The Whispers

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I left numerous messages on Gabe's phone when I got out of hospital. My shoulder got better pretty quickly but I had to take it easy and I'd never be able to do anything to do with climbing because of the metal plate where they'd operated in my shoulder. That was fine though - I had more important stuff to deal with.

I didn't go back to school straight away but when I did, there were too many whispers for my liking.

'Look, it's Kaelie!'

'I heard Kaelie doesn't exist!'

'Yeah, apparently she's Arianne Sky in disguise!'



It was horrible. I felt like I was on one of those pathetic reality TV shows where you had surveillance cameras following you around and watching like hawks every milisecond of every day.

'Hey!' I heard someone running up behind me. It was the class nerd, Alice McNamara.

'Oh, hi Alice,' I said.

'Listen, Kaelie. Is it true you're really Arianne?' she asked, pushing up her glasses with one finger.

'Eugh.' I sighed and quickened my pace, walking away.

I walked into class and the whispers started again.

'She got shot!'

'Oh, wow! That's one hell'a scary thing!'

'I know!'

'Such a liar though!'

'Total liar! She even lied to Gabe Neill, and he was supposed to go out with her!'

'And Kaelie!'


'Look everyone, everything you've heard is true. I am a total liar, and what I did was very wrong - I know. I just want to get on with my life and sort it out, okay? So if you could all keep out of MY business, and say anything you have to say to my face, I'd appreciate it,' I said, my voice rising in annoyance and anger.

'Feisty, huh?' one of the girls said. I recognised her face from the party. I think she was called Taylor.

'I'm not feisty, just p****d,' I mumbled.

'Nu-uhh. I know the difference, honey, you feisty and p****d,' one of Taylor's friends, Rona, said.

'Okay, fine, maybe I am a bit. Sure you can see why?' I asked, surveying the people around me.

'Oh yeah.'


'I kinda guess, yeah.'

'Mhmmm, I totes get why.'

'Well, yes. Okay, okay, honey.'

These murmurs of agreement passed round the room in a blur of nods. At least we agreed on one thing.

'Sorry, babs. We were totes out of order,' Taylor said.

'Yeah, you kind of were,' I said.

'We're really, really sorry honey,' Rona said.

'Hmmmm? Just forget it. Let's just get on with today,' I replied, brushing off the apologies and sitting down. The girls sat down too and the bell rang loudly, allowing everyone else to run to class.

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