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"What is up with you and Minho?" Felix asked taking a bite from his burger.

"What do you mean? Nothing is going on?" Jisung asked looking in Felix's way.

"Don't play dumb, he fucking hold your hand! And took you to the bathroom out of nowhere! That is not nothing." Jisung looked at him pouting.
"No need to be mad! I said it's nothing so it's nothing!"
"What happened to, I hate him he is an asshole?!" Felix gave him a question look.

"It's nothing! Let's get to class now!!!" Jisung yelled at Felix and he just rolled his eyes getting up from his seat and they went to their classes.

Jisung had his full attention on the class but felt a tap on his shoulder Again.
He turned around to see Yuri, he gave him a look to continue what he wanted to say but he didn't say anything and just stared at jisung.

"Need something?" Jisung was getting impatient.

"Oh yeah, so you remember the letter?"
"Yeah? What about it?" Yuri gave him a fake sad face but then smirked.

"Do you have your answer?"
"Yeah, I don't like you, sorry."
"Why? Are you dating someone?!"
"Oh please I never talked with you, how can I even like you? And no I don't d-"

Jisung was interrupted by the bell, Yuri continued smirking.

"See you later." He smiled like an maniac.

Jisung didn't exactly know why that smile gave him a weird vibe but he just brushed it off.

Jisung didn't know how to exactly feel about his conversation with Yuri

"Hey, you ok?" Someone asked from behind, it was Minho.

Jisung turned around and smiled. "I'm fine, why you asking? Something happened?"
"What did Yuri want?"

"Why? Do you care?" Jisung smirked.

Minho smiled and came closer and leaned down to jisungs ear. "I told you I want to help, I thought that proved that I care for you already." He smiled and walked away leaving jisung shocked.

He slammed the table in anger. "Why does he have to be in my fucking way?!" He yelled loudly.

"Gosh you have been obsessed with him for fucking 2 years! He obviously doesn't like you."

His brother snapped.

"I don't care! I'll make him like me! But that son of a bitch is getting in the fucking way! Ugh how do I get rid of him?!" He walked around the room like a mad person putting his hands in his hair.

"Just leave the poor boy! And I think that Minho guy is going to protect him anyway!" Kai looked at his brother disgusted.

"GOSH YOU ARE SO STUPID! THAT KID DOESN'T LIKE YOU YURI! GET THAT IN THAT LITTLE BRAIN OF YOURS!" Kai said getting up from the couch and leaving the house.

Yuri just smiled like a maniac looking at the door that his brother just went out.

Jisung was eating a salad while watching a video on his phone when changbins number popped out on the screen, it was 10 pm and didn't know why was changbins calling but answered anyway.

"What's up?" He asked taking a bite from the salad.

"Are you free on Friday?"
"I think so, yeah"
"I have a sleepover at my house, wanna come?" Changbin asked hopping that Jisung will come.

Jisung took a minute to think and then yelled.



Changbin lets a small laugh.

"I can go, who is coming by the way?"
"Jeongin, seungmin, Felix, hyunjin, Chan and minho." Jisung chokes on his salad.

Changbins laughs at his friend. "Stop acting like you two didn't hold hands."

"Shut up ,I'll go now, go to sleep!!"
"Yeah yeah, good night jisung"
"Good night binnie"

He ends the call, he finished his salad after some more minutes.

He walked toward his room, he went in and closed the door behind him.

He got in the bathroom, took a quick shower and brushed his teeth after.

He ran out of the bathroom then jumped on the bed and made himself comfortable, he settled his alarm and went to sleep.

Skip time (Friday)

Minho was eating in the cafeteria while his friends were chatting.

"Minho, what is up with you and jisung?" Bang Chan raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He looked at him.

"Playing dumb? You literally hold his hand! Didn't you hate him?"

"It was nothing." With that Minho got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Skip time after school cause I'm lazy

As jisung walked out of the school he bumped into someone, when he looked up to apologise he saw Minho of course.
"Why do I keep bumping into him?"

Minho turned around to look who bumped into him, when he did he smiled.

"What are smiling at?" Jisung asked giving him a question look.

"Nothing, its just funny how you always bump into me." He chuckled.

"Very funny." Jisung rolled his eyes and started to walk away and Minho right behind him.

After some minutes of Minho "following" jisung he turned around.

"Why are you following me?" He asked serious.

"What do you mean? I'm going to Changbin's house." Minho answered.

"Wait, are you going to his sleepover as well?" Jisung asked like he didn't know he was going.

"Duh, I'm his friend as well."

Jisung rolled his eyes at his answer.

"Stop rolling your eyes or they will get stuck" he chuckled.

Jisung again rolled his eyes. "If they get stuck that means I finally i can't see your ugly face anymore."

"How about instead of arguing we get going?" Minho asked smiling like an idiot.

Jisung nodded and they both started to walk to Changbin's house.

They knocked at his door, after some minutes the door opened reviling changbin smiling.

"Finally! What took you guys so long?" Jisung rolled his eyes.

"We didn't take that long"

They walked into his house then spotting the other boys.

After one hour of watching a movie they got bored, until hyunjin suggested to play truth or dare and everyone agreed.

"Ok who starts?" Hyunjin asked.
"Me" Felix volunteered.
"Ok seungmin truth or dare?" He asked
Felix smirked like an idiot."kiss who you find cute or attractive."

Seungmin knew who he finds cute so he immediately got up and walked up to Jeongin.

He younger looked up and got red as a tomato.

Seungmin then sat down right in front of him and cupped his face and smiled like he is asking for permission, Jeongin of course nodded.

He leaned in and closed the gap between them, he kissed him softly.

After some seconds they stopped, Jeongin was blushing like hell and there was seungmin smirking like nothing happened.

"Ok, jisung truth or dare?" Seungmin asked.

"Have 7 minutes in heaven with Minho." I'm not sure if I said it correctly but fuck it😽

Jisungs eyes widen but Minho just smiled.
"What? To scared to do it?" Minho asked grinning.

"No! I'm not scared." Jisung got up and walked up to the direction that changbin showed to go.

Minho followed smiling.

They walked in the closet not saying anything. "You know 7 minutes in heaven means we need to do something." Minho said smiling.

"And what should we do?" Jisung scoffed.

"You know you got a bitch attitude."
"What are you going to do about it? Fuckboy."

Minho getting closer to Jisung, then lowers his head next to his ear.

"Wanna know?"

Jisung blushed but keeps his cool.


Sorry I wasn't very active😭
And I'm sorry everything is rushed😭😭

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