7. Toad Boy

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I felt bad for the boy and the girl felt kind of mean. I looked at the girl. "No thanks, Pansy." I looked at the  platinum blonde boy again, he stared at me then looked away with a sneer once he heard my response. I turned to the boy. "I haven't seen your toad but I can help you."

His frown turned into a sweet smile. "Really?" He said. I heard the girl Pansy grunt and turn her steps away.

"Yeah. Sure." We walked passing a few compartments. "I'm Y/n l/n by the way.

"I'm Neville Longbottom."

Neville Longbottom

I asked him where his compartment was first because I needed to set down my luggage. He had 3 people there. There were 2 boys and 2 girls; one of them had brown bushy hair. I set down my luggage. "Hey." I said awkwardly. "I'm y/n l/n."

"Hermione Granger. Pleasure." She said while shaking my hand. She was the first to do that. And first to have your uniform on already.

Hermione Granger

She said if she could come to help him find his toad. I agreed. That's also when I felt the train beginning to move. I looked out the window and we were slowly gaining more and more speed. All those parents and younger siblings disappeared once we turned a corner.

I looked at Neville and the girl. The boy looked worried and the girl looked confident. Who do you chose to go with to look for the toad?

Hermione - pg 8
Neville - pg 9

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