chapter 2

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it was the next morning, i woke up to see ella still asleep. i look at the time. Saturday, June 4. 8:30. i totally forgot yesterday was friday, i put my phone down and went back to sleep.


"hey, chloe? chloe??" i heard someone calling my name, i tried making out the figure. it was ella, she looked worried. "yeah, hey. is everything okay?" she looked like she wanted to cry, i was really confused, "your mom is like.. really mad" i jumped up, why was she mad. there was no way possible she got mad at me for coming here, she doesn't even care about what i do. "where is she?" i asked, concerned. "she's outside, at the front door" i got my shoes and put it on, grabbing my bag, i hugged ella, telling her that 'i'll tell her later what happened', i headed outside and saw my mom. "hey, mom?" she looked furious, what was she so mad about. "you're in trouble, and you know what you did" what? "what did i do?" i asked "chloe, you know what you did!" she yelled, i jumped back a bit. i did nothing wrong, so whatever it was. it had to be a lie. 

we got into the car, she looked like she was about to speak, so i waited. dad was in here also, i saw a bunch of bags packed in the back, were we moving? was i moving? my dad spoke "chloe, so now your sleeping with boys?" WHAT THE ACTUAL FREAK "what?! when did i sleep with boys dad? who said that?" my mom spoke now "your boyfriend, chloe. he said you cheated" okay, i knew something was up, i never slept with boys and my boyfriend is such a lie, i hate him. "i never slept with any boys, he's lying! why do you believe him over your own daughter?" i was mad, i wanted to rip all of my hair out. "because, he's a loyal boyfriend" i just wanted to leave, my dad started to speak again "that is why we are giving you up, to some people" giving me up? "what do you mean, giving me up?" my mom spoke, again "don't question us, but your moving to boston" boston? really, boston? that was an 3 hour drive from where we lived, ugh, i'll have to tell ella later, and i'm breaking the bentley boys heart, i freaking hate him.

"chloe, wake up" my mom spoke, we arrivied. i made out a kia van beside our car, it looked familiar. my mom spoke again, i didn't even want to hear her. "we have all of your bags packed in their car, now get out" she said, i didn't even care, i wanted to move. i got out, and saw 3 people who looked exactly alike from the back, wait... my eyes widened and my stomach got butterflies, that's THE FREAKING STURNIOLO TRIPLETS, i was so happy right now. i'm becoming a little sister to the sturniolo triplets, once i tell ella, she'll be so happy. they turned around with a big smile on their face, i've finally met chris, nick and matt sturniolo. better yet, i'm becoming a sibling to them. "oh my gosh, hi!" i say, smiling. "hello!" nick said, "we're actually really happy to have a sister in our life" well yeah, i was too "i am too" i say, giggling a bit, "uhm, i'm actually a fan of you guys, i've been a fan before you guys reached 100k" i say, they smiled even more. "woah, that's sick" chris said, i was so happy, i wanted to cry. my parents left already, i didn't even care. "well let's get into the car, i'm ready to go home" matt said, i laughed a bit and got into the car on the opposite side of nick.

matt started the car and we were headed to boston.

"so" nick started, "whats your name?" i looked at nick, "chloe.. chloe brown" as i told him my name, i was thinking about school. oh. my. gosh, school "wait, guys. i started high school friday, what school will i go to now?" i asked, matt started to say "somerville high, the school we went to" that gave me relief, i thought they were going to make me drop out of school "okay, thanks", matt smiled "well, chloe. your last name won't be brown anymore, it'll be sturniolo" i smiled, this made me so happy, i soon remembered i had to tell ella everything. i missed her. i grabbed my phone and went on her contact


heyy, ella

my bsf ⭐ 

heyyy, what happened??


it's crazy, so, my mom and my dad were like really mad for no reason

i didn't even do anything, so my dad was like "so your sleeping with boys" and i was like

"what?" like when did i ever do that, so then they told me that bentley said i cheated

i was like, wtf. i would never cheat. so then they made me live with the sturniolo triplets, literally

no joke. it's a long story, but i'm breaking up with that bitch bentley.

my bsf ⭐

oh my god, that's crazy. i'm so sorry that happened

and girl, i'm going to miss you but the STURNIOLO TRIPLETS?

that's actually so cool! i'm so happy for you!!


i'm going to miss you too, and i know, it's crazy

but let me go break up with bentley.

my bsf ⭐

haha, good luck! stay safe, ilyysm. byee! 


ilyy moree, byee! and thank youu

now, i went on bentleys contact.

*chloe changed "ml <3" to "bentley scott."



bentley scott.



whats wrong with you?

bentley scott.



what do you mean, what? your a liar and disgusting

bentley scott.

you think i'm lying? you slept with my bsf


me, i. slept with your bestfriend? your a fucking liar, i hate you

bentley scott.

but you did, i have proof


show me then.

bentley scott.

i don't have a picture




i blocked him, i was so done with him. i was done with any relationship, i was mad. my leg was bouncing up and down, my heart was pounding and i was trying not to cry, especially in front of the triplets. i looked out the window. waiting until we arrived at the house.

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