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Hi everyone!! I know it's been a while but I was locked out of my account but i'm FINALLY back.

I was so surprised to see the votes, comments and endless support I got on this book from you guys!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU.

A lot has changed in the past years, but my love for writing has not so as soon as I got my account back I posted my NEW STORY (whaaat)!! I haven't stopped writing and i'm so glad to be back and get feedback from you guys.

So, presenting my new story (drum roll please) .....


"Nora Kristen, the bisexual, hot-headed leader of The Aphordites, a prostitution company focused on empowering women, finds herself trapped between loyalty and love when she is forced to commit a heinous crime in the name of protection. She lives her life carefree and with questionable morality until the ravishing, British-raised Renee Hailey barges into her life with her police badge up front. Will Nora be able to distract Detective Hailey with her mesmerizing charm? Will she control her anger long enough to hide the truth? Will she be found guilty for her crimes? And most importantly, will she be able to stop herself from falling in love with her natural born enemy? Read "A Wild Girls Chase" to find out. "

SO if you just finished this book or finished this book a long time ago and are looking for something new to read go check out my new book!! Don't forget to vote and comment because you know I love your feedback.

Thanks a lot and I love you all,


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