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Chapter Three;

Patricia had to admit, the attacks going around the school were unnerving her.

Her best friend, Daisy Bell, would have scoffed if Patricia admitted it out loud.

"You're half blood," she'd pointed out with a sniff, when Patricia had paled when the news that Colin Creevey had been Petrified spread. "Pull yourself together, Patricia, no one is going to attack you."

Still, the mounting attacks only made Patricia feel more and more on edge - especially after Nearly Headless Nick. What could possibly attack and Petrify a ghost? And then there was Justin Finch-Fletchley, the numerous new security measure that made anyone feel like they were about to be attacked at any second, and rumours were going around that Harry Potter could speak with snakes...

Late at night, Patricia pulled the sheets of her bed right around her neck, as though the blankets would protect her from physical attack. Strange things were going on at Hogwarts and Patricia knew she didn't like them.

She wasn't the only one affected.

The girls in her dorm, except Daisy, were more on edge than usual, as was everyone else in the school.

And that included the usual fiery redhead who sat next to Patricia in Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Patricia had been noticing something was upsetting Ginny for a while now. She lost her fire in their debates, then debated only half-heartedly, and now they went entire lessons without speaking to one another - or even shooting glares. Ginny had retreated into herself, she looked exhausted, and she seemed to struggle to find motivation to do anything.

Patricia would be lying if she said she wasn't concerned about the girl, as much as she hated to admit it. No one changed that drastically for any small reason. Something terrible must have happened to Ginny, and Patricia was worried, which led to her confronting the redhead about it.

"You okay?" Patricia asked the redhead in Defence Against the Dark Arts one day, when Ginny had been looking particularly down.

Ginny froze. She glanced suspiciously at Patricia, as though concerned that Patricia was setting up a trap.

"Fine," she'd said with obvious bravado; Patricia could hear her voice shake underneath. Somehow she managed to glare. "Why'd you care?"

Patricia froze.

"Please, I couldn't care less about you," she said quickly, and made herself form a sneer despite her heart not really being in it. "You moping is the least of my concerns. This class just isn't as fun when I can't argue with anyone."

Ginny stared at her for a moment, trying to decide how to respond. She then rolled her eyes.

"You really do only care about yourself," she scoffed, the former tremble that had been in her voice vanishing.

Patricia narrowed her eyes.

"For your information, I do happen to care about a lot of other things that aren't about myself," she spat back. "Daisy, for one -"

"You only care for her because she's friends with you." Ginny folded her arms. "Everyone else you don't couldn't care less about. You're the most self obsessed person I had the displeasure of meeting."

"More than Lockhart? He puts Hippogriffs to shame."

"I heard what you said to Ivy Vincent when she said your hair wasn't as nice as Penelope Cliff's -"

"For your information, I was only referring to my hair for that day -"

Ginny smirked. "You make even Lockhart look tame."

"Well excuse me -"

And they continued bickering for the rest of the lesson, Lockhart too caught up reenacting a scene from his own book - Patricia couldn't have cared less which book it was - to even care two of his students were insulting him not ten metres away from him.


this chapter is so short oops

but hey patricia doesn't just hate ginny she's realising that she might actually not only feel hate toward her!! small progress but better than nothing!

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