The Outcome of All Outcomes

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After the makeover was complete, Dana insisted on having me talk to Gabe. I resisted at the start but it was too hard to stop myself. I started up a new conversation.

Kaelie Jay:

Hey Gabe x

Gabe Neill:

Hey, beautiful x

'He calls you beautiful! Imagine what it will be like when he sees you in real life,' Dana said, gripping my arm and squeezing it giddily.

'I have to say, that will be interesting,' I agreed, nodding.

Kaelie Jay:

It's been a whole 32 hours since we last spoke. How did you ever survive? x

I typed teasingly. He replied with a winky face.

Gabe Neill:

You're funny, Kaelie. I really want to meet you x

I was struck by fear. 

'He wants to meet me! I can't meet him, he'll know Kaelie doesn't exist,' I squealed. Dana swivelled around the chair I was sitting on so that I was staring her in the eyes. 

'How will he? You're Kaelie, remember. You look like her, you act like her, you ARE her,' Dana soothed. 

'Oh. Yeah. I am Kaelie,' I agreed, uncertainly. 

Kaelie Jay:

Oh sure. How's 3pm this arvo in the park by the bandstand for you? x

Gabe Neill:

Perfect... just like you. See you there, gorgeous x

Gabe logged off and I screamed.

'Dana, you have to come with me! I can't go alone.'

'Of course you can, Kay. Just calm down,' said Dana, hugging me.

'But what if he makes a move on me?' I said, panicking.

'Let him! It proves your theory and you get to have fun at the same time. Kay, calm down. Just go, enjoy yourself. I'll pick out your outfit now,' she said, opening my wardrobe. I shut down my laptop and joined Dana by my closet.

This could be fun...

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