Chapter Fifty-One
The man behind me shoved to the ground so I was kneeling before the three men. I glared behind me at him.
The man on the center throne stood and clasped his hands in front of his mouth. His twinkling eyes trained on me. His shoulder-length black hair was tied back with a white ribbon. His tanned skin seemed to glisten. The black cloak clasped under his chin with a beautiful golden pin.
"Lady Joselyn. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you are here. We have all heard so much about you."
He stepped around from the table and circled me as though I were a prize horse up for auction. "Likewise. I'm going to have to assume you are Agnolo."
He laughed lightly and spun to the other two. "See! She is smart! I didn't even have to introduce myself."
"Please do not pacify me. I am more intelligent than that," I said through gritted teeth.
He spun to look at me, eyes narrowed. Pointing a finger at me, he smiled a maniacal smile. "I knew there was something about you the day Francis and Claude presented you to us."
"I don't understand."
"You do not remember? That day, oh how long has it been now? Twelve years?"
I shook my head, staring at him in confusion.
"Oh, Joselyn. You were nothing but a wee thing back then. No taller than my knees."
"You were here, Joselyn?" Angeline whispered.
I shook my head never taking my eyes off the man. "No. Never."
"But you were."
"Why don't I remember?" I asked.
"You wouldn't. We do employ seers. They come in quite handy at times."
"Seers? The psychics?" I asked.
"Not quite psychics. We don't necessarily believe in the divinations, but they do come in handy for a potion or two."
"You used potions to make me forget? When I was a child?"
He shrugged and returned to his seat.
"Agnolo, are you finished?"
I eyed the man who spoke. His blonde hair contrasted greatly with the elders. His face pale white and his eyes green as the shamrocks in Ireland. His clasp red though.
He pressed his lush lips into a thin line. I guessed correctly.
"Why are you here?" the man who sat to the right of Agnolo's chair asked.
"If you have had people following me I'm sure you already know."
He closed his eyes slowly and turned his head.
"You killed our top watcher. That could not have been an easy task," Agnolo said, running his hands through my tangled curls. "Your hair is quite beautiful."
I pulled my head away only to have him backhand me. I fell to the side, landing with a thud. I reached my tied hands up to my mouth, wiping at the blood.
Angeline let out a small whimper.
He turned his attention to her and tusked. "A watcher should be able to handle a bit of discipline. I'm very disappointed in you. We had hoped would manage to keep our assassin in check."
"I told you she was a mistake when that crazy guy brought her in," Vincenzo said.
"For once yes, brother, you are right."
"It's not her fault," I said. "I'm a stubborn one. Just ask Jonathan. Oh, wait."
I could see the irritation on Agnolo's face. "Remove them from my sight until we decide what to do with them."
"What you're going to do," I said, pushing myself up on my knees. "Is let me go."
The man behind me slammed his fist into the back of my head as hard as he could. A wave of pain and blackness pulsed through me. I fell forward, leaning on my elbows slowly moving my hands between the many layers of fabric. I groaned and moaned, putting on a big show as I searched around for my dagger. My fingertips brushed across the cold steel briefly. I pulled it out and, with it still hidden within my skirts, cut away at the rope.
"Get up!" the man behind me bellowed.
I looked up at Agnolo. He studied my face with intense curiosity. I stared back stone-faced. A smile crept across his twisted lips when he realized what I had planned. I removed the dagger and leapt to my feet to the surprise of the guard who continuously beat me. I spun around and slashed the man in the throat. He reached up a bit too late as the blood poured forth from the gaping wound.
"That's two of your top watchers who are out of commission, sir."
"Oh, wonderful. Look at you work!"
"Agnolo, this is far from fantastic!" Vincenzo hollered, standing up.
"Hush now. Watch her work."
Two of his other men came toward me ready for the attack. I reached within the skirts again and pulled out my second dagger. I took a fighting stance, waiting for the first to make a move. My eyes darted between the two bulking men. I had the advantage. I was small and nibble. They were tall and massive. The man to the right ran at me first. His sword raised high. I crouched down and spun to the side. He stumbled and fell to the ground as the second man lunged at me, swinging his head toward my head. I jumped to the other side, barely missing my neck. Angeline rolled out of the way, finally composing herself enough to be useful. I tossed her one of my daggers, hoping she'd catch it. The blade slid to the corner near another watcher. He bent to pick it up only to meet the top of her foot. The force of her kick sent him flying backward. The man landed with a thud and didn't move.
She picked it up and quickly cut the binds on her wrists.
"What now?" Angeline asked.
"Help me!" I shouted.
We stood in the center of the room back to back as more watchers attacked.
"Can we fight them all?" she asked.
"I don't know, but we can't give up."
"Do we wait?"
"I'm not sure. What can we do? You're my watcher, you tell me!"
"Joselyn, do you honestly think I know what I'm doing?" she asked.
A man ran at me with a dagger slightly longer than mine. I held up my arm and pushed him to the side, taking a small gash as he continued swinging at me. As he raised the blade above his head I rammed my own into his ribs. He yelled out in pain and pulled away from me. He held onto his side as blood poured from the wound. The color drained from his face as he fell against the wall and slid to the ground. There was so much blood everywhere. The other watchers stared with a furrowed brow. A tall, thin woman chewed her bottom lip. She was the one I was going for. I dodged between the remaining men and jabbed an arm out at her throat. The side of my hand pushed into the soft flesh of her neck. I felt a sickening crack under my touch. She grabbed her throat, gasping for air. The sword in her hands fell to the stone floor with a clang. I quickly grabbed it and thrust into the back of the man behind me before he could react to what was going on. Blood splashed back into my face and all over the front of my gown. I stood, looking at the three heads of the Guild.
"Aren't we a vicious beasty!" Agnolo had taken a seat on the table and looked on in delight.
Vincenzo's eyes were wide with rage while Berard stared in calm silence. He was the one to worry about. He was the loose cannon of the bunch.
"Do you want us to kill all of your watchers?"
Agnolo waved his hand at me. "There are plenty more where those came from. Do not think for a moment we can't find more puppets to train. It's really not hard with promises of money and fine clothing. People really are petty creatures."
"What are you?" I asked.
"Men who want order in this world. The world cannot go on without the kings, queens, emperors, and sultans of countries. We need them. In order for those rulers to remain safe, we need someone to protect them. We decided why not someone we can control."
"You cannot control me any longer. I will do as I please."
"Tsk, tsk, my lovely plum. That simply will not do. You are one of ours. We own you," Agnolo replied.
I shook my head. "No. You do not."
"Why do you fight us so?"
"I am my own person. I will not abide by your rules any longer."
"Why, my precious petunia?"
"The oath I swore when I was six is ridiculous. I want freedom. I want to marry."
"Ahhh. I see. You are in love with your king."
I stood in silence.
"You know that's against the rules," Vincenzo hissed at me.
"I don't care. You cannot tell my heart who I can and cannot love."
"What if we bargain, darling dewdrop?"
"Bargain?" I asked.
"Don't do it!" Angeline whispered as loudly as she dared.
I held my hand up to her. "What sort of bargain?"
"It's obvious that you are far more valuable to us alive than dead. You are a lethal little butterfly. We need you with one of the most powerful kings in the world. You can help manipulate him in any way we want."
"I will not manipulate, Cassius. Never."
"But you'll be queen."
"I don't care about that. I'm not a queen. I'm a girl who's in love. I want to marry the man I love with no strings attached," I replied.
"See here's where our problem is. I am offering you a way to be with this man, for you to be the queen of an entire country, a powerful country at that. Yet you continue to reject the offers."
"It's not going to happen, Agnolo."
"Why? I don't want to have to kill you. You are a valuable asset to us."
"Just kill her already," Vincenzo urged. "Both of them."
"I fear my narrow-minded brother may be right. If you do not agree there will be no choice but to kill you. Sweet rosebud, you are far too deadly to be allowed to live if we don't have control over you anymore."
"Surely you do not expect us to let you just kill us? We will have our freedom. The only people dying tonight are all of you."
"I believe there is something, or should I say someone's, who will change your mind."
"What?" Angeline asked.
"Ignore him. He's trying to distract us," I said.
"It's working." She turned back to Agnolo. "What are you talking about?"
"You really are a terrible assassin." He ignored Angeline and continued speaking to me.
"I've kept my king alive through multiple attempts on his life."
"Only to leave him during the most dangerous time."
I knew what he meant.
"Oh no."
"What?" Angeline asked, her voice strained from trying not to cry.
"The ship. We left the ship unprotected."
"No, all those men..."
I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes. "Do you think that matters?"
"They couldn't. How?"
"They're the guild, Angeline. They can do whatever they want."
"Really now, young watcher, what are they teaching you in France?" Berard asked.
Agnolo motioned to one of the watchers in the back. The man nodded and retreated with three other men. I swallowed hard, trying to prepare myself for what I would see. The doors were pushed open and Cassius shoved inside. He landed hard beside me, his arms tied behind his back and blood-streaked beneath his nose. Charles landed next to him, his eye swollen and purple. I ran to Cassius, cutting the binding on his wrists. His breathing was labored and shallow. He grimaced as I reached out to touch him.
"Oh god. What happened?"
"It's nothing. I'm fine," he gasped.
"No, you're not! I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I told you to marry someone else." The tears burst from the dams that were my eyes, streaming down my face.
"This is nothing compared to the love I feel for you. I do not want anyone beside you. I will suffer whatever fate I have to for you."
I wiped at the tears, stroking his face. "This isn't fair to you. I should have stuck to my oath. I'm so sorry Cassius."
"Stop it, Joselyn. Do not ever change who you are. Don't conform to what they want. I wouldn't have you any other way." He grimaced, grabbing his ribs again.
Using my dagger, I cut off his doublet. "Oh, Cassius."
He was covered in bruises ranging from deep purple to light blue.
"I told you I'm alright."
"Something must be broken."
"Joselyn, you do what you must to ensure you are safe and free."
"I love you." I leaned down, cradling his head, and gently pressed my lips to his.
They were dry and cracking.
I glanced over at Angeline who cried over Charles. She stroked his hair and kissed his forehead.
"You are monsters," I growled, turning on the three men.
"Not at all, sweet petal. We simply have our ways and they must be preserved. Even if it means losing one of the best assassins I have ever encountered."
I stood, one of the watcher's swords in one hand and my dagger in the other. "I can't let this continue. I will fight until I have my freedom. Until Angeline has her freedom. And every other assassin and watcher has theirs. You will be no more."
I took up my fighting stance, facing the threeleaders of the Guild prepared to fight until the death, whether it be mine ortheirs.
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