obediently I sunk onto his soft bed. Anger grew in my stomach.

"You're too close to this. I can hire someone else."

"No!" I shouted. "This monster is mine. I will save her. Even if that means he has to die. I will find her."

He shook his head and paced about the room. "I don't know, Joselyn."

"I'm your assassin. I will do what I need to do. Don't take this from me, Cassius."

"I don't know."

I pursed my lips. It was not my place to argue with my king or demand anything. I simply obey what he says.

I nodded my head to him. "I can only request that he be mine, and I save my dearest of friends. It is your decision, majesty.

I stood and curtsied before slamming theconnecting door behind me as I left his sight.

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