27. Hang with Harry's friends

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I took the guts. I walked by Harry's side and said, "hey."

"Hey, y/n." He said.

"Aren't you that Slytherin girl? Always hanging with Malfoy. Well, we don't like Malfoy so—." Ron began before the girl Hermione bumped his shoulder.

"What Ronald is trying to say, what brings you here?" She asked nicely. She really was. I didn't know why Draco disliked her so much. Just because she was Muggle-born, who cares?

"Oh um just hanging along." I chuckled awkwardly. I looked at Harry all while walking inside the castle to the marble moving staircases. "Um, sorry about flying class, by the way. But at least you got to become Seeker because of it."

"Yeah no, it's alright." Harry said.

"I saw you. You didn't do anything." Said Ron before again Hermione bumped his shoulder.

"Ron's just being deluded, don't mind him."

"But you did speak up for Harry at Professor's Snape potion class. Not even you, Ronald said anything." Said Hermione.

"Yeah, everyone was so surprised." Harry said. "Thanks for it." He looked at me. "You said something to Snape—about him and my dad bullying?"

"Oh yeah. My mom told me that she dated James Potter when she was at Hogwarts. But she said it was only a short time thing. But she said that your dad's friends would mess around with Snape and tease him. And once she found out you were going to Hogwarts, that's when she told me." I said. They looked wooed at the sudden information.

We eventually got to the moving staircase before I realized that they were going to their common room. "Oh, I better go to my common room in the dungeons. It's getting late." I said.

"Yeah, okay. See you later?" Harry looked back and saw that there were no stairs to go up or down since they moved. Only it led to a door. "Or not. Let's go this way." We quickly entered a door before one of the stairs moved again.

"This is the third floor. It's forbidden." Hermione said. The hallways looked dark and there were spider webs in the corners. When the a torch lit up by itself. A sudden meow was heard behind was. Flitches cat.

"Run!" We all ran down the hallway before Flitch would find us until we came to a stop to find a locked door. "It's locked." Said Harry.

"Oh, move over!" Expressed Hermione and pushed Harry out of the way. "Alohomora." She pointed at the door knob and it unlocked and we all quickly went inside. We all sighed that we were safe until we turned around to inspect the locked up room to our horror, a 3 head dog.

Ron was trembling. It was sleeping before it sniffed us and slightly woke up. We all 4 of us screamed in terror. We all suddenly ran out the door and locked it before the big hairy thing got out.

We stayed quiet and didn't say anything until we departed our ways to go to our common rooms.

Theirs was a few stories up but mine, I had to go down quickly before it got really late and I would get caught after-hours. Through dim hallways and lots of downward staircase, to the entrance.

"Pure blood." The stone door slid open. I finally made it. It was a school night, so no one was hanging around here this late.

Through the next days of having Astronomy and Herbology with the Ravenclaws, I didn't really get a chance to see Harry again and his friends unless I saw them around the hallways and I was alone. But I kept my mouth about the 3 headed dog.

But it didn't really happen as much as September ended and came October. Pansy was still distant and whenever all us 4 girls hung out, she would barely talk to me.

The other hand, I would hang out with Draco too. When he found out Harry got a Nimbus 2000 has a first year, he went off. "Why should that scumbag break the rules? Just because he's better than everyone else? Saint Potter!" He spat.

I eventually found Harry and Ron together but without the girl Hermione. "Hey y/n." Said Harry.

"Hi. How's it going? Where's Hermione Granger?" I asked.

Harry looked at Ron. "She's not currently talking to us right now."

"Oh, do you know if she's okay or where she is?" I asked. But they didn't know. After I chatted with them for a while, I had to pee and went to bathroom. To my surprise, I saw Hermione wiping her eyes in the sink. Once she saw me, she tried to hide it.

"Hi." I said to her.

"Hey." She croaked.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Fine." And she left. The next 2 days, I found her again crying in the bathroom. That's when we became close. She eventually told me what happened; that Ron insulted her calling her names and for not having any friends.

"I'm your friend." I smiled. She too tried before she teared up again. I felt so bad. But because of it, we became closer.

"You're not like those other Slytherin girls, y/n. You're kind and gentle." She said. The next weeks were like that. Pansy and them didn't know about me befriended Hermione or Harry nor Ron. Especially not Draco but he did wonder from time to time when Pansy would sit with Crabbe and Goyle and I wouldn't be there.

Until it finally came the event of the Halloween feast. Everyone all over were excited for it. But as it came close to dinner, I saw Harry and Ron without Hermione again. She's probably crying. And I felt bad. I wanted to see the feast but I also didn't want to leave Hermione alone.

Go to feast - pg 39
Comfort Hermione - pg 41

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