3. Toad

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"I choose a toad, please." I said excitedly. I've only seen toads around in swamps or rivers so having one as a pet I would say was kind of gross but that was the weird side of me. My parents and I walked towards the toad shop. My mom said only a brown greenish puff one was available so we got that one. I named him Felix.

We headed home and stayed there. School didn't start for 2 weeks but once it hit September 1st of 1991, I excitedly got dressed and brought my toad carefully in his cage. Me and my parents drove to the train station. There they explained to me how to go through 9 and 3/4 quarters with my luggage and such.

Once we finally arrived to the train station, it seemed pretty busy considering it was 8 am. There were normal muggles, and then there were us, the obvious ones with a huge cart luggage running into a wall and disappearing through in public in front of muggles.

"You ready? One a count of 3." My dad began. My dad was to my left and my mom to my right, both hugging my shoulders running through the 9 and 3/4 wall for the first time. "1, 2, 3!" We ran through the wall. It felt like having something inside your stomach but then it was gone once we had teleported from the station in London, to the Hogwarts Express.

It was just like Diagon Alley again; there were wizards and witches everywhere with luggages and crowded noises. We had come at a normal time: not early but not late.

"Oh y/n, I remember my first time coming to Hogwarts. I was nervous too, but it will be the best adventure ever. I promise. Now go make friends and have fun but do good in your grades." My dad said. He was smiling but his eyes were shiny.

"I know, dad." I said.

"I love you sweetie. We both do." He looked at my mom.

"I love you guys too." I waved at them goodbye and stepped into the Hogwarts Express for the first time. It smelt like freshness yet it felt so homey. There were people left and right walking through the hallways and stepping into the rooms to sit down. Since it was my first year, there were at lot of older people which I was kind of intimidated by.

I walked awkwardly through the hallway looking to my left and right to see for an empty room because I hadn't really made any friends yet. I looked to my right and saw a group of people that looked like first and second years'. One of the them had their platinum blonde hair sleek back. He gave me a stare and I quickly passed them.

I took a few steps but before I could advanced more, a kid in front of me with a chubby cheeky worried face and black hair asked me, "excuse me, you haven't seen a brownish small toad around anywhere, have you?"

I showed him my luggage with my toad on top. "Um no I—". I said before I got interrupted. I turned around and it was a a girl with black short hair and bangs.

"No we haven't seen your lost toad? Why don't you get out of our compartment?" She said. I looked at the boy and he looked hurt. I looked back at the girl. "I'm Pansy Parkinson. Hey, why don't you come sit with us?"

Pansy Parkinson

Sit with Pansy Parkinson and her group - pg 6
Help the boy with his toad - pg 7

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