Episode 15- Nazdarovya!

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Emily's pov:

They got him in the hospital. I held his hand the whole way. "I'm going in the O.R with you, he's my brother." Gabby said. "You can't." The guy said.

Gabby then let him take over. I looked at her and we hugged. "He's gonna be ok." She said. I nodded.

Gabby text Shay and she came and hugged us both. I sat down In a waiting chair. Gabby went back to shift but I refused to leave.


When he came out of surgery a doctor came and told me. "Can I see him?" I asked. They nodded. I walked into his room and he was asleep. I stood by his side and held his hand again. "I'm so sorry." I said.


Dawson came so I stepped outside. I went and got a coffee and came back but I could just here what they were saying. "Emily stayed here." Gabby said. "She missed shift? Isn't Boden gonna be mad?" Toni asked. "Yeah, he's very mad. But she insisted on staying." Gabby said.

She then left and I walked in. "Heard Chief is mad at you." He said. I chuckled. "Your more important then my work right now." I said. I held his hand again. He smiled at me.

"Boyfriend know your here?" He asked, looking at my stomach slightly. I nodded slightly. "You scared me." I said. He sighed. "If I took you home-" He stopped me. "If you took me home, you would have got shot to." He said.

I nodded. He smiled at me. "I'm more important then work?" He asked and laughed. He coughed. "Look, I'm alive. I'm awake." He said. "Go back to work. I'll get them to call you if anything happens as soon as it happens." He said. I sighed and nodded.

I kissed his forehead then started to walk away. "Hey, Emily." Antonio said. "Thank you." He said. I smiled then walked out.


Everyone was coming back from a call. Chief went to walk up to me but I stopped him. "I'll do extra time." I said then he walked away. Cruz hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

We spent the rest of shift messing around. I hung out with Cruz but he was acting off. "Babe, you OK?" I asked him as we walked into the beds. "You spent alot of time with Antonio." He said. I sighed. "Dude. Her friend got shot. Jeez." Otis said then walked away. I sighed.

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