14. Hufflepuff

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Note, now that you are in the Hufflepuff house, you can date any of these people (who have or will have a crush on you)
- Ernie Macmillan
- Cedric Diggory

Other people from other houses:
- Harry Potter

- Fred Weasley
- Cormac McLaggen
- Draco Malfoy

Also sorry I don't have girls on here it's only guys

I choose Hufflepuff. I thought. Then the hat magically said out loud, "Hufflepuff!" There were cheers everywhere from the Hufflepuff table as I walked towards their table. I sat next to this
girl with dirty blonde hair, the next available seat. With Ernie Macmillan in front of me; and a brown haired kid sitting beside him.

Dumbledore made a quick speech about the Hogwarts castle for us first years, then the feast began. We ate and ate and ate. I talked to the people around me. The Ernie guy I had in Diagon Alley seemed to recognize me too. "Hey you're that one girl I met at Diagon Alley by Olivander's." He said.

"Yeah that's where you're familiar from too, Ernie. Who'd knew we'd be in the same House together." I said.

"Well my real name's Ernest but mostly everyone just calls me Ernie." He added.

"Okay," I smiled. I sat in between 2 girls; the one on my left, by the name of Hannah Abbot. To my right Megan Jones. And the boy sitting beside Ernie with black hair, was named Justin Finch-Fletchley.

Hannah Abbot

Megan Jones played by Georgie Henley

(Note this girl ^^ is Lucy Pevensie from the Narnia series as the theory of the original founders of Hogwarts are the 4 siblings from Narnia so I'll just sneak them in there).

Justin Finch-Fletchley

"I like the color of your eyes." Said the girl Megan Jones.

I smiled. "Aw thank you. You have nice eyes too." The food was delicious only we were all starting to get sleepy. Dumbledore made one quick notice. Then the Head Boys and Girls from each house gathered all the first years to follow him to our dorms.

It was a boy with brown curly hair and slim leading us first years' through the Entrance Hall and down the stairs to the left where there was a door-sized fruit painting. "There is no password. You instead have to tickle the fruit." The Boy demonstrated and we heard a baby laughing noise, then the portrait door opened.

It led to a large room with a bunch of barrels and food containers. It felt like a short maze getting through it all. We turned up a few stairs. There was a path with more barrels and sacks stacked upon another. A corner with barrels against the walls. "You have to tickle and poke these barrels." The Head Boy said and demonstrated.

The barrels magically slid to the side and we went down a hallway with stairs to an open large circled door and into the common room. Everyone was amazed. There was a tree growing at the center with yellow couches and lots of lights considering we were in the basement. There was vines growing out from the walls.

(If you want to see a more imaginative way of the Hufflepuff common room, there is a video on YouTube, 'Hufflepuff Common Room 360'. It's really cool.)

The Head Boy gave us instructions on where the girls or the boys slept and when breakfast was. There the girls went to the right of the circle common room; there was a circle door that led to girls' dorms. And the boys to the left through another door.

I stood by Hannah Abbot the whole time and we decided to stay in the same dormitory along with Megan Jones. There were a total of 144 first year students with each going to different houses, that would make 36 people in each house. But with boys and girls, it would be 18 boys and 18 girls. Roughly 3 new available dorms.

We walked along the hallway u til we found an open empty dormitory, perfect. All 3 us girls started to unpack when another girl knocked our door. She had red long hair. "Can I stay with you guys? The rest of the dorms are full." Asked the girl.

"Yeah of course." Said Megan Jones.

"Yeah welcome. I'm y/n l/n." I smiled.

"I'm Susan Bones." She set her things down on a new bed.

Susan Bones

We did our salutations and were fixing out luggages when one of the 5 unoccupied bed's disappeared. That magically meant that only us 4 instead of 5 were sleeping here considering the low number of witches this year. They turned off the lights and all went to sleep.

If you chose to have a pet - pg 16
Continue to the story if no pet - pg 19

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