The Begining.
It had been a stressful few days for both Cheryl and Kimberley having been climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for the past few days. It was cold, Cheryl was being sick, Kimberley wasn't feeling all that great. Everything was getting to them. Cheryl's stress levels rised when she found out about her husbands, Ashley's, arrest. Kimberley was there for her of course, along with all the other celebrities tackling against the rough weather and harsh hills with her.
It was the day before they were heading for the summit, the top of the mountain, the whole point of the climb. Of course they were climbing the mountain for Comic Relief to help hundreds of families in need, now all that was on their minds was reaching their goal. A good night sleep was needed first before heading off at 2am.
Chapter One.
"Babe I don't know what I'm going to do" said Cheryl as she lay there looking up at the roof of her tent. Most of their nights had been like this since Cheryl found out about Ashley. Alesha was always fast at falling asleep but for Cheryl and Kimberley it was just wide awake silence. Even after the most harsh, demanding and tiring days they've ever gone through, they still couldn't get to sleep with so much on their minds. They both knew eachother was awake but were both lost for words not knowing what to say to make the other feel a little better about their current situation.
"Getting arrested is pretty bad but he was let out not long after, he just got a little drunk. Wasn't as if he killed anyone" replied Kimberley after some time of silence. She was thinking of what to say but it still didn't come out right at all, she thought maybe it was because she had mixed emotions about the matter. She knew all that was going through Cheryl's head but she just wanted to try and reassure her, though she knew she was failing.
"But that's it, isn't it?" asked Cheryl, though she didn't want Kimberley to answer because Cheryl was going to do it herself. Her eyes were still glued to the roof of the tent. "I told him not to do it. I told him not to go out and get drunk. Would he have even told me if he didn't get arrested? If he didn't get caught? God knows what he's done, Kimberley. I'm here doing this for a good cause and all he can do is go out and be a great support for me. I'm so many miles away with no way of getting back in a hurry, he could be getting up to anything and I wont know anything about it. He doesn't have me to nag him." It was evident to Kimberley that Cheryl was trying her best not to cry so she stretched out her arm to hold Cheryl's hand and held on tightly in a way to tell her it will be ok and to also tell her she'd never let her down. Kimberley kept trying to reassure the younger girl on her troubled marriage but it wasn't working again - Kimberley's reassurence and Cheryl's marriage.
"What if he's..." started Cheryl before she couldn't continue as she started to sob quietly and held onto Kimberley's hand tighter than before.
"Come here babe" said Kimberley, letting go of Cheryl's hand. Cheryl crawled and squeezed into Kimberley's sleeping bag. Cheryl was now facing the side of the tent with Kimberley's arms wrapped around her waist and Kimberley's chin resting on Cheryl's shoulder.
"You're freezing" said Kimberley, pointing out the obvious as it was getting colder by the hour up the mountain. Kimberley snuggled closer to Cheryl if that was even possible while Cheryl had her arms on Kimberley's arms which were still comfortably around her waist.
"I'm better now" said Cheryl truthfully. Kimberley was still not convinved, she may have been better but not the best she could be.
"Maybe it's best to take a little break, do you agree?" Kimberley was just trying to think what was best for Cheryl but she knew only Cheryl knew what was for the best, even though she didn't know what it was yet.
"I think you're probably right. Like always" giggled Cheryl, wiping away her tears and placing her arms back across Kimberley's.
"Up for a few girly nights in then?" smiled Kimberley, remembering the good old days when life in the band was simple.
"Sounds great to me babe" said Cheryl, Kimberley could hear from Cheryl's voice she was falling asleep. Kimberley decided not to say anything more as they needed to be up in a few hours to get to the top of the mountain, plus Cheryl hadn't been sleeping to well because of the stress and altitude sickness.
Just as Kimberley was drifting off to sleep herself she heard Cheryl.
"I love you" whispered Cheryl. It was barely audible but it was so quiet in the tent Kimberley could probably hear an ant sneeze. Kimberley smiled to herself. It's a wonderful feeling, making your best friend feel better, making them a little happy in their hardest of times. Kimberley chose not to reply again but just gave Cheryl two gentle kisses on her shoulder. Cheryl smiled faintly before falling into a deep and happy sleep in Kimberley's arms. Once Kimberley was sure Cheryl had fallen asleep, she let herself fall asleep and joined her in dreamland.
Chapter Two.
"Girls, time to get up" came the voice of one of their leaders. "Hope you got some sleep... cold last night was it?" he finished, noticing Cheryl and Kimberley were in the same sleeping bag. Kimberley somehow sat herself up and smiled gently to him in a way to say 'Yes it was, now stop looking and get out... please.' When he was gone Kimberley layed back down again and let out a stess related sigh. Within seconds Kimberley was laughing thanks to Alesha who was up and starting to get changed. Alesha had heard Kimberley's sigh and started laughing. That laugh could make anyone laugh. Kimberley felt Cheryl start to move.
"Time to get up babe" Kimberley said softly, running her hand across Cheryl's hip. Cheryl opened one eye and closed it again.
"It's still dark" moaned Cheryl, making Kimberley giggle lightly.
"Come on, we'll be at the top soon then we can come back home and you can sleep in your own be..." Kimberley stopped and added "Or your bed at my house if you wanted" finished Kimberley after the last thing Cheryl wants to do is sleep in the same bed as Ashley.
"I like your house" Cheryl simply said as she got up and started to get changed and ready to head for the top. Kimberley smiled again and started to get changed herself.
"We're nearly there!" one of their leaders excitedly squealed. All the celebrities were happy they were nearly at their goal but that didn't make them move any quicker. This bit of the mountain was torture. It was so dark as it was 4am. The winds were so harsh. It was freezing, they were all going numb but they knew they had to continue. It was also getting hard to breathe. They were told their oxygen levels were cut by half. This scared most of the celebrities but they were so close, they couldn't give up now.
Kimberley was walking by Fearne, helping her up the mountain as she had another down fall the previous night. Cheryl was walking with Chris, reassuring him. Everyones legs had, had enough but they still continued. Each step was getting harder to breathe and unfortunatly is was only small steps because none of them could see hardly anything, they didn't know how big the rocks were on the ground, they didn't want to trip and fall. It was a horrible and painful journey, especially this last bit.
"We're here!" the leader shouted. There was lots of cheering and everyone was crying, even the men. They made it to the top, all of them. None of them knew Gary or Fearne would make it because they had problems on the way up but they made and everyone was so proud of eachother, especially of them two. Cheryl couldn't believe she had made it. She went and hugged everyone in site while Kimberley was doing the same thing. Once they had hugged everyone accept eachother, they just stood there looking at eachother. For some reason they both seemed really nervous of eachother. It became awkward for the both of them. Cheryl broke the stare by smiling then Kimberley opened out her arms for Cheryl. Cheryl jumped straight into Kimberley's embrace.
"I'm so proud of you" Kimberley cried to Cheryl, who was still in Kimberley's arms. They were both crying more now. They pulled apart and looked at eachother, watching the tears run down eachothers faces.
"I couldn't have done it without you" said Cheryl as she started to wipe Kimberley's tears away with her gloved thumb. They both let out the biggest smile they had done for a few days. "We made it!" shouted Cheryl as she snuggled back into Kimberley's arms. Kimberley hugged Cheryl close then pulled back a little and kissed Cheryl on the lips, twice, the second one lasting a little longer than the first one. Cheryl continued smiling as Kimberley pulled her in for a hug again.
"We made it" repeated Kimberley, but quieter than when Cheryl said it.
Their little moment was interrupted by the leader telling them the sun was coming up. They all looked out over the mountain to witness one of the most beautiful sites they had ever seen in their life. The sun slowly coming up, shining over Africa, reminding them all of why they were there. They heard the new total amount of money they had made and more tears fell from their eyes. Everyone was so proud, it was one of the best moments in their lives - realising how many families they have saved by climbing this mountain for Comic Relief.
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