Chapter 81-90

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Chapter 81 Daughter

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Previous chapter: Chapter 80 SolutionNext chapter: Chapter 82 Exercise
The capital is very lively, especially the main roads and moat banks. People who like to watch dragon boat races go to the river, and people who like to watch dragon and lion dances watch the long dragons passing by in front of them on the street.

The young masters and young ladies from each household led their servants to look around the streets. When they saw someone they knew, they gathered together to form a small impromptu group.

This year, Ulanala's family celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival at the uncle's house next door. In the afternoon, taking advantage of the bright sunshine, An Rong and An Min went shopping with their brothers.

The second and third brothers were not here, and the eldest brother had to take his sister-in-law to the world of two, so An Rong got entangled with her second cousin Boying and third cousin Bo Shu.

An Rong's eldest brother Nomuqi was over fifty years old, and his eldest son Boming was thirty years old. His second son Boying, his third son Boshu, and his fourth son Boxuan were all concubines. His eldest aunt was injured when giving birth to her eldest daughter, and she never had any more children. , so the ones behind are all concubines and concubines. Among them, Boying and Boxu are relatively weak, and Boxuan is fifteen years old. This time, he was admitted to the military school.

Boying was naturally married a long time ago, and his children were older than An Rong and An Min. He didn't have the consciousness to take his wife to play on the street, so he took his son with him.

Boxuan is eighteen years old and is engaged, but not married yet, but he will probably take advantage of today to meet and talk to his fiancée outside.

Boying held his son in hand and looked at the two cousins walking in front of him. He felt a little bitter in his heart. He kept giving hints to himself, don't forget his little cousins, seems that he has forgotten them. It doesn't matter, the little cousin is smart and clever, and nothing will happen to her. Moreover, if the little cousin doesn't make a sound, no one can see her.

There were a lot of people on the street. Boying told his third brother Bo Shu to keep an eye on his cousin An Min, otherwise he would be taken away by traffickers, which would make him cry without tears. It seemed that An Min was in more trouble than An Rong. Anyway, he was sure that An Rong would not be taken away by the traffickers. Thinking about it this way, Boying felt a little embarrassed. It seemed that her little cousin's strange and low sense of existence was still an advantage.

Boying lowered his head and looked at the little girl holding his hand. An Rong turned to look at him and asked curiously: "Second brother, what do you think I am doing?"

Boying pursed his lips and said: "An Rong, please don't let go. Second Brother's hand, otherwise Second Brother will turn around and forget you, and you will have to go home by yourself."

An Rong smiled and said: "Oh, Second Brother, don't worry, even if you forget me, I will I won't blame you."

Boying touched her little cousin's head and said, "An Rong, don't test my cousin's heart."

Everyone walked slowly, and when they saw the dragon and lion dance team coming in front, they Retreat to the street. Everyone retreated to the street, causing a crowd of people. An Rong and An Min only saw thighs all around.

An Rong was a little depressed. When she heard the loud sound of gongs and drums, she just hoped that the dragon and lion dancers would leave quickly. Most of the crowd followed the dragon and lion dancers and soon there were not so many people around them.

"Third brother, she bullied me for no reason at the palace banquet last year." An Min tightened her third cousin Bo Shu's hand, and she suddenly saw a familiar figure five meters away.

Bo Shu didn't hear clearly and bent down to listen carefully. Then he followed An Min's line of sight in surprise and found a little girl about three years old, wearing exquisite clothes and two red silk flowers on her head. , she seemed to have also seen An Min, who was so young, her pretty face sank, not to mention that she was quite intimidating.

"Do you know her identity?" Bo Shu saw that he recognized several people around the little girl. He frowned slightly and said, "Young Master from Prince An's Mansion, Gege." An Min was thinking hard about her identity.

? After the New Year's Eve palace banquet, she later forgot about it. Her mother didn't ask her, so she didn't remember it at all.

Dening Gege naturally knew. She asked her daughter-in-law Zhaojia Wenyu and An Rong, and she knew the identity of Guo Luo Luo Xizhen, and also guessed why she beat An Min for no reason. However, it was not easy to pursue the matter, so she just treated it like children fighting. If it's not a big problem, adults won't ask.

Boying led his son and An Rong over and asked, "Third brother, what are you looking at?"

An Rong looked over, her eyes widened and said, "Second brother, third brother, that's her. She was at the palace banquet on New Year's Eve. , actually bullying my sister."

An Min also glared at Guo Luoluo Xizhen, and Guo Luoluo Xizhen also stared at her. The two little girls were playing a staring game, as if whoever looked away first would lose.

Bo Shu took a step back and whispered: "Second brother, I know who she is. She should be Prince An's granddaughter, the little princess of Guo Luoluo's family." Several young masters and princesses from Prince An's palace also discovered

Guo Luoluo Xizhen. Seeing Boying and Bo Shu, they both bowed and nodded as a greeting.

The other party obviously had no intention of chatting with Boying and Boshu, and quickly urged the maid to lead Guo Luo Xizhen away.

As Guo Luoluo Xizhen left, An Min's eyes became a bit dull. Guo Luoluo Xizhen even looked back at her once and gave her a cold, mocking smile.

An Min was shocked back to her senses by her smile, and her heart was already in a trough. She knew who she was, wasn't she the future Bafujin? It is said that the jealous woman was famous in later generations.

But she was even more angry. This Guo Luoluo was sick. She didn't even know her, so he dared to hit her? Huh, next time, she will let her have a taste of her power. Don't think that she won't dare to beat her because she is the future eight blessings!

An Rong looked at An Min. She should know Guo Luo Xizhen's identity now, right? But everyone had left, and they couldn't stand on the street. When the eldest nephew saw the candied haws, he trotted forward, pulling Boying and An Rong to follow him. Soon everyone gathered all the people in Prince An's mansion. Forgot about it.

Arriving under the big banyan tree on Anhe Street that Si Age mentioned, An Rong looked around and saw Si Age. She immediately threw away her second cousin's hand and ran up.

Boying looked at his empty right hand and was shocked: "An Rong?" Then he looked over and was shocked. Why is Brother Si here?

Not only the fourth elder brother, but also the prince. It seems that the prince is playing chess with others, and the fourth elder brother is watching.

I have long heard that my younger cousin has a very good relationship with Fourth Elder Brother, and I vaguely heard Ama'er Niang say that in the future, the Ulanala family will only have a prince and concubine.

An Rong led the fourth elder brother and jumped to her cousin, and said: "Second brother, I want to play with the fourth elder brother today, so you are free."

Boying bowed to the fourth elder brother: "Fourth elder brother. "Then his expression turned a little bitter.

The fourth elder brother raised his lips slightly and was teased by Boying's expression. He nodded and said, "Second Young Master, don't worry, I will send An Rong home."

What can Boying do? He could only hold his son and follow him. The little cousin was easily forgotten, so he just stared at the fourth elder brother. However, staring at him was quite boring, so Boying's attention was gradually diverted to watch the excitement.

Deningge assigned her daughter two maids each. They had served their master for a long time, and they had gained experience. Therefore, they did not stare at An Rong, but at Si Age, who was more beautiful than Bo Ying and Bo Shu's two brothers. Responsible.

Soon, the prince finished playing a game of chess and everyone went to other places.

The so-called enemy is on a narrow road, it is talking about An Min and Guo Luo Luo Xizhen. They met outside a restaurant. Because they were acquaintances, they all stopped to chat. An Min grabbed his third cousin Bo Shu's lapel, and two maids stood behind them. , and Guo Luo Luo Xizhen pulled Grandma's sleeve, the two of them were very close, and then you touched me, I touched you, you hit me, I hit you, until Boying and Hiroshu found out At that time, the two of them were about to roll up their sleeves and get serious, so Bo Shu quickly picked up his cousin, and the young master from Prince An's Mansion also quickly took Guo Luo Luo Xizhen away.

"Xizhen, you are a girl, how can you fight? Didn't you get taught enough by your grandmother last time?" When Guo Luoluo Xizhen heard this, her mood was particularly complicated.

In her previous life, she had always had a good relationship with her grandmother. But in this life, after starting over, I discovered that my grandmother actually disliked her, especially the more her grandfather doted on her, the more her grandmother hated her. If she caused trouble and her grandfather spared her punishment, then her grandmother would punish her biological mother and aunt. The days will become more and more difficult.

Of course, An Rong didn't know about An Min and Guo Luo Luo Xizhen's enemies. She and her fourth brother went hand in hand to look for delicious food, and halfway through, the prince also ran away because the prince saw sister Ai Lanzhu, so he Perfectly displaying the characteristics of favoring sex over younger brothers, he went on a date with sister Ai Lanzhu.

The dragon and lion dance teams were walking around the streets. An Rong didn't notice whether the dragon and lion dance teams were the same team. When they saw the noisy sound of gongs and drums coming, the two of them stepped back, and soon the crowd was packed. On the street, some people on stilts walked past them, and the onlookers applauded and cheered endlessly.

Suddenly, An Rong, who was eating candied haws, grabbed the fourth brother's hand tightly with her little hand, walked through the gap in the crowd, and said in shock: "Human trafficker." I saw seven or eight of them, a pair of hands covering a child mouth, the other person immediately picked up the child and backed away. The others stood on tiptoes to watch the fun, and no one noticed the trafficker's actions.

An Rong's shout was drowned in the noisy crowd and did not cause any sensation. She grabbed Si Age's hand, threw the candied haws, and squeezed in the direction where the trafficker left while shouting: "Human trafficker, human trafficker!"

Si Age ! He looked at the two guards and said, "Lin Fang, catch up!"

"Hey, hey, why are children squeezing?" "I stepped on you, let's see if you cry or not?"

"Why are you watching the excitement? Hurry up and chase the traffickers. Ah!" An Rong was so angry that she dragged Si Age and squeezed out of the crowd. Even the adults around the child hadn't noticed that the child was missing.

Only thirty seconds passed before and after this. As the dragon and lion dance team left, the onlookers also moved with them, and fewer people stayed. Suddenly, a childish voice was heard saying, "Chasing the human traffickers, adults." Only then did he react.

"My darling!" The child's grandfather then realized. Judging from his age, he should have taken his grandson out to play, but he didn't want to accidentally miss his grandson.

"Where are the human traffickers?" someone asked quickly. An Rong pointed in the direction ahead, and then she and her fourth brother ran in that direction. The child's grandfather reacted and immediately chased after him, as did the others.

An Rong and Fourth Elder Brother had small legs and could not outrun these adults. Fourth Elder Brother ordered another follower to catch up, and only An Rong's two maids were left behind them.

Seeing the patrol, An Rong ran forward and grabbed the patrol soldier's sleeve. The soldier was a little puzzled. When he lowered his head, he saw a little girl. The little girl said: "Brother, hurry, hurry, someone is stealing the child, right here." This direction."

There were ten people in this patrol team, and they were particularly conspicuous in their armor. An Rong didn't know much about the military units of the Qing Dynasty, but she knew about the patrol team on the street, because the patrol team also belonged to her, Amafeyang. Ancient jurisdiction.

This patrol team of ten people did not know Si Age and An Rong, but after hearing what An Rong said, one person was left behind, and the other nine people immediately chased in the direction, and soon caught up with those who were chasing the traffickers. crowd.

Brother Si sent two followers, Lin Fang and Li Long, to track down the traffickers. Lin Fang was in front and Li Long was behind. The patrol team behind them chased after them. With Li Long's guidance, they soon saw Lin Fang, but Lin Fang was in the middle of nowhere. He wandered further down the alley because it was obvious that he had lost track of him.

The nine members of the patrol team summoned the soldiers from the nearby patrol team to search together. The grandfather who had taken away the child almost knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, begging the soldiers to help him find his grandson.

The patrol team took over the rest of the search, and Lin Fang and Li Long returned to Si Age. An Rong and Si Age looked at the old man bowing on the ground and felt very uncomfortable, so they took the children out on this occasion. , must be strictly monitored, otherwise the child will be taken away by human traffickers with one mistake.

Because of this incident, An Rong's mood was not very high. As an author, she actually despises these sentimental things and is easily sentimental.

Putting aside this little incident, An Rong and Si Age had a great time afterwards. In the evening, Si Age sent An Rong back to Ulanara's house.

An Rong thought that her brothers had come back, but she didn't expect that she was the first to come back. Because she had to have dinner at her uncle's house, she got off the carriage and went directly to her uncle's house.

As soon as she crossed the second door, An Rong was hugged by her younger brother. Liuge raised her little face and said aggrievedly: "Second sister, you don't even take me with you when you go out to play, you bad guy!"

An Rong laughed and said: "You can't take me with you. You."

Then An Rong met her grandfather, eldest aunt, and the hall's sister-in-law. About two-quarters of an hour later, Xingchan and Zhaojia Wenyu came back, and then Boying led his son and Bo Shu led An Min back together. , before getting closer, Boying heard An Rong's voice from a distance, and Boying breathed a big sigh of relief.

The old lady, aunt, and Dening were all frightened when they heard that several children were lost on the street today. They were relieved when they saw that several children had returned intact.


When all the elder brothers returned to the palace, they found out that Rou Guiren had actually given birth and gave birth to a princess, ranked as the thirteenth princess.

I heard that Rou Guiren has not woken up. The imperial doctor said that Rou Guiren had consumed too much and was afraid that he would have to sleep for several hours before he woke up.

After seeing the Thirteenth Princess, a group of elder brothers went to the Imperial Garden because there would be a banquet in the Imperial Garden later. Only the masters of the palace were attending. Emperor Kangxi, who had not shown his face all day, naturally appeared. His mood seemed to be Not very good.

Brother Si is wondering, is it because of the thirteenth princess born today?

The prince shook his head firmly and said, "No, it should be something else." The Thirteenth Princess was only born on the Dragon Boat Festival, and it was impossible for Emperor Kangxi to anger a newborn baby. If the Thirteenth Princess was born with a disability, Emperor Kangxi might be very upset.

But the prince didn't know why Emperor Kangxi was worried, because except for seeing Emperor Kangxi when he paid greetings to the Empress Dowager in Cining Palace, he didn't see him that day.

Three days later, on the day of the thirteenth princess's baptism, Emperor Kangxi named her Minjin, and she was still raised under the name of Concubine Yi, the empress of Yanxi Palace. Concubine Yi only arranged for the nuns and maids to take care of the princesses, basically mainly The person who takes care of the princess is still Rougui.

The birth of the Thirteenth Princess did not cause much of a sensation. It was only paid attention to by the good-hearted ladies in the upper class circle. But now they are more concerned about Lan Bin, Yu Bin and Li Bin who are also giving birth, and Xu Bin If a noble person gets pregnant one month late, her delivery will naturally be one month late.

Two days later, on the tenth day of the fifth lunar month, this was also the meeting of the imperial court. For some reason, Emperor Kangxi's expression had been tense these past few days, which led to everyone in the government and the public secretly guessing, what was the reason for the emperor's convulsions? Isn't Amma unhappy because she did it again? Or does the emperor also taboo the birthday of the thirteenth princess?

Today's meeting ended around 6pm. There was nothing major. Officials from each ministry reported on their work progress and reported one month's tax revenue to the Ministry of Household Affairs, as well as the status of grain crops in various places. Lu Wenguang and the others studied the high-yield The crops will be fully promoted after the harvest this autumn.

After noon, the people from Yongshou Palace went to Chengqian Palace to report, and Lan Bin took action. The imperial concubine is bound to arrive, and the concubine Wen will not be absent. The concubine Xuan, who was absent before, will not be absent now. Soon all the concubines who should arrive will arrive. After all kinds of struggles, Concubine Lan, after two hours , that is, a princess is born in the evening.

It’s the princess again! All the concubines were so unhappy that they felt sorry for Lan Bi. She was pregnant with three children and gave birth to four princesses. No one else had such luck!

At the same time, the flirting concubines all want to place bets on whether Concubine Yu, Concubine Li, or Guiren Xu will give birth to an elder brother or a princess next?

But what the concubines didn't expect was that Lan Bin was actually very calm. Although she spent all her energy during the birth, she did not fall asleep, and she still managed to meet the imperial concubine and others.

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Kangxi looked at the memorial in his hand with a deep expression on his face. He did not expect that the officials and businessmen in Guangzhou were so collusive.

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