77. Take the Invitation

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"Yeah, that'll be cool." I replied. They smiled.

"Great. See you tonight." Said Harry. And they all left.

After dinner that day, I went to my common room and snuck out to the bathroom at around 10:30. They told me they would be there. Out of nowhere, I saw all 3 of them come out of an invisibility cloak. "Hey y/n. Get under here." We all slowly but carefully walked down to visit Hagrid's. We knocked on his door and he shut us out until we told him about the stone. "We think Snape's trying to steal it." Harry said once Hagrid let us all in.

"Steal it? Blimey, you guys aren't still onto him, are you?"

"Hagrid, we know he's after the stone." I said.

Hagrid then told all 4 of our innocent faces that himself and Dumbledore were the only ones who knew how to get passed the trapdoor. In which then Hagrid got a hot large metal looking ball and set in down onto the table for only it to hatch into a dragon.

Which then ended up burping a bit of Hagrid's beard. But he looked closer at the window. "Who's that?"

We all turned our heads to find a blonde haired boy peeping through the window. "Malfoy." Harry said with a hint of disgust. We all decided to quickly leave his hut and go back to our dorms. But now Malfoy knew about the stone technically.

"I hate Malfoy, honestly." I said as we walked down the halls only to be greeted by Professor McGonagall herself through an open door. "Good evening." And right behind her was Malfoy with a grin.

She brought us inside her classroom in front of her desk to give us our sentencing. With Malfoy a foot besides us. "Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. For its punishment for it's actions, 50 points will be taken each."

"Fifty?" Harry said astounded with his mouth open.

In then which she gave us all 5 of us detention. Including Malfoy. He asked back why but she explained, "you've been caught after hours as well and will join your classmates in detention." We all grinned at him smuggly

Flich then escorted us all 5 out into the open grounds along with Hagrid as we stopped by his hut. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. You've got a little job to do." He told us that we were going inside the forbidden forest.

"The forest? I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there." Said Malfoy, worried.

"What's wrong, Malfoy? You scared of some trees all clumped together?" I said and chuckled.

"Shut up, l/n. How stupid are you? There's obviously werewolves in there." He spat but still worried. We then walked inside the forest for to be honest, I really didn't know the reason. Hagrid led us in for a couple minutes.

He found a sliver shiny puddle to find it was unicorn's blood. "I found one dead a few weeks ago. So it's our job to go and find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me. And Harry, you'll go with Malfoy." Hagrid turned to me. "And you y/n, let me see."

Should I go and be safer with Ron and Hermione, or go with Harry and Malfoy?

Go with Harry & Draco - pg. 65
Go with & Ron & Hermione - pg. 66

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