Chosen - Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chapter Fifty-Three

The month that we'd been at sea had given the men time to heal from their wounds. The bruises faded as the days went on and pained ribs eventually gave them relief. Angeline barely left Charles's side as he recovered. Cassius slept most of the time, so I spent a great deal of the voyage on top deck with the crew learning various things about a sailor's life.

It sounded positively dreadful.

The day Portsmouth came into view was a marvelous day. I stood near the bow of the ship as we sliced through the choppy water headed for the dock. We couldn't get there soon enough for me.

"We're home!" I exclaimed.

"Are you happy?" Cassius called to me, emerging from below deck.


"I have a surprise for you once we arrive at Windsor Castle."

"Windsor?" I asked.

He nodded his head and joined me.

"Why are we going to Windsor?"

"It's a surprise."

"What sort of surprise, my love?" I asked, holding onto his arm and resting my head on his shoulder.

"One I'm sure you will enjoy."

The King's carriage sat, waiting for us. A team of majestic horses stood with heads held high, awaiting our return. I didn't feel as majestic as those horses. I felt salty, wet, and disgusting.

"Charles, you will join us?" Cassius asked.

"Yes, sire."

"You and Angeline shall wed at Windsor Castle."

"Windsor? Your majesty, are you certain?" Angeline asked her face flushing.

"Absolutely. After everything you have done for Joselyn and me, I insist." He turned to Robert who was already dozing off. "Your Belle will join us?"

"I sent word to meet us there before we left Venice."

"Good, good."

"You knew we were going?" I asked.

"I am one of the king's oldest friends, of course, I knew," he said, smiling slyly.

I pursed my lips and sat back against the soft velvet. The carriage bumped along the rocky road as we left Portsmouth. The ride to Windsor would seem like a lifetime despite the fact I'd spent a month aboard a ship. Three times. Eight more hours shouldn't seem like much. My mind drifted to what Cassius could possibly have planned.


"What?" Angeline asked.

"My mother is still at Hampton Court."

"I sent word along for her to be taken to Windsor as well," Cassius mumbled. "As much as I don't want her there."

"You sent for my mother? This must be something big."

He reached over and held my hand, closing his eyes. A smile played at my lips as I let my imagination run wild with what he may have planned. My head lolled to the side and fell against his shoulder. Right where it belonged. I must have been more tired than I thought. I awoke sometime later to a great commotion outside of our cramped quarters. I stretched my arms, yawning, and peeked outside. The massive castle of Windsor laid spread before us. Men ran about taking trunks down; unhitch horses, and getting things situated for us.

"We're here!" I squealed, throwing open the door of the carriage.

Without waiting for someone to help me, I climbed down and took long, deep breaths of the English air. The front doors of the beautiful castle flew open and my mother stormed down the stairs in a fury of rage.

"Joselyn Moore!"


"Do not mother me. Do you have any idea how long you have been gone?" she asked, wagging a finger in my face.

"Approximately three months."

"Yes! Three whole months! That is entirely irresponsible on your part."

"Madame, she was attending to business with me."

My mother dipped into a low curtsy when she noticed Cassius standing beside me. "Forgive me, majesty. I was simply concerned for my daughter's well-being."

"She has been in more than capable hands, Madame."

"Yes, that is what I'm afraid of."

"Mother! My maidenhead and your honor are still intact. For the love of all things." I shook my head and brushed past her into the castle.

She always knew how to ruin a fantastic mood.

"Joselyn and Angeline, the seamstresses are waiting for you in your chambers. Harry, there will take you," Cassius said. "Duchess, please take tea in my own private rooms. Relax and enjoy being in the inner sanctum of Windsor Castle. My home."

My mother's nostrils flared, and her face turned to beat red. She pursed her already tiny, bird lips into a thin line, knowing she could not argue with her king and lord. Thankful for the reprieve in having to see her after such a long and fantastic time away.

Two dozen ladies stood in the room Harry showed us to wait. Bolts of fabric, yards of silk, piles of satin sat about. I glanced at Angeline who stared back at me.

"What is all of this for?" I asked.

"We have lots of gowns to make and not a lot of time," a tall, sour-looking woman said. "Lady Joselyn, please come with us. Angeline, you are going with those ladies there."

I slowly followed twelve of the ladies to one side of the room with a pedestal while Angeline climbed onto another.

"How many gowns are to be made?" I asked.


"Four? What exactly does the king have planned?" I asked again.

"There are to be so many festivities this week all with the instruction not to inform you or the miss here about anything."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"What is he doing?" Angeline asked.

"I already know at least one thing he has planned."

"What?" she queried.

"Your wedding."

"My wedding? The king is taking care of my wedding?"

"Apparently so," I mumbled. "But what else could he have going on this week?"

The ladies giggled, quickly stopping when the sour-faced woman tusked them.

"Now, stop moving," she ordered.

She held up the most remarkably beautiful red, satin fabric. I ran my hand down the length of it, enjoying the softness.

"This will definitely look lovely on you."

She tossed it to the side and picked up deep purple damask. She held it up, squinting and eyeing me and the fabric. There were dark, soft flowers on the fabric. She held up brown fur and shiny, lighter shade of purple.

"And this," she said, tossing it beside the red. Another seamstress held a piece of paper and quill making little notes. Angeline had swatches of fabric tossed over her shoulders, around her waist, on her arms.

She giggled, oohed, and awed over everything.

"Not the brown for her. It washes out her lovely skin," my seamstress commanded. The others nodded and removed the fabric. "For Angeline, the dark blue with black should do nicely."

The fabrics were taken to tables on the far ends of the room by a few ladies; others grabbed measuring tapes and checked everything that could need a measurement. Even my head.

"Please, go. We shall fetch you shortly."

"Um, okay." We left the room, wandering around.

"That was odd," Angeline said, lacing her arm through mine.

"Mm, that was."

"Shall we stroll through the gardens?" Angeline suggested.

"Yes. I haven't seen the Windsor Palace gardens before."

"Neither have I," she said, smiling.

The greenness of the grass and trees, the many colorful flowers, the small waterfall cascaded down to a pond below. A few swans swam about while peacocks pecked about. A large weeping willow provided shade near the pond and also made for a nice place to rest. We sat, talking as a few of the king's men approached us.

"Ladies, the royal seamstresses are requesting your presence." Harry bent low at the waste to us.

"Already? That was awful quick," Angeline replied, tossing the flower she'd picked to the ground.

"They are the finest in the land, ma'am."

"Fantastic. Do you know what's going on this week?" I asked.

"I do, Madame."

"DO tell us."

"Sorry, Madame, we have been sworn to secrecy on pain of death."

"Death? What is that man doing?"

"The seamstresses, Madame."

"Right. Off we go."

The ladies had worked fast. There were bits and pieces of gowns lying about, petticoats, bodices, and hose strewn around the room.

"Off with the peasant gowns!" the head seamstress ordered.

"Peasant gowns?" I held up the skirt of my gown looking at it. "I know it's not of the highest quality anymore, but it's far from a peasant gown."

"There is a hole in it!"

"Okay, so it is a bit..." I relented. "It's a peasant gown."

I removed the teal gown and the dirty petticoats and bodice.

"To the basin!" The woman shoed me and Angeline to respective basins where the seamstresses scrubbed at our bodies and washed our hair.

I didn't want to admit how much better I felt having the sea and muck cleaned from my body. My skin returned to being smooth while my hair no longer hung limp about my shoulders. Once back on the pedestals the hose was pulled on, the petticoats tied, and the bodices laced. I hated the bodices so much. I wasn't about to argue with the seamstress though. The pieces to various gowns were stuck together in piles. They pulled the skirt, top, and sleeves of a red gown. A gold and white chemise was pulled over my head. The sleeveless undergarment lay nicely on the poufy petticoat. I stepped into the skirt and had the top pulled on. The sleeves were pulled up my arms and sewn on.

"It's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, it is." The seamstress walked a circle around me as she examined every little thing. "I want the neckline trimmed with pearls and rubies. The fur for the trumpet sleeves will be white."

"Oh wow," Angeline said looking at the sumptuous gown that was forming around my body.

"Yeah. It is really something."

"Okay, remove it. Do the purple one next."

We repeated the process as the seamstresses cut, trimmed, and took notes about what was to be done to the gown. The one that impressed me most was the white dress. The soft silk, the fabulous satin, and the amazing fur trim. I felt like a queen in it. I stared in the mirror even as the barest of parts came together.

"Good. I want the trumpet sleeves to be gold, the chemise gold with red trimmings. Red shoes."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Off with it."

"The red gown shall be ready for tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? What's tomorrow?"

"Shoo. We have work to do."

Angeline and I redressed and left the busy room. "Well now then," I said.

"I'm hungry."

"Me too. Let's venture about and find something."

A commotion came from the throne room as we walked past. I popped my head in and watched as Cassius barked out orders, a platform was erected in the center with two thrones, and the most beautiful flowers and fabrics decorated the room. Two large candle holders stood at the entrance next to a rolled-up red carpet.

"What's going on?" I asked, attempting to enter the room.

"Get her out!" Cassius shouted.

Two guards closed in on Angeline and me forcing us out.

"Well, I never."


I groaned inwardly as my mother stormed down the hall towards us. She could never walk. She always stormed around angrily.


"What is going on around here? They are restricting me from going to certain places!"

"I don't know. Nobody will tell me a thing."

My father walked out of the throne room, kissing me lightly on the forehead. "Hello, my dear."


"What is going on?" Mother turned on him with an evil glare in her eyes.


"I know you know. Why won't you tell me? I am a duchess!"

Her infuriated scream drew a small crowd.

"Calm down, wife."

"Really now. What is the racket?"

"Your majesty, please forgive me. I did not mean to disturb you."

"Well you did, Madame. I am busy so if you don't mind keep it down!"

"What are you doing, Cassius?" I asked.

"You'll find out." He kissed the back of my hand and retreated into the throne room.

"Excuse us, Mother. We're out for something to eat." I turned, pulling Angeline with me, and continued down the hall, leaving my mother and father standing there.

I heard her huffing and puffing behind as we turned a corner. The great room was also in complete disarray. Tables, chairs, and decorations were brought in and out.

"I wish we were being informed of the happenings around here," Angeline said.

"Me too," I muttered. "At least we know your wedding will take place sometime this week. The gown is turning out to be gorgeous."

"Yes. It is. I'm still in such shock that the king is doing so much for us."

"You've helped so very much."

We eventually made our way to the kitchen and after some sweet talk managed to procure a basket with a bottle of wine, some bread, cheeses, and meats. We returned to our spot under the weeping willow and spent our afternoon watching rabbits hope about, the swans swim peacefully, and even a few deer graze nearby. It seemed as though I were in a dream. How could things get much better?

As the sun dipped below the mountains, Angeline and I sent back the empty basket and ventured off to find our chambers once again. The rooms were much quieter with the seamstresses gone. Their pedestals remained, but the remnants of gowns, bodices, and petticoats disappeared.

"Good night," Angeline called heading through the connecting door to her own chambers, which was no longer a small room but a magnificent area.

I quickly slipped off the day gown and tossed it aside. Slipping into bed, I couldn't believe how wonderful the mattress felt. Pulling the blankets up, I fell asleep almost as soon as my head sank into the down pillow.

"Lady Joselyn! Lady Joselyn, do wake up! You shall be late if you sleep much longer."

"Late?" I mumbled sleepily.

"Yes, my lady. Late. There is much preparation to do."

"For what?" I asked, wiping at my eyes, looking up at the head seamstress.

"The king is here to talk to you about all that."

I sat up and looked past her. Cassius stood in magnificent glory in the doorway. "Good morning, my lovely."

"Good morning, my lord. Are you prepared to inform me what is going on?" I inquired.

"Yes." He crossed the room, sitting by my side. "I have so much planned for the next three days beginning with a special ceremony in three hours."


"Angeline and Charles shall be invested with a Duchess and Duke ship."

"What?" I sat straight up, glancing at Angeline's door. "That is amazing, Cassius!"

"Yes. With what they've done for me, for us, it's the least I can do. Following that, I shall make you Marquees of Pembroke."

My body went numb. I had to be hearing wrong.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You shall be made Marquees."


"You don't want it?" His face fell, and his brows stitched together as the corners of his mouth turned down.

"No! I mean yes. Of course, I do. Why are you doing that for me?"

"You have proven yourself more to me in these few months than anyone has my entire life. It's the least I can do."

"You're giving me your love. That's more than enough."

"Which speaking of marriage, Angeline and Charles shall be wed tomorrow."

"Oh my."

"And we shall be wed in three days."

"Three days?"

"Is that acceptable?"

"More than acceptable. I had no idea, well I had some idea, with the gown and everything, but thank you," I said, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Do not thank me. I want to do this for you. I want you to be happy, Joselyn." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek before pressing his lips softly to mine. "Now get dressed."

I nodded and jumped up, excited to get the day started. My mind raced with thoughts of what was to come.

"Angeline!" I shouted.

The door swung open and she stood there in her petticoat and bodice. "I'm going to be a duchess!"

I laughed while the seamstress prepared a basin of water for my wash.

"Lady Joselyn, if you don't mind please, you must get ready."

"I know, I know," I said to the woman. "I'll see you in a few hours."

Angeline waved and returned to her own preparations.

A team of ladies stood about washing my hair, applying a scant amount of make-up, and twisting my hair into curls that laid about my shoulders. The red gown seemed even more amazing after it was put together and all the hemming done. I stared in the mirror for a long while staring at myself. I loved every part of it at the moment.

A knock drew me from my thoughts followed by Harry. "Lady Joselyn? Are you ready?"

"I am."

"Wonderful. The ceremonies are about to begin. Would you follow me please?"

I nodded and crossed the room, my shoes clicking on the floor with each step. The inside of them padded heavily to prevent my legs from becoming sore due to standing for so long.

"Please wait here. Once the king has finished bestowing the duchess and duke with their new titles you will be called forth. Approach the throne and enjoy becoming Marquees of Pembroke." He bent low at the waist and kissed my hand. "It will be a pleasure serving the future queen. We are most happy the king has finally found a lady most worthy of him."

"Thank you so much, Harry."

He smiled and entered the throne room, leaving me standing in the foyer. My heart slammed against my chest as trumpets sounded. I heard muffled voices and cheering. They must have finished already.

The doors slowly opened, and I was announced. My hands sweated, and the weight of the gown grew by ten.

I conveyed was conveyed by the duke of Norfolk and my father along with several other noblemen. The ambassadors from France, Germany, and Spain were also present. Angeline stood in front of the platform holding a mantle of crimson velvet, furred with ermines, and a coronet. A few of the nobles' wives led me forward. I climbed a few steps up and kneeled before the king. I kept my eyes trained on him as the bishop of Winchester read my patent. Cassius put the mantle about my shoulders, placed the cornet upon my brow, and handed me the two patents. I thanked him, nodded my head to the courtiers who applauded my new position and retreated to the great hall for a banquet. I sat beside the king as others filed into the room.

The feast was magnificent. Trays of food piled high, glasses were never empty, and musicians played long into the night. Angeline excused herself earlier, wanting to get sleep before her wedding the following day.

The week would prove to be a most amazing week.

"Lady Joselyn?" Harry asked as I sipped my wine.


"This has only just arrived for you." He handed over a black velvet bag.

"What is that?" Cassius asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and placed it on the table. "I do not know."

I removed the flaps and stared, the color draining from my face, at the golden dagger sitting before me. The blade had rubies and sapphires embedded in the gold, the hilt was a beautiful shade of black with diamonds all through it. The assassins' emblem etched into the gold. I picked it up only to drop it after having my hand pricked. I watched as the few drops of blood absorbed into the diamonds.

"What is that?"

"It's from the Guild."

"How do you know?" Cassius asked.

I pointed to the emblem. "That is the assassin's design."

"What does it mean?"

"I belong to them. Now and forever. They will never let me go."

"They promised..."

"That doesn't matter. They

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